Church in the Peak

23/01/22 // Parents and Children // Neal and Hannah Garratt

Church in the Peak

Please note that the first part of the talk was not recorded.

To view the slides (PDF format), click here.

Neal’s Notes

Colossians 3:20-21 

Context: Paul has spent the rest of the chapter telling us about the new life we have in Christ. We have put new clothes on and this changes our behaviour, and out of this spirit filled life this is how we then lead our lives 

See v10

Children can bring the most amazing joy and love but also the greatest frustration and push us to our limits and beyond! Parenting is not easy and none of us get it right all the time – But by clothing ourselves in the Holy Spirit we have a much better chance of making it through! 

Mark Twain: “When I was 14 my father was so ignorant I could hardly bear to listen to him, but by the time I was 21 I was amazed to see how much he had learnt in 7 years!”

For children, what Paul says here is actually from the ten commandments – the fifth commandment Exodus 20:12

The word honour means to treat someone with respect due to them and their role. This is the only commandment with a promise attached to it - “That your days may be long.” Not just meaning a long life, but one that is filled with God’s presence and favour.

Phil Moore: “Children are to be cherished, encouraged and loved. The power of the Christian Parent is to be directed towards bringing out the best in their children and building up their self esteem in preparation for adult life”

Hannah’s Notes

Why a focus between relationship and obeying?

All week- when my parents ask me to unload the dishwasher, I find it really tricky to obey.

Ephesians 'children obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do, honour your father and mother'

Why is there such a focus on the relationship between children and parents?

Children and parents- beautiful relationship: Matt playing keyboard and his daughter runs up and hugs him round the legs.

Parents teach us, guide us, lead us, help us, give us advice, comfort, pick us up when we fall.

But parents aren't perfect. Humans aren't. Christians aren't. Angry, disappoint us, leave us, hurt us with their words- physically and mentally.

But as a Christian, you have a father who won't leave, won't hurt you, who loves you. God is the ultimate father.

Lockdown- everything can be taken away from me- my social life, my education, my family, my job, my friends. Everything can disappear like that. But God doesn't, he remains.

Our circumstances may change but God doesn't.

He is going love you despite your many failings/sin/mess up. Still going to care for you and want a relationship with you.

When you give your life to Jesus, you're invited into the Fathers house. You are a child of God.

Failure won't define you. Past won't define you. Your situation no longer defines you. God does. You walk through that door and leave everything - shame, guilt, regret - behind you.

He is such an amazing father.

Jireh - means Provider - if he dresses the lilies with beauty and splendour, how much more will he clothe you? If he watches over every sparrow, how much more does he love you?

We are his prized possession. You are precious to God. Go home and write it on the fridge. You are a precious child to God.

Luke 15:3-7

God doesn’t grab you and sling you over his shoulder because you've been naughty and ran away. He joyfully does it.

Cory Asbury- his love leaves the 99 to find the one every time. To many practical adults is a foolish concept - what if he loses the 99 when finding the one? What if? Finding that one lost sheep is and will always be supremely important.

God is amazing father, he will joyfully put you back on his shoulders.