Body Learning: The Alexander Technique

Where can a Musician who is Injured, or Playing in Pain, get Help?

Robert Rickover and Ann Shoebridge

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Ann Shoebridge, an Alexander Technique teacher and physiotherapist in Melbourne, Australia, talks with Robert Rickover about the spectrum of advice musicians receive about posture from music teachers, from physical therapists, and from Alexander Technique teachers. Ann's recent study, "Minding the Body: An interdisciplinary theory of optimal posture for musicians", published in the Psychology of Music Journal, draws together the combined expertise of these three professional groups to define optimal posture for musicians, and to present approaches to optimal posture that support musicians' performance and health. Contact information for Ann: Information about Ann's study: Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Robert's website: More information about the Alexander Technique and musicians: More general information about the Alexander Technique: You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at