The Nutrition Translator Podcast

Poem: White Spaces

Colleen Kuhn

Disclaimer- This poem is not about race
I went on a psilocybin mushroom journey a couple weekends ago and was inspired to write this poem. This poem came to me as I was looking up at the white ceiling, a perspective shift happened for me, as it usually does with this beautiful plant medicine. It is called White Spaces
If you are living in Oregon, I would encourage you to sign the petition to legalize psilocybin for therapy in Oregon. IP34 would create a licensing and regulatory framework through the Oregon Health Authority that would allow trained practitioners to administer psilocybin therapy at specially licensed centers," according to the campaign. Depression and anxiety — now more than ever, people need better therapeutic options. Breakthrough scientific research shows that psilocybin therapy, provided in licensed settings by trained facilitators, can help. That’s why therapeutic experts proposed IP 34 for the November ballot. To qualify they need 145,000 signatures — they’ve already gathered 135,573, but in this final month, they need your help to get to the goal!