Flow State Business

The Daily Richual - Intentions, Energetics and Intuitive Flow

Ruby Lee Episode 259

I am SO excited to bring you this episode today and it’s something a little different that I know you’re going to love. 

Having recently launched my daily coaching program, The Daily Richual, I wanted to share a little of what’s been happening inside this incredible coaching community. We’ve been high vibing together, connecting live 4 times a week, with online modules and continuous interaction and support. 

The Daily Richual is for coaches who really love the idea of daily accountability and being able to observe how someone else does it successfully. I’m sharing my life and how I run my business in real time and it’s absolutely amazing.

This episode is a live training call from The Daily Richual where we talked about operating in energetics in business and tapping into your intentions behind the goals you set for yourself. 

We can often get caught up in the masculine energy of making business decisions based on data and proven strategies, but in this training, I talk about allowing the divine feminine to lead the way when it needs to. Doing business in this flowy way completely changes the way you show up as a leader and the decisions you make around your brand. 

Where is it that you know you want to be?

What goals have you set for yourself?

I encourage you to keep digging to understand your deeper intentions behind what it is you want to do. Keep asking questions. Keep tapping into the higher version of yourself and see how this leads you into a whole new level of freedom and abundance. 


Join me in my new daily experience The Daily Richual ✨ here 

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