The Nutrition Translator Podcast

70 - Your Demons are Misunderstood: Shadow Work to Improve your Relationship with Food

Colleen Kuhn Episode 70

This shadow self represents the parts of us we no longer claim to be our own, including inherent positive qualities. Although we deny them in our attempt to cast them out, we don’t get rid of them. We repress them; they are part of our unconscious. We can’t eliminate the shadow. Remaining unconscious of the shadow impacts your relationships with others, yourself and also with food. It has serious consequences to your physical & mental health & well-being if you keep it hidden. You can't heal what is hidden. Shadow work is the active work of finding those scared parts of yourself in the dark & loving them back into the light. There are no exceptions here. The nature of being human is to possess both a light and a dark side, and we need to embrace that. Shadow work is work of our light and dark and everything in between. Benefits of shadow work with food, health, and unconscious feelings around our body image include Deeper love and acceptance of yourself, Better relationships with others, including your relationship with food, More confidence to be your authentic self, More mental, emotional, and spiritual clarity, Increased compassion and understanding for others, particularly those you dislike, Enhanced creativity, Improved physical and mental health, More courage to face the unknown and truly live life, Access to your Soul or Higher Self, A feeling of Wholeness, peace and fulfillment.
How can we start use shadow work to heal our relationship with food? In today's podcast I discuss a 10 step process on how to do this.

Shadow work infographic:

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