It Takes You

2: What it REALLY takes to be a blogger with Jenn Haskins

Tannya Bernadette

What does it really like to be a blogger? Being an influencer is still a fairly new career and today’s guest is the lady herself Jenn from Hellorigby. It was super insightful to hear all the strategies that really go into blogging and creating Instagram content. As a personal shopper, I work on social media but not to the extent that bloggers do. I was super intrigued to hear about what really happens behind the scenes and how she separates her real life to her influencer life.


  • Deciding when to leave your full time job
  • What photos do best on Instagram
  • Why blogging isn't "dead"
  • What it's like to work with big name brands
  • People don't have to understand your side hustle


Check out her lifestyle blog with beauty and style tips

Get to know Jenn on Instagram

Find Tannya Bernadette on Instagram at @thecloset.edit or online at

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