The Happy Menopause

How to Boost Your Energy & Stop Feeling Tired All The Time with Jackie Lynch, Registered Nutritional Therapist & Author - S2. Ep 17.

June 30, 2021 Jackie Lynch - Registered Nutritional Therapist Season 2 Episode 17

This episode of The Happy Menopause is all about energy. Have you lost your Va Va Voom? Do you feel tired all the time? Do you blame your age for your lack of energy? If this sounds familiar, then it’s definitely time to take action, because whether you’re 29 or 69, it’s far more likely that your diet and lifestyle are the main culprits and a few simple changes and new habits could make a world of difference to the way you feel, so that’s what we’ll be focusing on today. Registered Nutritional Therapist and The Happy Menopause host, Jackie Lynch is flying solo in this episode, because nutrition for energy is a specialist subject of hers. In fact she’s written a whole book about it called Va Va Voom: The 10-Day Energy Diet

We’re all feeling a bit weary from the impact of Covid, whether we had it or not. Our lives have changed a lot in the past year and dealing with all the associated issues around the pandemic have ground many of us down, so it wouldn’t be surprising if you’re feeling generally tired. And that’s before we take into account all the hormonal havoc that comes with the perimenopause and menopause, because that also has a significant impact on physical and mental energy. 

So this episode takes a close look at energy for all you tired midlife women out there – how the body produces it, the different types, the role of different nutrients in the energy production process and Jackie’s written some little quizzes to help you identify whether a deficiency might be playing a part in your symptoms. Tune in for her best energy nutrition tips to help you get your Va Va Voom back so that you feel like a whole new woman! 

Jackie Lynch is a Registered Nutritional Therapist and founder of the WellWellWell nutrition clinic where she specialises in women’s health and the menopause. Keen to break the taboo about discussing the menopause, she launched the popular diet & lifestyle podcast The Happy Menopause and her new book, The Happy Menopause: Smart Nutrition to Help You Flourish is out now. 

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Check out the full Show Notes for this episode on my website, where you'll find all the relevant links and references for each guest.

Learn how to build your own menopause diet to manage your symptoms with my latest book
The Happy Menopause: Smart Nutrition to Help You Flourish.