
S1E2 - Smoke & Mirror

Amanda Roundtree Season 1 Episode 2

Season 1 Episode 2

FritX and Psyl0 bump into some familiar faces.

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This version of Episode Two is remastered.
Original version can be found on Youtube

FritX - Harry Farrar
Psyl0 - Amanda Roundtree
Artemis - Sid Gilbert
Nos - Chromatest J. Pantsmaker 

Unknown Speaker :

(Fade in, alarm blaring, fire crackling. FritX coughs)

FritX :

Psy? (cough) Psyl0!?

Psyl0 :


FritX :

Are you okay? Can you- (struggles to move)

Psyl0 :

Hold on I'm-I'm coming

FritX :

Fuck. We need a lever or something-

Psyl0 :

Don't move let me...

Unknown Speaker :

Psyl0 moves rocks and rubble from FritX

FritX :

Your head, you're bleeding!

Psyl0 :

Is your leg okay? Can you walk?

FritX :

I'm good. Stay low.

Unknown Speaker :

(The two move through rubble. Explosions and screams coming from the distance)

FritX :

(cough) Psy- I can't-I can't breathe.

Psyl0 :

Here grab my arm.

Unknown Speaker :

(a child cries faintly somewhere nearby)

Psyl0 :

Did you hear that?

FritX :

No don't stop

Psyl0 :

Wait I can-

Unknown Speaker :

(explosion. the crying stops. Psyl0 gasps)

FritX :

keep going.

Unknown Speaker :

(They make it outside to the crowded street)

FritX :

Are you okay?

Psyl0 :

I'm fine. We needed to get away from the building.

FritX :

Let me look at your head.

Psyl0 :

Seriously, I'm fine. We need to get you an inhaler.

FritX :

You're not fine Psy, your head is-...was gushing blood

Psyl0 :

Seriosuly FritX before feds start showing up.

FritX :

(groan) Okay, you're right.

Unknown Speaker :

(The two start running doen the crowded street as a police siren nears)

Psyl0 :

Crap Get down (siren fades) We need to find a-list to what the hell's going on.

Artemis :

Well, well, what do we have here? (cocks gun) Hands up.

FritX :

You should put that down before someone gets hurt.

Artemis :

That's kind of the point, asshole. Empty your pockets.

FritX :

We don't have time for this.

Psyl0 :

Uhm FritX? Shut up.

Artemis :

She's got a good sense, now empty them.

FritX :

We don't have anything. (tires screech)

Nos :

I leave you alone for five minutes and you start robbing people?

FritX :


Nos :

FritX? I'll be fucking damned. You don't look so good buddy.

FritX :

Is this a friend of yours?

Nos :

Eeeeh, friend is kind of a relative term. Y'all should get in though. Officials are making their rounds. Arty put that away. (car doors slam, engine revs)

Artemis :

Seriously.You know these guys?

Nos :

FritX and I go way back. Don't know his friend here though.

Psyl0 :

Um, I'm Psyl0 I'm FritX's...roommate.

Nos :

Pretty cute roommate you got there.

FritX :

God, you haven't changed a bit have you?

Nos :

Why change the wheel?

FritX :

What are you doing down here? Last I checked you were in a city dweller and what's with the ride?

Nos :

A lots happened in the last four years man rides a perk of the job you could say.

Artemis :

Less chatty, more driving. I know you can go faster than this.

Nos :

We don't need any more attention Arty. Sit back and chill (pause)

Artemis :

Sorry about before. I'm an opportunist.

FritX :

I'll say (cough)

Artemis :

Names Artemis.

FritX :

You guys know what the hell's going on around here?

Artemis :


FritX :


Artemis :

Not too smart these friends of yours.

Nos :

Hey, give them a break. Their house just exploded. Speaking of, anyone going to pass out back there or can you make it till we get back? I'd rather you didn't bleed on the seats if you could help it.

Artemis :

Where are we taking them?

Nos :

Don't be an ass, they're coming with us.

Artemis :

Like hell they are!

FritX :

I'm sorry, taking us where?

Nos :

We're going back to our place where hopefully, noe one has blown anything up and we can get you breathing. Asthma still fucking with you?

FritX :

As always.

Artemis :

You have asthma? Didn't they cure a decade ago?

FritX :

Yeah, but only by modification.

Artemis :

Yeah, so?

Nos :

Oh shit I forgot.

Artemis :

Forgot what?

FritX :

I'm type one hyper (cough) hypersensitive

Artemis :

Seriously? mods at all?

FritX :


Artemis :

Damn, Mac is gonna love you-

FritX :

Sorry can we stay on track? What the hell happened back there a gas leak or something?

Artemis :

It was feds you moron. (pause)

FritX :


Psyl0 :

wait...we opened up an email from A-list and-

FritX :

a timer popped up on the screen and before we knew it-

Artemis :

Well shit...

FritX :


Nos :

Well, we knew it was Semper's explosives being used, but we didn't quite realize they were aiming for a body count.

FritX :

Whoa, what the hell are you guys talking about? We just saw a broadcast about-

Artemis :

You watch main media? God please tell me you aren't Semper sympathizers or some shit. I'll kick you out of the car right now.

FritX :

Excuse me?

Psyl0 :

No, no, we're not. It's just the last thing we saw.

Nos :

I thought you were in with Goliath and all those guys FritX

FritX :

I haven't been around the scene since just after you left. Are you saying you knew they were gonna blow something up and you didn't try to evac?

Nos :

Like I said we had a leak about the explosives. (pause)

Artemis :

Why are you two so out of the loop?

Nos :

Art don't grill em

Artemis :

No, I want to know. Sure, maybe everyone didn't get the link we did. But why are you two so surprised?

FritX :

What the hell do you mean?

Artemis :

When was her last chip?

Psyl0 :

No chips.

Artemis :

Bullshit. Hypersensitivity is so goddamn rare. You both don't have it-

Psyl0 :

No I have a reader. See? Just no chips.

Artemis :

Why not?

FritX :

She won't even take a vitamin. She's not sticking that shit in her head.

Artemis :

You get hooked on them as a kid. It's the law. I don't buy it.

Nos :

Why are you rideing them so hard? It's not like you've gotten an update since you were five.

Artemis :

Just because they're your friends doesn't mean I trust them. When was your last chip? Last update?

Psyl0 :

Never had one.

Artemis :

How'd you get around it?

FritX :

You think I'd live with someone who's hooked up? She's clean, trust me.

Artemis :

And why should I?

Psyl0 :

We're on your side here. (pause)

FritX :

Uptight tight crowd you found yourself in Nos.

Nos :

You can't blame her. People have been dropping like flies with the last couple updates.

FritX :

People are dying?

Artemis :

Might as well be...

Nos :

Those behavior modifiers are getting potent. Damn, you really haven't been out there have you?

FritX :

Not if I can help it.

Nos :

Well, the new updates are worse than they used to be, man. It's like nine of the Living Dead out there.

Psyl0 :

That's why no one's been downtown...

Nos :

Probably. It's been scary as shit out there. Jay can fill you guys in with the technical mumbo jumbo when we get back.

Psyl0 :

Um, where are we going again? I haven't been this far of the city since Brotherly Love.

Nos :

No shit, you do brotherly love?

Psyl0 :

Oh, yeah, you've gone?

Nos :

I was born there, sweetheart. My parents camp there year round bless them. Their poor hippie souls don't do too well in the city. FritX never told ya? It's where we met way back when.

Psyl0 :

(giggles) Really?

FritX :

Oh, come on. Let's not...where's this place you're taking us?

Nos :

Just another 20 minutes. We like to be far enough from the city that we don't raise too many red flags.

Artemis :

Mac's not gonna like this...

Nos :

Let Mac have all the words he wants with me, FritX is solid and I'm sure his girlfriend is too.

FritX :

We're just-

Artemis :

(scoff) great.

Nos :

Whatever. I'm sure she's solid and we're not leaving people to get arrested or killed out there now are we? (pause)

Psyl0 :

We left them...

Nos :


Psyl0 :

There was someone back in the apartment building. They were trapped and we-

FritX :

We couldn't have helped her Psy...(pause)

Nos :

Hang tight. We're almost there. (fade out)

Amanda Roundtree :

(outro music) The voice of Artemis is Shaina Gilbert. The voice of Nos is Chromatest J Pantsmaker. The voice of FritX is Harry Farrar, and the voice of Psyl0 is Amanda Roundtree. Compromised is written and directed by Amanda Roundtree. Thank you so much for tuning into the second episode of Compromised. Follow us on Instagram at Compromised_official for updates and announcements as well as on twitter at compromised_bb. You can support this podcast with a follow, a share, and a like. Thank you so much and we'll see you next time.