The Real Estate Syndication Show

WS1948 Blueprints To Success in Real Estate Syndication | Ben Reinberg

February 20, 2024 Whitney Sewell Episode 1948
WS1948 Blueprints To Success in Real Estate Syndication | Ben Reinberg
The Real Estate Syndication Show
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The Real Estate Syndication Show
WS1948 Blueprints To Success in Real Estate Syndication | Ben Reinberg
Feb 20, 2024 Episode 1948
Whitney Sewell

Join guest host Lance Pederson on the Real Estate Syndication Show as he unravels the entrepreneurial spirit of commercial real estate leader, Ben Reinberg . From his Chicago hustler roots to becoming the CEO of Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies, Ben's story is an inspiring testament to fearlessness, personal development, and a growth mindset.

Dive into key takeaways:

  • Embracing the Flow: Discover how surrendering to life's ebbs and flows, inspired by Michael Singer's "The Surrender Experiment," can lead to greater success and fulfillment.
  • Building Community & Winning Teams: Learn how Ben fosters a strong company culture by prioritizing personal growth and aligning employee aspirations with corporate goals through unique "playbooks."
  • Celebrating Wins & Learning from Losses: Explore Ben's approach to appreciating every victory, big or small, and transforming setbacks into invaluable growth lessons. Even those who wronged you become teachers, offering opportunities for self-reflection and development.

Ready to invest in net lease properties?

Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies, specializing in medical, retail, office, and industrial properties, offers a wealth of expertise and investment opportunities. Connect with Ben on social media at @therealbenreinberg or tune in to his podcast, Ben Reinberg  - I Own It.

Like and subscribe to the Real Estate Syndication Show for more industry insights and success stories. Share this episode with friends who need a dose of inspiration on their entrepreneurial journey.

Big thanks to our sponsor, Colony Hills Capital!


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Show Notes Transcript

Join guest host Lance Pederson on the Real Estate Syndication Show as he unravels the entrepreneurial spirit of commercial real estate leader, Ben Reinberg . From his Chicago hustler roots to becoming the CEO of Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies, Ben's story is an inspiring testament to fearlessness, personal development, and a growth mindset.

Dive into key takeaways:

  • Embracing the Flow: Discover how surrendering to life's ebbs and flows, inspired by Michael Singer's "The Surrender Experiment," can lead to greater success and fulfillment.
  • Building Community & Winning Teams: Learn how Ben fosters a strong company culture by prioritizing personal growth and aligning employee aspirations with corporate goals through unique "playbooks."
  • Celebrating Wins & Learning from Losses: Explore Ben's approach to appreciating every victory, big or small, and transforming setbacks into invaluable growth lessons. Even those who wronged you become teachers, offering opportunities for self-reflection and development.

Ready to invest in net lease properties?

Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies, specializing in medical, retail, office, and industrial properties, offers a wealth of expertise and investment opportunities. Connect with Ben on social media at @therealbenreinberg or tune in to his podcast, Ben Reinberg  - I Own It.

Like and subscribe to the Real Estate Syndication Show for more industry insights and success stories. Share this episode with friends who need a dose of inspiration on their entrepreneurial journey.

Big thanks to our sponsor, Colony Hills Capital!


Here are ways you can work with us here at Life Bridge Capital:
⚡️START INVESTING TODAY: If you think that real estate syndication may be right for you, contact us today to learn more about our current investment opportunities:

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Ben Reinberg: And that's something important is everyone out there, you're going to have some wins. Okay. And they might be a few in between the failures and everything, but really take a step back and enjoy them and appreciate them. Because I think a lot of them, we expect it and we kind of just shovel it off and pass by like, well, that's what should have happened. Well, yeah, it, maybe we feel that way, but really enjoy that.

SPEAKER_00: This is your daily real estate syndication show. I'm your host, Whitney Sewell. Thank you for listening to the show. My goal is for you to become a savvy investor by learning from some of the best operators and investors in the business. I'd like to hear from you. If you have questions you would like us to ask on the show, or if you have someone you would like me to interview, please let us know by emailing info at We would love to hear from you. Please leave us a written rating and review. I would be grateful. Do not hesitate to let me know how we can best serve you at Life Bridge Capital. And now for an amazing interview with my friend Lance Peterson.

Lance Pederson: This is your daily real estate syndication show. I'm your host, Lance Pederson, co-founder and CEO of Passive Advantage, where we simplify the process of vetting real estate syndication deals for passive investors with our LP Deal Analyzer tool. I'm sitting in today for Whitney Sewell, founder of LifeBridge Capital. So our guest today is Ben Reinberg. He's the founder and CEO of Alliance Consolidated Group of Companies. Alliance invests in commercial real estate across the US. Their focus is on net lease properties, which include medical, retail, office, and industrial. So in today's episode, Ben shares the importance of personal development, being present, and continually working on oneself for both personal and business success. Ben also highlights the value of creating a community within a company, fostering a growth mindset, and aligning the company with its employees' personal and professional goals. Hope you enjoy. All right. Thanks for joining us, Ben. It's a pleasure to have you on. Good to catch up with you. How are you doing?

Ben Reinberg: I'm fantastic. Thank you so much for having me on. What a privilege. And it's great to be here. I look forward to adding some value and some knowledge to your audience.

Lance Pederson: Yeah, definitely. Yeah. So as we discussed, so we're, you know, we're going to be talking about a lot of stuff here today, but you know, Ben's been in business a long time. It's been a journey like we all are on. Today, we're going to hit on some deeper stuff. Maybe this will be a bit more of the philosophical episode, but that's how I roll. That's how Ben rolls. We hope you enjoy it. We'll get into it. Ben, why don't you share a bit? your background and kind of, like you said, the journey that you've been on has really, there were some formational events in your childhood and just things that kind of were instilled in you from the beginning that kind of puts you on the trajectory you're on. So why don't you share a bit with the audience about that?

Ben Reinberg: Well, I come from a family, I'm from Chicago, as you know, Lance. And so for your audience, I'm from Chicago, I'm from the Midwest. And these Midwest values we have is you get a job, You do everything you can to get to college. You get a job. You get a salary. Maybe you live in Chicago. God willing, you live in the suburbs. You take the train downtown to work in a suit and tie in the cold with your trench coat and your rubber boots and hat. And you go to work, you grind, and then you come home and it's dark. And that's the life I learned. That's what I saw my parents, especially my father doing. And I was always someone that wanted to break free. I was a rebel. I never wanted to do anything normal. That's who I was born with. I had this entrepreneurial spirit, but when I was a kid, it really wasn't called entrepreneurialism. It was more like start your own business and take the risk and see what, and let it fly. And so I had to kind of break out of my family structure, watching my father go to work every day and know that there had to be a better way. And so it was interesting while I was eight years old. My first job is I learned that I wanted to make money. Um, everyone knows me. I love candy. Now I went to the dentist yesterday and she said, the candy that you're eating, Ben is not really good for you. And I had a awakening yesterday with her. And so now I'm a little concerned cause I'm a Swedish fish junkie. And so she's like, we got to stop that. So she gave me a little bit of a lashing and I appreciate it. What a great lady. And so, What I did when I was eight years old is I wanted to buy Slurpees and candies. There was a 7-Eleven down the street and I grew up in a town called Holland Park and I boarded a town called Highwood, Illinois. And Highwood, Illinois, when I was a kid had the most bars per capita or square feet in the United States. And so they used to leave the bars open. As a kid, you could walk into the bars and you'd see people drinking and people smoke cigarettes. That was the big thing back then in the seventies. I was eight years old. But I had this mind, this mathematical mind, and this entrepreneurial mind of, I'm always the person to figure things out to get it done. And I will push the envelope and do whatever it takes to get something done, a task. That's who I am. And so I was eight years old, I walked in the bar, I saw people buying cigarettes from a cigarette machine. And at the time, it might have been $1.25, $1.50 a pack, and they'd pull the handle, and there was all different types. But there was a general theme, and I just sat there watching. And the general theme was Marlboro Reds and Marlboro Lights. A lot of the men and the women smoked the Marlboro Lights. So I start seeing the pattern. At eight years old, I could see this. Well, I used to go and sometimes buy candy at a local pharmacy down the street. And, you know, they had Playboys and the magazines and pharmaceuticals. And so I saw they sold cigarettes behind the counter. And I found out how much because they assign of what they would sell a pack of Marlboro Reds for. And then I took my pencil and I was learning math at the time. And I realized how much was a pack of cigarettes compared to what they were selling in the bar. So I had some money. And I paid a guy outside. We had a large Mexican population in Highwood. And so I paid a guy some money, a couple bucks and said, would you buy me a pack of cigarettes to incentivize them? He said, no problem. That's what it was back in the seventies. Guy bought me a carton of marble reds. That's what I started with. went into one particular bar, sold all the packs of cigarettes for a discount compared to the machines. Now, was that dangerous as a kid if these are mobbed on bars? Probably. It's probably not a good idea when you're eight years old. But I was eight years old and I was fearless. And there's a lesson behind all this. I want everyone to know of what fearless really means. And when you are and you go for something, whatever business you're in, real estate or whatever, how powerful it is to be able to open your mind and just go for something and not worry about the consequences or the fears, doing it legally and morally and ethically. And I'm not saying what I did was great at eight years old. However, I was on a strategy to buy Slurpees and candies. That was my out, that was my desired outcome. I wanted Lance. And so what happened was I would go in, I'd throw the cigarettes in a pillowcase, put it in my sweatshirt and sell. And I did it for about five months and worked out well. And I had a lot of cash and it got me to my goal. And that's what kind of people look back and like, well, what launched you? That moment, those moments of looking at the risk, figuring out how was I going to acquire the cigarettes? How was I going to make a profit? How can I figure out what kind of profit I would make? those skillset have carried with me today that, that those five months I was selling cigarettes. And so it's the little things I've done in life that have stacked upon each other to create success. And it's not for the faint of heart being an entrepreneur. I mean, you gotta work hard, you gotta show up, you gotta grind, you have to focus, you have to bring in great resources like we did with you and other people we work with. and it's constantly reinventing yourself and pushing forward and understanding, Lance, that it's okay to fail. It's okay. Everyone fails. And by the way, really successful people, you might not see all the details that we go through on a daily basis, but they exist. And so don't think differently that guys like Lance and I and other people, we're not failing. Or we make a decision, maybe it doesn't work out. Or we bring in a resource, Lance, and we're like, yeah, that didn't really work out well. But you know what, we pivot and we say, well, what did we learn? And the lesson for everyone to take away for everyone you meet out there, if you're a young entrepreneur, or even an existing seasoned entrepreneur, and I've learned this in spades, is every experience you have, especially the negative ones, there's a message of growth in there. Everyone I touch, I was at, the other day I was at Starbucks, And if you're kind to everyone, okay, and I learned this from someone, I started talking to this lady behind the counter and she taught me something that made me think about how to deal with something just through a conversation. Just met her. And so everything you go through, experiences, failures, even the benefits, the positives, the successes, there's always little hidden messages of growth for you to learn, to understand, okay, how do I keep improving as a person? And for me, that's what I always look at. I am a growth minded person and that's allowed me to always consistently push forward and to be able to accept failure, but also be able to enjoy the wins as well. And that's something important is everyone out there, you're going to have some wins. Okay. And they might be a few in between the failures and everything. but really take a step back and enjoy them and appreciate them. Because I think a lot of them, we expect it and we kind of just shovel it off and pass by like, well, that's what should have happened. Well, yeah, it, maybe we feel that way, but really enjoy that. And you'll see a lot of benefits in your life. If you start enjoying the wins.

Lance Pederson: Yeah, I totally agree. Like that's always been my struggle too, is just, you know, when you're ambitious, you just keep going, going, going, and then you don't stop and celebrate the wins. I mean, it's almost like you don't even, you don't even acknowledge them. Like you said, it's just, hey, you expected that to happen, but you lose a lot more than you win. And I think that's the thing is just, you know, and if you're a grinder, which is what it takes to be an entrepreneur, I mean, you have to keep getting up off the mat, but you know, I completely agree. It's all mindset and, And I think it is, it's just life requires a lot of courage. You know, courage is step one. You have to muster courage and then you have to go like the eight-year-old Ben, right? Like you muster the courage and then you go for it, right? You ask the guy outside the store to buy you a carton of smokes. But, you know, and I think there is something to learn from just, you know, as children. I mean, we don't, you know, it sounds, you know, we hear that now, but I mean, it's like, I mean, I was no different. Like I would go door to door and sell stuff to people. And I had no, like, I didn't care if they rejected me. Right. I was a great, you know, I was a good telemarketer when I was like 15, my first job, same thing. Like, I didn't care that like 40 people in a row just told me to buzz off. I just kept going. And then you look at the leaderboard and I'm beating them. But as you get older, it's like you start, you start to, you start to lose that. Right. And I think it is because the world beats you down. It's trying to tell you that you're, you're not good enough. Um, you know, and I think, you know, it is that mindset. It's just a mindset of like, it don't matter. I got to keep going. I just got to keep going. You win, celebrate, you know, enjoy it. I mean, you just, it's, it's life. It's all mindset. It's all mindset.

Ben Reinberg: It's interesting. everyone cares what other people think. And that's our biggest hang up is that, and especially as you get older, you know, you start worrying about what other people think. And so when you're a kid, it's like when I was eight years old, it's like, I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm just worried about getting a slurpee and eating some candy. Right. And how simple is that? The other thing I've, I've learned that I could share with your audience is We're always rushing as entrepreneurs. Gotta get this, gotta get this email out. You know, back in the day, gotta send out this fax. I gotta get this out by FedEx. I have to get this because it has a domino effect on three other things. And I get that, I get the domino effect there, especially doing a lot of deals and whether leases or acquisitions or dispositions or negotiating, you name it. You know, urgency and timing is everything, right? Time kills deals, as we say. However, taking a step back and as I've aged, I've learned this from a lot of people and learning for myself is slow things down. And when you can slow things down, it accelerates everything. So when you're doing deals or you're dealing with an employee or a resource, slow it down a little bit. You know, slow down your schedule. You know, one thing I do, I give people advice on my schedule is I block, my assistant blocks out sections of my calendar. So for example, I'll be on this podcast with you. And then my next zoom call, I might have 15, 20, half hour, even an hour between to give myself space. to just be able to collect my thoughts, prepare for the next meeting, take care of work. And I found that I'm more efficient, my communication's better, I'm more relaxed on the phone or a Zoom call. And that goes a long way. People say, well, why do that? What ends up happening with that is you're more present with the person. And being present is so important in life that I've learned. And because when you're present with someone, like I'm present with you now on this podcast, It allows us to go deeper in our relationship. It allows me to listen better. It allows me to respond. It allows me to help you. And so it's these little things, it's these little tricks where people are like, what creates the success? Listening, being present, and really focused on the person you're with. It's a respect factor as well. It's to me, the little things we can get into, like how to structure a deal and how to underwrite and all that stuff. And that stuff you learn over time in business. However, it's those ancillary things that go along with understanding business that are so important that I've learned over the years. And I hope everyone gets something from that to kind of reflect back on them and say, am I slowing down? Am I giving myself enough space? And so for me, one thing I've done over the years is I block out times in the day just to think, just to sit by myself and think. And when I do that, I'm dangerous because all of a sudden I'm like, you know what? I want Lance to do this, this, and this. This would be great for him and for us. Where I'm saying, you know what? we should open another asset class that we really like because there's going to be opportunities. And so what does that do? It allows me to be the futurist I am to be able to think. And so giving yourself time to think is really important. First of all, it's good for your health. It's also good for your business and the people around you to know that you're really taking the time to implement some ideas that really have an impact.

Lance Pederson: I agree. If you're listening and you're the leader of your organization, your primary roles are you own the vision, which you can only have a clear vision if you spend time thinking, you own strategy, how to execute said vision, and you own culture. it's your responsibility, right? If you're turning through employees, employees aren't doing what you want them to do and you're all frustrated and you're all worked up about it, that's a you problem, right? Like you've got to own that stuff. And I think that ultimately that those are the things, and I think that's, I'm just a big fan of EOS and the notion of visionary and an integrator. I mean, and that's why you want to find a great integrator and great number two, Because it is hard to do, it's hard to be the visionary and the integrator, to be the one who's trying to execute on those ideas. And I think that's where you get that it's just not good for your health. I mean, there's certain people out there in certain businesses, I think they can pull it off, they can kind of sit in both roles. But I know for me, building organizations, it's always the things like make sure that you're solely in one seat. I mean, and it takes time. But every day I woke up, I always thought my job is to work myself out of a job. And so everything I'm doing, I had to figure out how to delegate that to somebody else, which will bless them. And ultimately, I got to know where I want to be sitting. And for some of us, it's clear that, yeah, we're visionaries. We like thinking things through. We have strategy. Those are your skill sets, your competencies. So that's what I need to do so that I can serve the organization best. So how have you done that? I know that for you, you and I always have talks like this. What was the progression? How are you owning culture and how are you taking these things that you're learning and infusing them into the organization on a whole?

Ben Reinberg: I love this question because it's something that's really developed. I looked at myself, and just to go back to what you said is Chamber and through employees, and I did not like the Ben Reinberg 15 years ago, 10 years ago. I had to really look at myself in the mirror and say, aggressive, rude, bulldog mentality. That's how I learned the business. That's what commercial real estate was as a kid. It's like you had to be real thick skin and tough to battle people in Chicago. It was a nasty business. and it rubs off on you and it starts becoming ingrained in you. And I realized that's who I was, that's who I was not as a person, the person I became. And so, and it was impacting my employees. So I got into personal development and that's what started changing the culture and we call it a community. And then recently what I do for my employees and myself is we do what's called playbooks. And everyone in my company, managers, leaders, to their people in their departments, respective departments, what they do is everyone does a playbook. And what the playbook allows you to do, it allows my company Alliance to design, help align ourselves with the life that our employees want to design for themselves. So there's three sections. There's personal, there's business and there's your future. And so what's interesting in our company is, is our employees personally are into health and wellness, which I'm a big proponent of. It's interesting how they mirror what I do. As it comes to business, which is what I do, I have a lot of mentors and coaches from all over the world. Huge fan of, of, of learning, seeing a different lens Lance to growing as a person. And it makes me better. And that makes me a better employer. It makes me a better person around personal and business relationships. And so I continue to work on myself and I've allowed to open myself up and these type of skills to my employees. And they love it. They gravitate to it because they're like, we see the changes in him the last 10, 15 years out of this almost 30 year career. That's a good leader. That's someone we want to follow. And that's what we established. And so with the playbook, it allows them to look at what do they want for the business. Well, majority of our employees want mentoring and coaching just like I do. So it keeps mirroring off of what I want. It's interesting. And then the third thing is, which I think is fascinating, you know this, we're in the investment business. And so their future is they want to learn about investments. And so we align the company. with personal development to bring in mentors and coaches and speakers where we'll get on Zoom with the team and everyone learns. Or it could be I get on and we talk about our investments and why we bought something or why we're looking at something or why we're opening this asset class. And so we're very growth minded company. And what we're seeing is our employees like that. It's challenging. You have to be vulnerable. And so what I do on a weekly basis is with my leadership team, we go through their playbooks. And so for example, Lance, let's say you were in my acquisitions department and you were going to make 250 calls a week, right? And you're working five, six days a week, whatever it was. And you said to me, you know what, Ben, um, I didn't sleep well this week. Or I, or maybe in your playbook, you want to exercise four or five times a week. You're like, I exercise once. It's interesting how your personal life and the things that you want, you personally own that and you didn't do it. How would it impact? And you're like, I only made 160 calls. Okay, well, if you would have made 250, maybe you found the deals, get your commissions, keep growing as a person, the company, et cetera. And so what we've seen is people's personal desires really impact their business life. And that was an exercise I showed people is that when you're struggling personally, it will impact your business life and business. When you're struggling in business, it will impact you personally. So when we lay out what you really want on a personal level, you will see live every week how it impacts your business life. And you'll see how that will impact you personally too. So we encourage people to take care of their health, We encourage people to give themselves space and time block. We encourage people, and where this all came from especially was, we saw this hybrid remote work life that everyone has now. We're all remote. I have an office in Newport Beach, and I'm here with a couple people that work for me, and we have an office in Chicago and some different offices around the country. But I couldn't figure out, Lance, I was like, how do I deal with all this when working remotely? In Chicago, everyone was in the office together. And I miss those days. It was this osmosis where we'd sit at the water cooler, a microwave, or the kitchen, and people were eating lunch. And we'd be able to talk about what's going on with their kids. Did they get into the college they want? Or, oh, it's your daughter's birthday, or quinceanera, or whatever. All these incredible events. And we'd be able to share in them in live time. Now it's like everyone, it's like, it's like a bunch of widgets running around. And we said, everyone's in a silo. How do we bring the community back together? And so that's what we've established as a community in the company. And so what does that do? It provides more longevity. It makes it attractive for future employees and it creates loyalty and it creates a community that builds trust and continues to grow, which increases the bottom line as well. And so that's the culture slash community that I support and that we've created here. But it's not easy. I mean, everyone's got to understand is we all have to work on ourselves continually. I don't care how successful you are. I don't care who you are in life, walk of life. I do it every day. I work on myself. And one of the things I do is I tell people I'm very vocal about is I meditate. I meditate twice a day. Sometimes I meditate before a large negotiation or a stressful thing going on at work or personally. It allows me to go back to give myself space and time and slow down. And, and what that net of that is better listening and all the things that I've outlined. And so for me, um, in business and in life is I've found that if I work on myself consistently and own it, I own my own actions. I own my own behavior. I own my own outcome. And so no one else is going to carry the water for Ben Reinberg. Ben Reinberg's got to carry his own pail of water. And he always had. Now, I'm a delegate, which is a prudent thing to do, but I'm responsible for my behavior. I'm responsible for my actions. And as you know, Lance, I have a lot of people that depend on me and my decisions, just like you. And so what ends up happening is if I don't continue to work on myself, everyone around me suffers. And that's what I realized over a decade ago was I'm only hurting, now am I hurting myself? but I'm hurting all the people around me that depend on me and trust me and love me and want the knowledge and understanding to grow. And so it was selfish. And that's what I learned. And it's allowed me to become a better person. And so that's what I do on a consistent basis.

Lance Pederson: Yeah. And it's, you know, it's interesting too, because, you know, I think, you know, you had mentioned, and I'll have you talk about it here in a sec, but, You know, just the notion of when you start to let those things go, then you start to get the results that you want. Right. So it's that that surrender, which I think the book is called Surrender Experiment. Right. And so there is some power in that is just it's it's like you. number of things that you are in your control are very few. The number of things that aren't in your control are many. And so just realizing that all you can do is put forth the effort and do what you think is right, but then you have to let it go. Because when we beat ourselves up or we carry that stuff with us, like you said, it ends up affecting everybody else. And then you end up not getting the results you want, much like your employee, like the example of you know, hey, I didn't work out, that's what I wanted to do, you know, and he's probably beating himself like, I didn't do it, you know, and then he gets to work and he's distracted. And it's just that the battles between our two ears, right? Like that's, that's, that's where the battle really takes place. And so it's just freeing yourself up. So maybe share a bit more about that book. So the recommendation, the author,

Ben Reinberg: Yeah, I mean, so Michael Singer, so one of my mentors had me read The Surrender Experiment, she gave it to me a few weeks ago, and I could not put down this book. Because when you read a book like this, it really teaches you what you know, but also it makes you more aware of what you should be doing and how to do things. And the premise of the book is to surrender, is to surrender to the universe in life and let things flow and let things happen and not control. All of us out there, if you're an entrepreneur or a business owner, or even an employee, We're always trying to control the outcome of life or our work day or our relationship. Man, I hope she really likes me. Maybe if I do this, I'll get her to like me. Instead of just letting things flow and naturally happen and just trusting that whatever's going to happen, it's going to be okay. And it's a real tough thought process and principle to live by. But it's something I started doing. I'm doing it more and more because being in the seat I'm in, I always had to control everything, control decisions and this and that. And it just kept going on and on. And it was so overwhelming. I'm like, okay, well, if I just trust that this will happen or this person's going to call me back or this deal is going to happen, or I'm going to raise the money, we're going to focus and work hard. And it goes back to being present and how important that is. And so I learned that in business. And so the book's a great book because it gives you great example of a guy who was wildly successful, came from nothing and had ability to create financial and personal success in his life just by surrendering. and letting things flow and not controlling things and not listening to that inner voice of, and just accepting that everything will be okay. And it's hard to do Lance. I mean, to be able to sit back and say, okay, I'm going to accept that we're going to raise this money. I'm going to accept that we're going to close this deal and I'm going to work hard towards that. And just trusting in yourself and the universe and the people around you that things will happen. And if something changes or, or you have to audible, whatever it's growth, that's, that's what it is. And there's something I learned. I could really share with the audience and you can use this is that, especially as an entrepreneur, you're going to run into people that are nasty to you. Maybe you don't like, maybe they don't have the same values to you, but here's what I'd like you to do. Instead of talking shit about them or getting nasty, thank them. change your mindset and thank them. And all you're out there, why would I do that? Why would I thank someone? You thank them because they showed you something that provides you growth. Well, I don't want that in my life. Or I learned something from that person. Yeah, I might not agree with them, but I learned it was growth. And so sometimes you have an employee that leaves you or does something bad, or you have a third party resource that just doesn't perform whatever it may be. We all go through it as entrepreneurs, you will, especially as you grow in business. I've learned the best way to handle that is even if you bump into that person, just say thank you. And they're gonna be like, thank you, thank you for what, I screwed you over. Well, you grew and learned something from that experience. The universe put that person in your life to teach you a lesson of growth. Maybe you need to do something, maybe you had to be more selective, maybe you learned from the experience, like we're not gonna do that again. And so if you take the approach of thanking someone, it puts you in a better mindset too. And I had to learn that a long time ago as well. And that's something you guys out there that are listening can use, especially in business. I mean, business is really tough and you meet a lot of different people and everyone's out for themselves. And if you don't work on yourself and you get this mindset of where you're bitter, It makes your life harder. It affects, like Lance says, the things between your two ears. And so take a step back and look at a negative situation in your life and be like, thank you. Thank you. I learned something from it. It was growth. And that will allow you to keep pushing forward and keep pushing forward.

Lance Pederson: I agree. Yeah. And the way I frame that, the same sort of concept is no judgment. Right. Because, you know, good things happen to you. Bad things happen to you. People do things right. They upset you. But it's just never carrying judgment. So which is which the flip side of it is just forgiveness. Right. So it's like, I don't I don't know why that person did that. Like, I don't know why they mistreated me or they did what they did. But it's like, just forgive him and move on, right? Because as you get older, right? It's like, I'm 45 years old. I mean, it's too heavy, right? The burden of carrying this judgment of everything that happens and just the microscopic second that occurs when something happens and you've got this judgment that's crossing your mind. it just stays with you, right? And now it's just, it's a burden. And that's what I've learned over time. It's like, just judgment-free zone. I don't know what's going on in their lives. I have no idea why they did what they did. And frankly, I'm not in control of what they do. And it's not, it don't matter, right? Like just let it go, move on.

Ben Reinberg: And- I'll give you something else. We did this in my comment, which you'll love. So I'm 54 years old. I just turned 54 a little bit ago, a few weeks ago. And We use the average life span of 77 years old is when people live. Now, obviously with technology, biohacking, people are going to live much longer, it seems like. But use it as an example. So if I take 77 minus 54, my age, multiply it by the number of weeks in a year, I have a little under 1,200 weeks to live. Lance, so am I going to take time just like you said so eloquently and worry about something that happened in the past instead of looking at saying, okay, let me take away the positive, the growth of it. And I agree with you. And I learned that tremendously is don't judge people because you don't know the shoes they sit in. And the problem is people don't know the shoes that you sit in either. And so understand that. And so I appreciate that comment because it's so true. And if you look at time, which is our most valuable asset, and you say to yourself, okay, well, I'm 45 years old and 77, okay. And I have, I don't know, 1200 and something weeks left, 1300. Am I going to spend my time worrying about something that happened in the past instead of being present and really creating an impact on someone else that I could benefit and build a deeper relationship with? And when you look at that, it's like, yeah, I'd rather spend my time on something better. That's something more desirable, how I want to live my life.

Lance Pederson: Most definitely. It's just, it's just not worth it. Hey, great conversation as always. So Ben, where can people find you if they want to learn more about Alliance and

Ben Reinberg: medical properties and if we're, we're, uh, we're located Alliance, it's Alliance, We're the leaders investing in medical office, veterinary office around the United States. We're office industrial and retail experts. If you want to come and invest in our fund that you can invest with us, I'll throw our website and fill out a landing page and we'll have someone contact you. And we have limited spots. So, you know, act as soon as you can, if you are interested in building return tax benefits and a profit in your investments. Additionally, you can follow me. I'm all over social media. My Instagram is at the real Ben Reinberg. I'm on every social media platform. You can listen to my podcast, Ben Reinberg hyphen. I own it on all the different podcast platforms, Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, you name it. And you can watch me on YouTube. And then we have a new show coming out this year, which we're excited about. And the first season is on leverage. And so stay tuned. It's going to be a tremendous learning experience that we're providing to create impact. And then we, I will also at the end of the show, provide you what we learned from that show. And we have incredible guests, billionaires, celebrities, you name it, coming on the show to really speak about a topic that will resonate with you in business and life. And so that's something I'm looking forward to. And then feel free, we also have webinars, Lance. We're always out there speaking and talking. I'm speaking soon. Actually, I'm speaking at Fun Launch Live in a couple months in Orlando. You'll be able to see me and I'll be speaking around the country and parts of the world. to really create impact and help people and talk about topics that most people don't want to talk about that a lot of younger people are asking that people just don't want to share and so I'm gonna take that advantage and really help people between 35 and under and you know 50 plus to help them with their financial lives.

Lance Pederson: Awesome. Yeah, I can't, I'm looking forward to the new, the new show. So it's good stuff. Well, as always, Ben, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

Ben Reinberg: Appreciate you. Thanks for having me.

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