
Psoriasis - Interview with Matt Hess

Lianne Campbell MSc Season 1 Episode 5

Matt developed acne, rosacea and a plethora of other diseases that lasted for 14 years. He started getting acne in his teenage years and after struggling with his skin, he was prescribed two courses of antibiotics to treat his acne. This lead to a whole host of other issues such as food sensitivities, fatigue, depression, anxiety, chronic overheating and swelling of his nose and cheek areas, in other words rosacea.

At university he drank a lot of alcohol, ate junk food (sometimes daily) and was under a lot of stress from his course, he barely slept. All the while he was using topical steroid treatments to try and combat his symptoms. He had his first outbreak of dermatitis aged 21, which lead to countless visits to doctors and dermatologists, who prescribed steroid creams and other anti-fungals and anti-inflammatories that weaken his immune system.

Matt also tried a whole host of other expensive treatments provided by various experts, including laser therapy. At one stage he was even taking anti-histamines and Valium daily, but the problems just kept getting worse and worse. Eventually nothing was working anymore and he became desperate, so he researched alternative treatments and stumbled across people who had cured all of the problems he'd with diet and lifestyle intervention.

If you want to learn more about diet and lifestyle intervention for psoriasis, check out my book,10 Powerful Steps to Clear Psoriasis on Amazon: