
Psoriasis - Interview with Andy Saunderson, author of The Psoriasis Cookbook

Lianne Campbell MSc Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode I interview Andy Saunderson author of The Psoriasis Cookbook.  We talk about his 25 years’ experience with psoriasis, his experience with conventional medicine and how he discovered diet and lifestyle intervention.

Andy’s psoriasis started as just a few small patches in his early teens to being almost completely covered in his mid-20’s. Over the 25 years he tried ointments, creams, steroids and phototherapy, but nothing ever alleviated the condition and his annual visit to the doctor never brought up any new advancements in medicine to clear psoriasis. 

He decided to look at whether there were any alternative therapies out there. There were many companies ready to take my money in exchange for remedies that didn’t provide him with anything he hadn’t been offered by my doctor or dermatologist.

During this period of investigation, he did read a number of things which provided him with some hope. There was a consensus that psoriasis could be managed in a different way and treated by healing from within.

Andy set out by listing all of the foods to avoid completely, then all of the foods which were allowed, highlighting those which were highly recommended. He explored additional things to incorporate into his diet and daily routine, in particular, juices and herbal teas. He devised a variety of dishes that would be suitable throughout the year and substituted foods that weren’t recommended.

Over many years of cooking and eating his recipes, he discovered that diet had a significant positive impact on his psoriasis. Making these changes has enabled him to take greater control of his psoriasis.

From here, Andy created a nine-stage process that includes over 100 modern and accessible recipes to assist those who have psoriasis- The Psoriasis Cookbook. This cookbook can empower those that would like to take ownership of their skin condition, to reduce the appearance of it and in a healthy, natural way.

If you want to learn more about diet and lifestyle intervention for psoriasis, check out my book,10 Powerful Steps to Clear Psoriasis on Amazon: