The Happy Menopause

Your Pelvic Floor - Why it's Important & How to Keep it in Shape, with Elaine Miller, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist & Award-Winning Comedian - S3. Ep 14.

Jackie Lynch - Registered Nutritional Therapist Season 3 Episode 14

Do you leak a little bit of urine when you laugh or sneeze or run? Let’s face it, it’s something that’s happened to most of us at some point and statistics show that more than 1 in 3 women struggle with this. It’s called urinary stress incontinence, usually due to a weak pelvic floor, and it’s one of those things we mostly don’t talk about because it’s embarrassing. 

This month’s guest is going to help us bust that taboo wide open, because I’m speaking to the fabulous Elaine Miller. She’s a pelvic health physiotherapist and has helped countless women reverse the problem with her clinical support. But she’s also a stand-up comic and has used her comedic talent to create the hilarious Gusset Grippers show, employing humour as a health promotion tool, and going on to win the Fringe World Comedy award in 2020. She’s frank, she’s funny and I’m thrilled that she’s joined us to share her wisdom. 

We learn all about the pelvic floor: what it is; where it is; why it’s important; and how to keep it in great shape. Elaine explains some of the factors that can weaken your pelvic floor and we discuss the best ways to manage that.  We even try out the exercises, so you can squeeze along with us! Elaine’s mantra is “We won’t pee, with a 10 -10-3”, so tune in to find out what that’s all about and to enjoy a very entertaining conversation.

 We also discuss her upcoming show Viva Your Vulva at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August, where she’ll once again be busting open the taboo around out intimate health with the help of giant, sparkly vulva on stage. That’s definitely a date for your diary, if you’ll be in the area, so check out the show notes for more details!

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Check out the full Show Notes for this episode on my website, where you'll find all the relevant links and references for each guest.

Learn how to build your own menopause diet to manage your symptoms with my latest book
The Happy Menopause: Smart Nutrition to Help You Flourish.