Church in the Peak

31/10/21 // Lying // Peter Williams

Church in the Peak

Peter continued our series looking at Colossians 3:9-10 

How are you?

We often don't tell the truth when we are asked that.

If I asked you, "do you lie?", you'd likely answer no. 

And that would be a lie.

Leviticus 19:11, Lying seems like the least of all the commandments

Lying is not that bad. Not compared to other sins?!

White lies

Good lies

How do you reply to, "does my bum look big in this?"

Lying is our natural response quite often, like we did to our parents as children.

It wasn't me. Carries on into our adult life.

Colossians 3:9 

Lying is serious. Like immorality, it's mentioned on purpose. As big an issue as the rest. 

In fact, it gets a whole verse to itself, so it may be more important.

Ananias and saphira Acts 5

It's soooooo serious. 

It's all about the honesty of the heart and mind.

This has major consequence.

Anana and sapphira were lying to the church, but more importantly to God.

Psalms 24:3‭-‬6 

So we are all stuffed!

But we are redeemed…..

Proverbs 12:22 

Do you lie to yourself?

Reason away the truth..

Proverbs 24:26 

Proverbs 25:18 

The devil lies to you all the time

Genesis 3:4‭-‬5 

John 8:44 

He lies to you, and he loves it when you lie back!

So what?

What do we do about it?

  • Tell the truth
  • Train yourself in godliness, in truth. Work at this.
  • Accountability. What lies have you told this week?


How has your week really been?

Is lying something you struggle with?

Do you lie to yourself?

What lie of the enemy gets you every time?