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Blooming Boomers, Late Bloomers of Autumn and Winter Podcast

The booming Blooming Boomers, Late Bloomers (and Others) podcast is an Autumn and Winter Productions podcast. The podcast focus is on topics resonating especially with those of us 50 years old and up, and up: the booming, blooming Boomers, the late Bloomers, and just us all of us more mature folks: exploring, celebrating, sharing, the wonderful creative and amazing autumn and winter seasons of our lives. Topics are wide-range and include health, travel, dating, making new friends, dress code, bursts of new-found creativity, dealing with loss, retirement, fitness, residential care, dealing with ageism, down-sizing, new careers and businesses, happiness, ageing well, death, quality of life as we get older .... Each podcast is 15-30 minutes in duration and follows one of the following 3 formats: co-hosts Anna and Mirella share their personal views on a particular topic; or, invited guest(s) add their input and stories based on their knowledge, experience, challenges, achievements; or, On the Street perspectives on a specific topic from the general public - random passers-by. We generally post 1-2 episodes per month (with possible exception during the summer months and December). Some of the experiences and perceptions we discuss are common to us all as we get older, some are very unique as each one of us. The overall goal of the podcast series is to provide a voice, and even a community, for those of us 50 years old and well beyond, in a society that at large tends to minimize those voices and their relevance. We'd like to continue helping to shape the world, to contribute, encourage discussion, to inspire, inform, question, to understand, even provoke and challenge what it means to be an autumn and winter bloomer today in our communities, in our society and in the world in general. During each podcast, we strive to be our authentic selves and share our journeys, so our style is personal, open, curious, sometimes even philosophical, partly our own self-discovery and growth - so please join us. A bit more about the podcast team: AnnaKC (Kaz Chmielewski) (nickname "Anya") - podcast co-host, podcast executive producer; engineering and business graduate from Montreal, worked as a Project Manager in various tech industries and past liaison and associate producer for the Backstage-Vancouver video blog; currently working on various shorts, documentaries, short stories; Mirella Gibeau - podcast co-host; Mirella holds a Masters degree in Education from the University of Alberta; she is a former high school theatre arts teacher; presently Mirella is working as an actress already seen in various films, shorts, commercials - one of her latest projects is "The Tale Blazers" ; Nick Wangersky - podcast audio/editor; Nick is a Vancouver Arts Institute graduate; he is the editor of Hollywood North Magazine, and an all-around talent in the independent film industry. We record out of various locations in the Vancouver, BC, Canada area - hence any local references and service locales are within that geographic area. We also include contact info for anyone interested. However, we feel our topics have relevance just about anywhere you are located and likely any service(s) we refer to can be just as easily found in your area too. Our guests although often from the Vancouver region also hail from other parts of the world. Feel free to check our our constantly evolving website, contact us with your feedback if you like via email or use the form located on the web site. We look forward to your input.

Blooming Boomers, Late Bloomers of Autumn and Winter Podcast

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