Church in the Peak

26/09/21 // Heaven // Peter Williams

Church in the Peak

Revelation 3:20‭-‬21

We are invited into heaven. The door has been opened. We already have a place on the throne because of what Christ had done for us. It has all changed. We are no longer bound by the things of Earth. 

The thought of living forever terrifies me.

So how do you imagine heaven to be like?

Better than earth?

Boring? Like one long church service?

Angels on fluffy clouds?

No sickness or disease, does that mean no disability? 

So what will heaven be like

Images. Boring? Worship, like a bethel Sunday morning…

Colossians 3:1‭-‬2

Starts with “since…”, reflects back to Colossians 2:12

So heavenly minded, no earthly good

Paul wants to differ here. Fix your mind…..

What does the bible say about heaven?

Hebrews 11:13‭-‬16 

1 Corinthians 13:12 

John 14:1‭-‬6 

What's your idea of heaven?

Read revelation 21

Mind blowingly beautiful, so much so we can spend an eternity in worship of the creator, God.

When do you focus on heaven. Is it watching tv, or playing games. Or coffee with friends. Or worship. Or ….

Focus on the things of heaven.

What is Jesus concerned about? What will we do about those things?

How do you focus on heaven when you are hurting here on Earth?

Scars in Heaven by Casting Crowns

Questions for groups

What do you think heaven will be like? What do you imagine?

Where do you escape with God?

Spend time soaking and see what God says to you.