It Takes You

9: The Unspoken Truth About Forgiveness with Brenda Reiss

February 05, 2020 Tannya Bernadette

Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle or pattern that you just can't get out of? It could be anything from overeating, trying to please everyone, getting into a toxic relationship—any pattern that makes you think, Why am I doing this to myself again? There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a place of helplessness.

Brenda Reiss is a Forgiveness Coach and CEO of Brenda Reiss Coaching. Through the 5-Step Radical Forgiveness Process, Brenda guides women on how to forgive and let go of lingering childhood angst, resentments, and even painful relationships.

If you or someone you love is struggling with forgiveness, take a screenshot of this podcast and send it to them! I know they’ll appreciate Brenda’s advice as she talks us through her insight on the forgiveness process.

Get the show notes here

Find Tannya Bernadette on Instagram at @thecloset.edit or online at

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