The Nutrition Translator Podcast

64 - How to Create True Healing & Peace with Food: IFS for Food Freedom

September 14, 2020 Colleen Kuhn Episode 64

How often have you found yourself saying, “Part of me knows I should do ‘X’, but another part of me wants to do ‘Y’,” or, “Intellectually, I understand ’Y,’ but emotionally, I feel ‘Z’.” Yes, we contradict ourselves, and have multiple personalities. Believe it or not this is normal! Where it can become problematic is when parts of us become extremely over-protective.
IFS focuses on the naturally protective function of parts of ourselves, and what those parts are trying to protect us from. There is no such thing as a bad part. People are self-protective, not self-destructive. Even when we do things that are “bad” for us, our original intent is to protect ourselves from emotional discomfort or pain. And when it comes to disordered eating, protecting one’s self from emotional pain becomes the number- one priority. Undereating, overeating, purging, exercising compulsively—these behaviors are intended to increase better feeling states or decrease unpleasant ones.
In using IFS, I help my clients identify the different parts of themselves, and understand what that part’s intention is, and what it’s needing in order to stop engaging in its behavior. Having insight into these questions can have a profound effect on one’s internal state, actions and create true healing & peace with food.