The Nutrition Translator Podcast

68 - Enter the Morphic Field to Discover Your Purpose | Megan Gunsorek

Colleen Kuhn

Megan says that you have an army behind you— Guides, Ancestors, Archangels and other helpers— and their purpose is to protect you, support you, and guide you towards learning the lessons you are to learn here on earth, ultimately for the expansion of your soul.  She says that chances are, your team of helpers played a role in getting you here, listening to this podcast. Megan has the ability to connect you to them and ultimately your life purpose through the access of The Morphic Field. Megan is able to channel The Other Side’s healing energy working directly with your helpers in the Field. She guides you through the release and healing of Ancestral, Familial and Personal entanglements & attachments so that you can remember on a soul level who you are, live your life purpose and experience a more balanced, loving, joyful, and fulfilled YOU,  free from the burdens that are not yours to carry.

Topics Covered:

  • Megan’s prophetic dream where she met her future self which gave her guidance on her life’s purpose
  • The morphic field and what it exactly is
  • Family Systemic Constellations & Internal Family Systems
  • Releasing ancestral and familial entanglement
  • Helping ancestors cross over to the other side
  • Releasing negative soul attachments
  • Removing burdens that are not yours to carry
  • Reintegrating “lost” parts of you that split during trauma
  • Megan facilitates a personal Morphic Field reading for me

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