The Nutrition Translator Podcast

Medicine Song (Icaro): Calling in the Trees for Protection

April 17, 2022 Colleen Kuhn
The Nutrition Translator Podcast
Medicine Song (Icaro): Calling in the Trees for Protection
Show Notes

I would like to share an Icaro, (medicine song) that is sung in Ayahuasca ceremony in the Mestizo tradition. I call in 2 trees in for protection, Ayahuma (the cannonball tree), and Lupuna Blanca. Ayahuma is regarded as an immensely grounding master plant that can help you to gain resilience and wisdom through releasing past trauma and stored emotion. The warming protective qualities of the Ayahuma spirit can help us access previously unchartered levels of vulnerability. For me, Ayahuma created a wall of protection around me and is like my tree boyfriend :) representing the Sacred Masculine. Lupuna is one of the biggest trees in the Amazon. It stands tall and proud and reminds us to do the same. Connect to this tree to bring you strength, courage, expansion and self-value. For me, when dieting Lupuna, she brought in sparkling, white magic and helped me connect back to my power.
In the song you will hear Spanish lyrics like Poderosa Medicina, which means powerful medicine, Poderoso icaroini, which means powerful icaro, Limpia limpia cuerpocito, which means clean our bodies, Limpia limpia shungoini, clean our hearts, Limpia limpia sentidito, which means clean our thoughts/emotions, and Pura Medicina, which means we are calling in medicine that is pure with love. I recommend to not listen to this icaro while driving. Sending you so much love in your healing journey my friend! Love, Colleen