Flow State Business

Personal Life Disruptions - How to keep up your momentum

February 09, 2022 Ruby Lee Episode 235

Life and business aren’t always straightforward. What do you do when unexpected things disrupt your energy and flow?

A lot of you have been asking me about my $100k sales month, which was amazing, but it was also a time with a lot of disruptions. I thought I’d take this opportunity to share some of the factors involved and how I managed to stay grounded in business and keep the boundaries around my energy.

In this episode, I share a practical breakdown of how my $100k month played out, and how I partnered with the universe to keep my high vibes during disruptions with my son, my health and moving house. 

Stay tuned to the end of the episode as I share some beautiful affirmations to help you stay grounded in this Aquarius season. I hope this episode helps and encourages you to be an active co-creator of your life in 2022. 


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