Blooming Boomers, Late Bloomers of Autumn and Winter Podcast

S3 E10 - Benefits of Belonging to a Community

Donna Becker;; Anna - podcast co-host and producer; Mirella - podcast co-host; Nick - podcast audio/editor (please see below for more about the podcast and us). Season 3 Episode 9

Anna and Mirella discuss and explore the advantages of community connections, especially during a pandemic,  with their guest,  Donna Becker.  Donna is part of a Jewish organization at the Peretz Centre which is a centre for secular Jewish culture and humanistic Judaism in Vancouver, BC.  Donna describes what they're doing amidst the COVID pandemic, what kind of services they offer, the advantages and disadvantages of being in a community, and how things look for the future.

As always, we look forward to your input and/or any questions.
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And if you'd like to share your story, hobbies, insights, experiences, ... let us know and we'll be happy to consider you as our guest on our podcast and/or YouTube channel.

Please note: This edition of Blooming Boomers has been audio-recorded via Zoom, along with real-time noise, microphone, etc. glitches :-)  Apologies.