The Happy Menopause

Joy & Adventure: How to Make the Most of Midlife, with Jo Moseley, Joy Encourager & Midlife Adventurer - S1. Ep 18.

Registered Nutritional Therapist Jackie Lynch speaks to midlife adventurer, Jo Moseley Season 1 Episode 18

Summer is here and lockdown is easing in most places so I thought this would be a good time to start thinking about new adventures. Midlife is a time which can be transformational and enormously liberating because the hormones that have driven your decisions, approach and emotions for years start to subside and there’s some space for you to become more aware of yourself and consider life from a different perspective. Lockdown has also offered a period of reflection for lots of us. I’ve spoken to several people who are considering making changes to the way that they work or how they live, so this episode is a great opportunity to explore that a bit further. I’m speaking to the brilliant Jo Moseley a self-confessed midlife adventurer who says that you’re never too old to do something wild and it’s never too late to make a difference.

 Jo describes herself as a joy encourager, midlife adventurer & beach cleaner. In 2019 she embarked on a coast to coast challenge in the north of England, travelling along 162 miles of canals on a stand up paddleboard, picking up litter & raising money for charity. But life wasn’t always one big adventure for her. Several years ago, Jo was hit hard by the perimenopause, so tune in to find out how she went from sobbing in the supermarket to paddleboard pro!

Jo is an incredibly inspiring woman and it’s so interesting to hear her story. I really love that she’s done all this alongside her day job and bringing up her children. It just goes to show that you don’t have to make a drastic life change to introduce a bit of adventure into your life. I hope this episode gives you some food for thought to embark on your own midlife adventure.

This is the end of Season 1 of The Happy Menopause and I’ll be taking a break in August. This is a great chance for you to catch up with any of the episodes you haven’t listened to yet. I’ll be back in September with Season 2, which starts with a series of specials to kick things off. I’ll be speaking to more inspiring women and exploring more of those pesky menopause symptoms, so look out for episodes on skin, hair, nails and much more over the autumn.  In the meantime, I hope you have a great summer, full of joy and adventure!

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Check out the full Show Notes for this episode on my website, where you'll find all the relevant links and references for each guest.

Learn how to build your own menopause diet to manage your symptoms with my latest book
The Happy Menopause: Smart Nutrition to Help You Flourish.