The Nutrition Translator Podcast

Official Mayan Shaman Reading

Colleen Kuhn

I was so incredibly lucky to be able to sit down while in Guatemala with an actual Mayan Shaman, named Thomas, who gave me a personal reading based off the 2500 year old Tzolk’in calendar, a treasure of the Maya. This is his interpretation and personality analysis of me. Let me tell you he was spot on and I was surprised how accurate it was!

My main number is a THREE---Action, Artistic, Movement
Goddess of Water
If you are born with the number three too, you will always be on the move, in some way or other. Threes like to initiate change and variety. Three people have a great sense of rhythm. They usually enjoy expressing themselves through movement. Dance and music are a big part of a three person's life. Art is another area that threes excel in. They like to work in seclusion, but what they create is for the whole world.
Three people need to be able to express themselves freely. When they do this it clears their energy fields and helps them to focus and be productive. The struggle for inner peace is always a big concern for three people. They often try to help others find balance and harmony as well.

Want to know your number? Do a free online reading: