The Live Love and Eat Show

Episode 9: How Highly Sensitive Women Can Protect their Energy and Set Healthy Boundaries By Lori Booty

Bernadine Otto Season 2 Episode 3

Our Special guest for this episode is Lori Booty.  

Lori Booty is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach with over 20 years of experience teaching elementary school and a Masters in School Counseling.  She is the owner and creator of  

Lori began her health transformation after watching her mother battle a traumatic illness and she realized her own health was not as good as she wanted it to be.  She found out that nutrition held the key to improving her symptoms and not medications with terrible side effects.  Throughout her journey, she's found that there are many natural remedies she could turn to for her family and not always have to rush to the doctor.  One of the most surprising remedies she found was that her thoughts actually impact the quality of her health.  She now helps empaths and highly sensitive women to reclaim their health and set healthy boundaries so they can find the peace and joy they’ve been searching for.

She is also a regular contributor to Live Love and Eat Magazine.

In this episode, she shares with us how she got started in her career.  After her mom's passing her health declined and she gained 20 pounds.  She started having digestive problems and a lot of symptoms.  She then realized that she should do something about it.  Also after not having enough time to make healthy meals for her and her family.  She knew what to eat but did not know where to start.

She gives us some tips on how you can protect your energy.  She also explains how you should listen to your body signals.

She explains why sleep is so important and she gives us tips on how you can get a good night's sleep.  We talk about Essential oils, how to use them and buy the pure ones and what great benefits they have.

She gives us 3 tips to give someone who is struggling to live healthy.

You can learn all about Lori here:


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