The Nutrition Translator Podcast

Medicine Song (Icaro): Sequoia

May 23, 2022 Colleen Kuhn
The Nutrition Translator Podcast
Medicine Song (Icaro): Sequoia
Show Notes

Ayahuasca forms the foundation of the indigenous plant medicine traditions of the Western Amazonian Shamanism, but the dieta plays a crucial role in building upon that foundation. It could be considered the support beams of the tradition, upon which the rest of the structure is built. So what is a dieta? In simple terms, a dieta is a contract made between a curandero, or student of curanderismo, and a particular plant spirit. For several days the dieter communes with the plant with no other distractions. No salt, sugar, spices, sex, touching others, electronics, or distractions. Food choices are limited to plantains, veggies and also fish if not vegetarian. The purpose of the dieta is to build a relationship with the plant spirit, and just like with building relationships with other people, the more sincere, honest, and well-intentioned attention a dieter gives to the plant spirit, the better the relationship will be. The spirit of the plant can be felt on subtle levels and dieters can become more aware of those sensations by directing their attention to them. A special bond is formed, a friendship between the dieter and the plant spirit. It is through this friendship that the curandero or student receives benefit from the relationship, the fruits of the dieta. This new friend provides information, guidance, and energy to assist in their personal healing process & can then call in these spirits into Ayahuasca ceremony to assist the passengers in their healing process. When dieting Sequoia last September, I experienced this massive tree as a gentle giant. His spirit was a beautiful purple color and this sweet melody came to me softly as I was looking out the window into the bright sky. As I hummed the melody the words & teachings came shortly after. Sequoia brings a sense of grounding and stability. If you are feeling swept up by life right now, listen to this Icaro to help calm your sweet soul back to your heart. Much love, Colleen