
Psoriasis - Interview with Emma Gould (Nutrition by Emma)

Lianne Campbell MSc Season 1 Episode 6

Excited to have Emma Gould, Nutrition by Emma, on Gutted to kick off 2020. Emma has a degree in Human Biology and Psychology and a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy with the College of Naturopathic Medicine. Emma also has psoriasis.

You may have seen Emma's before and after photos, and her story, on the Psoriasis Association website and social media.

Emma started to develop psoriasis when she had her first child at the age of 31. Three years later, after her second child, and a very stressful house move, her skin was out of control and she was around 50% covered. She was exhausted, stressed, eating bad food and felt she had lost all connection to herself.

She, like many others who have come on Gutted, went down the conventional medicine route first, but something didn’t sit well with her. She applied daily steroid creams to quieten down the symptoms without ever getting to the root cause of the problem.

Like me, and others we've chatted to, she started to research natural therapies to help her body get back into balance. The book “Healing Psoriasis Naturally” by Dr John Pagano was her starting point. She followed the book to the T for 4 months and by the end of that time she had completely cleared her skin. She was 100% clear.  Added bonuses were how much energy she had. She was running 5-10k regularly, sleeping well and bouncing out of bed in the morning.  She realised the power of nutrition and this is what inspired her to do a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy and become a Nutritional Therapist.

If you want to learn more about diet and lifestyle intervention for psoriasis, check out my book, 10 Powerful Steps to Clear Psoriasis on Amazon: