MNmaxed Podcast
MNmaxed is an actualplay Pathfinder 2e podcast based in Minnesota. Our goal is to provide entertaining adventures, helpful insights, and to be tabletop RPG ambassadors.
278 episodes
Blood Lords 80 - Field of Thorns
We're facing off against a monstrous monster and some ghoulish ghouls in the Tower of Gnawed bones. Luckily we've brought some thorny thorns, healy heals, armory armor, and... psychedelic psionics? Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E c...
Season 4
Episode 80

Blood Lords 79 - Frenemy
Still in the Tower of Gnawed Bones, we find ourselves in combat with a frenemy. We look around and find some interesting things, before meeting up with some more serious enemies.Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E content on our
Season 4
Episode 79

Blood Lords 78 - The Pain Milker
We're in the Tower of Gnawed Bones, fighting some ne'er-do-well ghouls. Kix makes friends with one of their prisoners and we try to rescue said prisoner. This goes about how one might expect.Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E content on ou...
Season 4
Episode 78

Blood Lords 77 - Front Door
We go in through the front door. Following a request from Kortash, we bust into a chapel/hideout to fuck shit up. This is exactly what happens.Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E content on our
Season 4
Episode 77

Blood Lords 76 - A Quest from Kortash
After clearing out our new residence, then fighting devils to assist Kix in becoming a Lich, we go over our level 12 upgrades. We do some maintenance, and go meet with the diplomat and very dangerous ghoul, Kortash Khain. Get more great...
Season 4
Episode 76

Blood Lords 75 - Lich Kix
We've cleared out our new home, and have some important business to get down to. Kix has a plan, but he's playing a dangerous game with a powerful opponent. Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E content on our
Season 4
Episode 75

Blood Lords 74 - Light Bright
We're still in our new suite in Mechitar, clearing out the traps and hazards left by its previous Blood Lord resident. Along the way we discover some interesting information with dangerous implications.Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E co...
Season 4
Episode 74

Blood Lords 73 - Reckless Renovations
Now officially Blood Lords, we do a bit of house keeping, before going to our new home to do a whole lot more house keeping. The previous occupant left some pretty badass decor, but some of it is pretty dangerous.Get more great MNmaxed ...
Season 4
Episode 73

Blood Lords 72 - Blood Lords
After concluding business in Grey Dirge, we head to Mechitar as a full group. We get settled in and go to our meeting. The Ghost King is not there, and instead we are given a... parade float to decorate. Ok, I guess. After some shenanigans the ...
Season 4
Episode 72

Blood Lords 71 - A Villain's Call to Action
Kix takes a couple mental health days, then kindly decides to allow the campaign to continue but un-petrifying the rest of us. We meet back up with Bedlis, and receive a summons to Mechitar. We take care of some business and prepare to head to ...
Season 4
Episode 71

Blood Lords 70 - Rock Hard
We finish up in Gristle Hall, looting what meager things VampIron Tavia had, and gathering more evidence to incriminate Kemnebi. As we exit, we meet an old ally who has new plans for us. Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E content on o...
Season 4
Episode 70

Blood Lords 69 - Vamp-Iron Tavia
We explore the remaining rooms of Gristle Hall, facing down a few enemies as we go. We solve the remaining riddle and come face to face with Vampire Iron Tavia, the one we've been chasing after this entire book. The end of book three draws nigh...
Season 4
Episode 69

Blood Lords 68 - Stabbin' Statues
We encounter a big fossil monster in a greenhouse, which ends up being less cool than it sounds. We continue looking for information and, along the way, destroying potentially dangerous statues as we go.Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E c...
Season 4
Episode 68

Blood Lords 67 - They Shoot Corpses Don't They
Arius, having gotten served in a dance battle, welcomes the development to just a battle battle. The enemies are persistent, but can't do much to us. We move into a library where we learn some bombshell info before aggravating an impressive fos...
Season 4
Episode 67

Blood Lords 66 - Ignoring Irori
We've reached Gristle Hall, but there's some defenses we must first get past. Once we do, we move into the manor where we discover some shadowy walls of great power. Kix wants them. We also find a party!Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E c...
Season 4
Episode 66

Blood Lords 65 - Getting to Gristle Hall
We find the medusa, Karenza, and learn some information from her. We head out to a place called Gristle Hall, where Iron Tavia went to. We know this place has some importance, having found a picture of it quite a while back. The road there, how...
Season 4
Episode 65

Blood Lords 64 - Play Time
Our nice tea time is interrupted by some guests being rather rude. As our hosts dejectedly cancel further tea, we begin exploring the home looking for our wayward host. We have a few more encounters with her little friends, which goes well unti...
Season 4
Episode 64

Blood Lords 63 - Hunger for Flesh and Tea
We finish up business in the Greenblades camp, whom we've just slaughtered. We rest a bit, then follow a calling Shaira had in a dream. The Champion of Urgathoa does some pretty Urgathoan shit, and we all hit level 10. From there we head to the...
Season 4
Episode 63

Blood Lords 62 - A Shortsword and Some Fear
Under cover of night, we've snuck up on the Greendblade's camp. We have one goal in mind; kill them all.Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E content on our YouTubeTalk to us and othe...
Season 4
Episode 62

Blood Lords 61 - Embrace the Chase
While Kix races to save Shaira, Arius and SD race to kill some fuckers. Not everything goes well, though, and we find ourselves low on resources and HP. Later, we plan our next move and decide to go on the attack.Get more great MNmaxed ...
Season 4
Episode 61

Blood Lords 60 - Ambushy
Due to some technical difficulties, we skip ahead a bit. We find ourselves trying to trick the Greenblades into an ambush. When the time comes, turns out they were expecting an ambush, and had their own counter-ambush ready. Meanwhile, Sundrink...
Season 4
Episode 60

Blood Lords 59 - Proper Villainy
We're in a cave fighting the bad guys... or rather, we're the bad guys fighting the good guys. It's combat, violence, and proper evil within.Get more great MNmaxed and PF2E content on our Y...
Season 4
Episode 59

Blood Lords 58 - Chaos in a Cave
We leave the ghast warren and make camp, as we are pretty injured and low on resources, except for Arius who always has a million harms. We head towards a cave one of the ghasts told us about, where we find another group of living intruders. We...
Season 4
Episode 58

Blood Lords 57 - A Snack for Ghasts
We arrive at a lake in the middle of the Field of Maidens. We find the destroyed remnants of wagons. We are soon accosted by hungry ghoulies who want nothing more than to eat good friend Kix. We do our best not to let them, with less than fully...
Season 4
Episode 57

Blood Lords 56 - Green Blade Accord
We prepare for what seems to be another fight right on the heels of the last one, but turns out to be something else. We have a lot to go check out in this Field of Maidens, and it's less devoid of life than we'd expected.Get more great...
Season 4
Episode 56