The Nutrition Translator Podcast

51 - How to Interpret Your Dreams & Psychedelic Experiences

Colleen Kuhn Episode 51

Dreams are a gift. There is enormous power and intelligence behind them. Dreams reveal the layers of your soul that you never knew you had. Dreams never waste your time. Dreams reveal & express the unconscious. And your unconscious is a marvelous universe in itself of unseen energies, forces, forms of intelligence, even different and distinct personalities, plural beings that live within you, that make up your total self.
Dreams use the language of symbolism. Doing the inner work is the art of learning this symbolic language of the subconscious. You can do this with psychedelics as well, because they reveal our unconscious in symbols too.
It is pure gold to know what you are REALLY up to, underneath all your professed ideas. Dreams give us a conscious, ethical choice to accept the attitudes in the dreams or renounce them.
The purpose of learning to work with the unconscious is not only to just resolve your conflicts or deal with your neurosis. There is a deep sense of renewal, growth, strength and wisdom when you do this.
To become more integrated humans we must go to the unconscious and set up communication with it.

Dream Journals:
Option 1
Option 2
More on doing dream work

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