The Nutrition Translator Podcast

Song: River

Colleen Kuhn

Today I am singing for you with my guitar! :)
As a child in summertime, my father would take my twin sister and I to the beautiful rivers of West Virginia to swim when we would go visit my grandma. A river represents playfulness, freedom and presence. As an adult the struggles of life are real and I often I hold on to things for way too long. I wrote this song to help remind me, and those who listen that we have a choice. We can either continue to hold on to our fears and anxieties or we also have a choice to feel it, heal it and then let it go. We have a choice for playfulness to be free and to be present. We don't just have to tolerate life, we can enjoy it!
"Just run to the river, and jump right on in, Just run to the river, and swim and swim and swim, let it go there, let the water take it away."
Much love, Colleen