Church in the Peak

05/09/21 // Believing That God Is Good // Phil Hardy

September 05, 2021 Church in the Peak

Please note that the audio on the live-stream failed at the end of Phil's preach, so the last part is missing.

Do you believe God is good and intends good for your life?
You may say you do, but is that something you’re sure of in the core of your being?
Psalms 84:11
No good thing does He withhold. No. Good. Thing. That's who God is
God is love, and His true nature is good.
Psalm 33:5
The world may be full of bad, but the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. We can choose to either focus on what is good or on the bad stuff that happens
It's good for the health of our souls to focus on his goodness.

1. The Goodness of God explains everything
When we face difficulties, we want answers, not fully understanding how God uses that  in our lives.
Remember Joseph and what happened to him. When he revealed himself to his brothers after their betrayal, he said to them, "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good."
God's goodness  brought explanation to Joseph’s very bad experience and circumstance.
What the enemy sends to defeat us, God turns around and uses it to complete us.

2. The Goodness of God surrounds everything
Psalm 23:6
His goodness goes before us and is behind us. On our right and on our left.
We are surrounded by the goodness of God! Psalm 5:12 tells us that His favour (unmerited goodness) surrounds us like a shield!
Everywhere we go.

3. The Goodness of God frees us from everything
Psalm 27:13
despair - a combination of emotions such as sadness, discouragement, feelings of depression, and the feeling of wanting to quit
His goodness frees us from all of those things because we believe we are going to see His goodness in the land of the living.

4. The Goodness of God satisfies everything
Psalm 145:16
God leads us with an open hand.
He is always opening His hand to give, to bless, to heal, to encourage, to strengthen, and to die for us!

5. The Goodness of God changes everything
Romans 2:4
It's not how sorry we are that leads us to repentance. It’s how GOOD He is.
When we see His goodness, it changes how we look at Him.

6. The Goodness of God shapes everything
Romans 8:28
Covid 19 has meant many trying to figure everything out, trying to get their life back to some sort of normality.
God is trying to move our lives to something so much better.
We can embrace the reality that some really bad things have happened in our world. We can embrace that reality because, through the finished work of the cross, He causes these things to result in something good.
He’s not just the author of our faith. He is the finisher too. So, trust Him to finish what He started in you!
Philippians 1:6
Hebrews 12:2

7. The Goodness of God uses everything
God can use a good day and a bad one.

8. The Goodness of God restores everything
God will right every wrong. Life will wrong you. People will wrong you.
BUT GOD! He will be the one who turns it for Good
Joel 2:25

9. The Goodness of God outlasts everything
Jeremiah 32:40
When will His goodness stop? Never.
His goodness will outlast everything.
v41 Not only will God’s goodness outlast every bad thing in your life, but HE DELIGHTS IN DOING GOOD THINGS FOR YOU!
Get ready! Be expectant! You will see His glorious goodness all the days of your life!

10. The Goodness of God provides everything
Romans 2:4
The goodness of God is the generosity of God.
He gives all things.

● Do you believe His personal goodness, even when things around you seem to say otherwise?
● What has been your experience in Knowing the Goodness of God? Even if that meant something didn’t work out how you would have hoped
● He's the Author and finisher of our Faith. What does that mean for us?
● How can we encourage o