Church in the Peak

21/11/21 // Could I Be Wearing Any More Clothes? // Phil Hardy

Church in the Peak

● Restored back to our rightful place with God in Christ Jesus
● We have thrown off our Old Garments (Filthy Rags)
● Clothed in Righteousness: it's not one single garment but in his letters Paul refers to a number of Garments that make up the whole

Colossians 3:12-14

You must clothe yourself in:

Tenderhearted Mercy - Non Judgemental, not quick to dismiss or reject the ones who are not like you or maybe exasperate you, wind you up/grates on you

Kindness - what is our auto response to everyone, easy to be Kind to those we like, love, admire, would like to be like, what about the rest, are we kind in our response our language, our treatment of others

Humility - That's a hard one to swallow, the moment we declare ourselves humble we rob ourselves, Our own pride is a stumbling block to use it seems it always catches us out. You’ve met those people who only talk about themselves only want to share their life not interested in yours, if you do get to say anything they always have a better story to tell. Have a sober assessment of yourself, get over yourself, You may need to get out of your own way to become humble.

Gentleness - Jesus known for being Gentle, meek and Mild? Actually he showed great strength, wisdom and understanding When he was there at the attempted stoning of a prostitute, or the woman who grabbed his tunic, or the rich young ruler. Jesus has the right words said with gentleness but full of truth and power

Patience - How Patient are you?
Bear with one another,
● frustrated
● Annoyed
● Impatient
● It's got to be done now
● A toe tapper - Stood there tapping your foot in a queue because you're impatient.

Forgiveness - This is such an important issue. The quote they use in the Freedom in Christ course is “Unforgiveness is like Taking Poison and hoping the other person dies.” Unforgiveness damages you. The Vow ‘I will never forgive that person’ is the start of a slow death inside. It will eat you up, it will become a root of bitterness and can lead to Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and mental health problems.

That's why Paul is urging the church in Colossae to make allowances for each others faults and failures, that does not mean we affirm that behavior but we do not take offence

Matthew 18:21-22
Forgive 490 times!

We are never let of the hook. Jesus said that if we have something against our brother or Sister we should go and put it right before offering our sacrifice as the altar

Matthew 5:23-24

Similarly if we also know someone has something against us we should go to them and seek to put it right as far as it depends on us.

Matthew 18:15-16

Love - Above All else - over every other garment love must cover it all. "A new commandment I give you - Love one another just as I have Loved you"
Love God
Love One Another
Love All People
Love for Jesus and Love for one another will hold us together through all trials to the fulfilment of God's calling, plan and mission.

Paul said “Without love we will be like clanging symbols, what an awful noise we would make!”
We have been called to a life of Love

Could I be wearing any more clothes - Not until you are fully Clothed with all that God has intended for us to wear. Are there any clothes you are missing? Is there any outstanding, unresolved issues between you & God, You and another person that needs to be addressed?

1. Which of the clothing Paul talks about do you feel you lack in?
2. What can you do to grow in that area?
3. Is there anyone that has offended you? How have you resolved it? Can you share from your experience to help others?
4. When it comes to loving others, how well are we doing? a. Personally b. As a Church
5. In what ways can we