The Happy Menopause

How to Have Great Sex Through the Menopause & Beyond with Dr Claire Macaulay, Oncologist & Sex Coach - S3. Ep 10.

Jackie Lynch- Registered Nutritional Therapist Season 3 Episode 10

Is your sex life everything you want it to be? If the answer is a hollow laugh and “What sex life?”, then you’re not unusual. It’s very common for women in midlife and beyond to write themselves off as sexual beings and there can be lots of reasons for that, including loss of body confidence, fatigue, anxiety, vaginal dryness, low libido. No matter the reason, we deserve to have the sex life we want – whatever it may be – which is why I’ve called on the brilliant Dr Claire Macaulay for some practical advice to help with that. 
 Claire is an oncologist who treats people with breast cancer, but she’s joined the podcast in her other role as a self-confessed sex science geek and founder of the rather brilliant Pleasure Possibility, a coaching programme to help people create the kind of sex life that is right for them. Kind, humorous, pragmatic and totally unshockable, Claire offers some fantastic advice to help you and your sexuality thrive in midlife and beyond. 

Tune in for a no holds barred conversation about how to overcome the various barriers that are in the way of a happy and fulfilling sex life – from the tangible concerns of vaginal dryness and painful sex to the less tangible but equally challenging concerns of body confidence and lack of arousal. Claire encourages us all to be open to the possibility of pleasure in our body and our life in every moment and every day, because once we’re alive to that possibility, we can achieve anything. It’s such a positive message and we can apply that to so many areas of our life. It was an absolute joy chatting to Claire and I promise you that you’ll feel motivated and inspired just listening to her!

If you enjoy this episode, please do tell your friends and family, and leave a 5-star rating and a review on Apple Podcasts or whichever platform you listen on, as it really helps to spread the word, so that new listeners can find the show. Because every woman deserves to have a happy menopause. 

Check out the full Show Notes for this episode on my website, where you'll find all the relevant links and references for each guest.

Learn how to build your own menopause diet to manage your symptoms with my latest book
The Happy Menopause: Smart Nutrition to Help You Flourish.