
Psoriasis - Interview with 21-year-old Anika Najran

Lianne Campbell MSc Season 1 Episode 11

When 21-year-old Anika Najran was diagnosed with psoriasis it was aggressive and unforgiving. Like so many people who have been on Gutted  she tried lots of different treatments over a period of a year and a half that didn’t provide much relief,  this included topical steroid creams, coal tar soaps and shampoos, medicated shampoos, protopics, anti-fungus medication and moisturising wraps. 

In desperation at the state of her skin and determined that she was not going to be on steroid creams and medication for the rest of her life, she started to look for alternatives. Anika tried diet and lifestyle intervention for her skin and was delighted with the results! 

In this episode we chat about the impact of social media and how shared patient experience online helped her gain so much information and insight early on in her diagnosis, and ultimately helped her overcome  severe psoriasis through diet and lifestyle intervention. 

She shares her experience  of natural healing from the inside out on Instagram at - @ani_psofit