It Takes You

19. A New Chapter as an Empty Nester with Kathy Rodriguez

Tannya Bernadette

What’s stopping you from living the life you want—right now?

This can be such a heavy question to ask yourself because you must admit your roadblocks, excuses, and negative beliefs that you currently have.

In this episode of The Lifepreneur Project Podcast, my friend Kathy Rodriguez of @PeppyFitFoodie shares about her new life chapter as an empty nester. We talk about how to:

➡ Prepare yourself for this new life phase as an empty nester

➡ Discover who you are after the kids are out of the house

➡ Find your tribe at different stages of life

Listen to this podcast episode to get Kathy’s incredible story of how she continuously puts herself out there to evolve, try new things, and learn more about herself at every stage of her life.

But really, what is stopping you from living the life you want right now? After listening in, what was your biggest takeaway from this episode with Kathey Rodriguez? 

Take a screenshot of this podcast and tag me @TannyaBStyle and Kathy @PeppyFitFoodie on your Instagram stories and let us know what your thoughts are. It’s like a virtual podcast club, it’s nice to have people to talk to about all the cool stuff you learn!

Want to learn more about fitness, food, and everything in between? Check out Kathy's webpage here to get connected.

Follow along with Peppy Fit Foodie on all social media platforms! Click below for Kathy's:
