
S1E3 - Eye for an Eye

Amanda Roundtree Season 1 Episode 3

Season 1 Episode 3 

FritX and Psyl0 get caught up

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This version of Episode Three is remastered.
Original version can be found on Youtube

Psyl0 - Amanda Roundtree
Nos - Chomatest J. Pantsmaker
FritX - Harry Farrar
Artemis - Sid Gilbert
Jay - Deondre Anderson

Amanda Roundtree :

This episode of Compromised depicts violence, gun use as well as vulgar language. Enjoy.

Psyl0 :


Nos :

pretty impressive, right?

FritX :

I'll say What is all this?

Nos :

It's where all the magic happens.

Artemis :

And by magic he means wasting time and burning his eyebrows off with a welder.

Nos :

Whatcan I say, I'm ambitious. Call it home base has been for a few years now.

Artemis :

Mind you, he still comes and goes as he pleases.

Nos :

Hey, I'm here when I need to be.

Artemis :

Come on. Let's get inside.

Psyl0 :

I like your van.

Nos :

Thanks. It was quite the thing back at Brotherly Love.

Psyl0 :

I bet

FritX :

I'm honestly surprised you two never ran into each other out there.

Nos :

Lucky for you we didn't

Artemis :

Let's go.

Nos :

Honey, I'm home.

Jay :

Hey, you bring me food?

Nos :


Jay :

Who are they?

Artemis :


Jay :

Oh yeah. FritX and Psyl0 was it?

FritX :

Do do you know-

Jay :

Please, I see everything these two see. What are they doing here?

Artemis :

Nos thought it would be a good idea.

Nos :

They're old friends. This is Arty's brother Jay. He's usually nicer but it's been a busy day. She's pretty much always like this, but you get used to it. Where's Mac at?

Jay :

Not back yet.

Artemis :

Really? Did he come in last night?

Nos :

I don'tknow Jay was up longer than I was.

Jay :

Didn't see him come in or out.

Artemis :

You call him?

Jay :

little busy here Art.

Nos :

How's the street looking?

Jay :

22 injured and 16 kills accounted for so far. Goes up a little if your friend here are hurt any

FritX :

Is that? Do you have a cam on our building?

Jay :

We were expecting an attack street's been buzzing for weeks.

Artemis :

We were setting them up when we ran into you two.

Nos :

We're trying to get the word out before everyone buys into the same report you saw.

Jay :

Not that it ever helps. This has been going on all around the country for weeks. It's just a matter of time before they started clearing out Philly slums. You don't follow Goliath?

Psyl0 :

Uhm we do...It's just been quiet when did they-

Jay :

Oooh, You're really in the dark. Semper tried to shut down Goliath almost a year ago blocked off the real thing from anyone in any major city. You've been getting fed garbage if you didn't get around it Hey, I'm only getting feed from four of the cams. You sure you set them up alright?

Artemis :

yes I'm sure

Nos :

see you messed it up this time

Jay :

must be getting some interference

Nos :

sure take her side.

Jay :

I'm going live

Artemis :

Shouldn't we wait for Mac to get here?

Jay :

No time if we want the live upload

Unknown Speaker :

*People scream for help as feds unload bullets into the crowd *

Artemis :

should be out there. See if we can help get more cameras up...something!

Nos :

no way in hell we're going back out there

Artemis :


Nos :

the guys with guns want people like us to be roadkill and we're broadcasting it. We're sitting tight for now.

Psyl0 :

This this this can't be happening.

Jay :

Sempers cleaning up shop. Blowing up a few city blocks here and there's cheaper than catching everyone one by one to get them the software.

Artemis :

You can make people act against their own well being Not if they're aware of it.

Psyl0 :

The news broadcasts we saw... they were just making an excuse for the explosions...

Jay :

That surprises you? Damn, we haven't ran into anyone this out of the loop since-

FritX :

we know the shit they spout isn't true okay? But covering up for...mass murder? I've never seen anything like this

Jay :

Feds been gunning down civilians getting their way for years. It's much easier to push aside. No one cares about a couple of dead net runners.

Artemis :

They're good at painting a pretty picture for the folks at home. Of course, they're so brain dead from all the updates they can hardly put two and two together anyway.

FritX :

Last I checked, you took your chips out when you weren't on the clock. It wasn't that big of a deal. And since when the news anchors need profession ships anyway?

Jay :

Seems like a lot has happened since he last checked. Job started to require more invasive modifiers. Chips have more reach than they used to need more bio changes more updates been commonplace for a while now to plug in at work and have your consciousness borrowed for 10 hours a day and the behavior modifiers are permanent.

Artemis :

The scariest part wasn't even hard for them to do.

Jay :

Technically what most of the updates do as far as we can tell. Is give you a sense of satisfaction when you do things like go to work, go home, see your family get on your social media, watch TV, it rewards regular, monotonous behavior, while when overstimulated causes a loss of dopamine levels. Going to your pre designated workplace is the most fulfilling thing you could possibly do with your time.

Psyl0 :

The updates have always been sketchy, they've always been questionable but how did it get this bad?

Artemis :

People like you

Nos :


Artemis :

No! They're part of the problem. Just because you got your ports removed or never took a chip doesn't mean you didn't stand idly by when this shit was going on. People were dying from these updates people like you if we hadn't saved your assess

Jay :

Arty! That's enough....

FritX :

I left the burbs my parents all of it so I could really know what the hell was going on. I lost sight of that but I couldn't watch my friends go missing and die anymore...

Jay :

We all wish we could look away sometimes. Could have gotten you both killed, but now that you're here, eyes wide open aye?

Psyl0 :

You could say that...

Jay :

Good. Now to get you both scanned in. What mods do you guys have? Anything to worry about? GPS, weapons? Standstill I need to make sure you're not putting out any signals that could get us in trouble.

FritX :

We're clean.

Jay :

What do you have?

FritX :

Eye corrections that are about 15 years old. No implants, no mods

Jay :


FritX :


Jay :


FritX :

never had em

Jay :

How'd you pull that off?

Artemis :


Jay :

Seriously? and you never went in for the updates once they've cured it?

FritX :

No, I was already moved out by then, the parents tried to get me to do it, but that's when I met Nos out at Brotherly Love

Nos :

spent the money on something much more fun as I recall.

Jay :

What about her?

FritX :

She's clean

Jay :

Oh, really? Well, I watched the roof cave in on both of you and she tossed aside like it was nothing. Not to mention heaving a chunk of concrete off you. No strains, sprains or even bruising. The gash on your forehead doesn't seem to cause a concussion. Big mods like that don't come up from third parties unless you're insane, and you, you don't seem particularly insane to me.

Psyl0 :

Thank you but no updates. No mods, no chips....

Jay :

Your port isn't standard....Where are you from?

Psyl0 :

Um, I'm not sure.

Jay :

How do you mean?

FritX :

She's been with me the last four years and nothing's been plugged into her okay? What's it matter anyway?

Psyl0 :

It's okay, FritX. I uhm...I just don't remember much from before I met Fritz.

Jay :

Well she's clean.

FritX :

Told you doesn't mean she doesn't have any mods just means they're connected to the grid.

Artemis :

So what? Did you wake up with a bloody head or do you just not want to tell us?

Nos :

Give her a break.

Artemis :

Awww, the people who have been off in La La Land want to break?

Nos :

Seriously chill Arty, you can't-

Artemis :

They're part of the goddamn problem!

Psyl0 :

Artemis stomps down the hall, slamming the door behind her

Jay :

(sigh) Mac's easily gone this long. It's stressing her out.

Nos :

I'll see if I missed a message from him.

Psyl0 :

You don't have any idea where he could be?

Jay :

Nope. He did. usually carry any communication on him and he hasn't popped up on any facial rec. I've got tabs on. He mentioned something about having business with Semper. But that was a few days before it took off. So who knows?

FritX :

What business do you have with them?

Jay :

I don't have any. Mac's business is Mac's business. If he comes back, he can tell you himself

Psyl0 :

If...he comes back?

Jay :


FritX :


Jay :

I just kind of message...

Psyl0 :

is that weird?

Jay :

It's on an anonymous blockchain address. The only people who should be able to send anything to it are in this building.

Psyl0 :

Maybe it's Mac maybe it's like the one we got?

Jay :

No, I know what that looked like. Hm, weird, it's just an address somewhere way out in the burbs and

Psyl0 :


Jay :

That's the Cognizance emblem.

FritX :

Let me see. No, that's the Mage isn't it?

Amanda Roundtree :

He's got a couple handles Cognizance, Mage, Beta blocker, same guy as far as anyone can tell.

FritX :

I don't know about this.

Jay :

The fact that he was able to send a message to this address and hasn't compromised the entire place means he's an ally and he wants us to go...No way.

FritX :


Jay :

The Mayfair building

FritX :

the school where?

Jay :


FritX :

Why would he want you to go there?

Jay :

Beats me but damn if we're not gonna go take a look.

FritX :


Nos :

Seriously What?

Jay :

Take a look.

Nos :

I'll grab Arty.

Psyl0 :

Don't worry FritX, Cognizance is one of us. They're in with Goliath.

FritX :

No, this just seems weird.

Nos :

What? You're not coming.

FritX :

Areyou crazy? After everything you just told us you're willing to go into this blindly?

Artemis :

We always come prepared. Don't be a sissy.

FritX :

Psy can we talk?

Psyl0 :

You okay?

FritX :

No, no, this is fucking crazy.

Amanda Roundtree :

I know.

FritX :

How can you be so calm?

Psyl0 :

I'm scared to frets but this This isn't the time to freak out.

FritX :

This-this is all my fault, isn't it? We wouldn't have been in that building if I'd known things have gotten so bad. If I hadn't stuck my head in the ground. sigh you could have gotten hurt. You could have died and it would have been my fault.

Psyl0 :

Hey we did this together okay? We both chose to keep our heads down.

FritX :

I just couldn't watch my friends die anymore. And when I met you, I guess I just wanted to feel like everything was okay.

Psyl0 :

We thought we had one foot in the door. It's not your fault the world got this crazy.

FritX :

You're okay though?

Psyl0 :

That's okay as I can be right now. At least we're somewhere safe.

FritX :

I don't know if I want to live in a world like this. Not again.

Psyl0 :

I don't think we have much of a choice.

Amanda Roundtree :

The voice of Jay is Deondre Anderson. The voice of Artemis is Sheina Gilbert, the voice of Nos is Chromatest J Pantsmakers, FritX is Harry Farrar and Psyl0 is Amanda Roundtree. Compromised, is written and directed by Amanda Roundtree. Thank you so much for tuning into the third episode of Compromised. Follow us on Instagram at Compromised_official for updates and announcements as well as on twitter at compromised_bb. You can support this podcast with a follow, share and a like. Thank you so much and we'll see you next time.