Flow State Business

Get Booked Out - How to book out your private coaching offers in one week

• Ruby Lee • Episode 91

The exact strategy I used to create flow in my sales process to book $100k in sales in just one week.

This month has been magical on so many fronts but in particular, booking out my 1:1 client spots for the rest of 2019.

Learn how I did this and tips that may help you do the same.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the own your hustle podcast. My name is Ruby Lee. I'm a side hustle coach, entrepreneur, and all the energy you need to turn your idea into freedom. Here's a little something about me. I was once Neely fired for having a side hustle and today I dedicate my life and business to enabling early stage entrepreneurs everywhere to create options in their career and abundance on their own terms. Some while still balancing a day job side hustlers are the future of work and I am unapologetic for our ambition from working through your hundred ideas to creating a successful sideline business. I'll share my own experiences, practical tips, and help you crush through those mindset blockers. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Wow. July has just been absolutely incredible. I have to be honest, I started out this month thinking, Oh, it's going to be much mercury retrograde and I've gotta be really mindful about the pace in which I'm taking things and you know, just be really, really aware that it could be a slower month. There might be some things that frustrate me. It's a really good time to, you know, do the inner work and really just reframe and refresh and take it all in. It has not been like that at all. You guys. Not at all. It has just been like one of those months where everything is just been all guns blazing, just lots of fire energy, lots of expansiveness. It has just been go, go, go something that I was just not expecting for this month and it just goes to show sometimes the, you know the times that we sort of predict or try and presume how one way is going to go. The universe is just standing there. She's got one hand on her hip and she's going[inaudible] you just way I've got something totally different in store for you and as you can see from the title, I want to talk about how I booked out my one-to-one coaching offers in just one week and also the process I went through. I know many of you are very interested to learn how I did this, not just what I did. So I'm going to dive into that. Make sure you've got your notepad out, you've got time to scribble down some ideas of your own that might work in your business as well to name a few of the highlights before jumping into the one-to-one coaching offer in particular, I wanted to just shout it out and I think sometimes we need to give ourselves space and room to celebrate these fricking wins. Sometimes we can tell ourselves if we're humble and we, you know, just take it all in our own stride, that it's the way to go, right? It's, you know, just keep it yourself and you know, be happy. You don't need to gloat and you don't need to go out there. But then there's other times when our energy requires us to shout it out from the rooftop, celebrate our wins and just go big with the things that we know has been gifted to us and has been completely out of our control. It is just been gifted to us as a way of the universe. Just saying, you know what you said yes to life and here his life saying yes to you. So this month we have finally, finally, finally, Oh that's so nice. A finalized the Netflix pilot series, which is going to first and foremost come out on YouTube. So I need all of your support once it's out. I will definitely announce all over my social media, but I would love, love, love to have all of your support behind the series. We really do need as many likes and comments and shares and views and eyes on the pilot episode. Netflix are watching. They want to see how much engagement it's going to get. So once it's out, I will share that with you. I am super nervous but also extremely excited to put this out there to the world. It is so exciting to see, and you might've seen my Instagram story a couple of weeks ago when I was in San Diego. I just bawled my eyes out because there was this moment where I was like editing the video. I was just reviewing it and editing it and um, not that I was editing it. My amazing director and producers are doing that, but you know, they kind of got me to have a final look at it and I was like, Oh my gosh, like who is this girl? It's just, Oh, it's amazing and it just hit me. That's me. That's my life. That's the life that I chose to create when I left my nine to five jobs 16 months ago. And this is now my life being around, you know, amazing entrepreneurs traveling around the world and filming my own Netflix pilot. I mean, pinch me some other exciting news is that Amazon prime has picked it up, so it's also going to be available on Amazon and Oh, it's just such great news all around, but very, very exciting. As you guys know, I hide my amazing coach. We're planning to meet up on the Amalfi coast in just a few weeks. So I will be in Italy. I'm very, very excited for that. I've always just loved, loved Ole things, Italy and I was there not too long ago and I mainly stayed in Rome. So I'm excited to travel a little bit more around Italy itself. And of course the Amalfi coast. I mean you're really somewhere towards the end of July. Oh my goodness. Oh I, I am still in awe of this next sentence that I'm about to say. Forbes published an article about me, about you guys about the own your hustle movement and the tribe and I'm going to do a separate podcast on that. Just breaking it down and I know many of you who are, you know have that on your dream board and you want to be in Forbes or any publication. I was an entrepreneur magazine a couple of months ago as well. I will talk about that in a little bit more detail so that you can also take the steps that I did in order to be seen from a press point of view as well. Let me know if that's something you'd be keen on hearing about. It's just one of my podcast topic ideas that I've had written down for some time and now that Forbes has come out with the article, I mean there is no time like the present. So hopefully you guys find that topic interesting and send me a message on Instagram at underscore Ruby Lee underscore if that is something that you are keen to learn about and hear about and also calling into your own business and your life. But let's get to the core of this amazing month that has been July, 2019 I started the month out thinking I was going to take a bit of a step back from the business. Now as you know, by that I definitely mean just, you know, not turning down the volume to zero but just, you know, showing up and saying hi from time to time. But I definitely wasn't planning on launching anything until the 25th of July, which was open for business. Oh, that's another thing I've got to talk about later. But I was thinking most of the start of the month would be just chilling out enjoying the rest of Huntington beach. But one day I had a damn come into my inbox. This is very common where someone said, when are you opening up one-to-one coaching next? And I thought to myself, you know, it seems like a really aligned thing to talk about online, so I have some capacity that's coming up. I may as well book out the next three months and my goal was to bring on five new clients and just book out the next three months and be completely happy with that and in my own skin and very, you know, very satisfied. So I put it out on Instagram and I started to immediately get DMS. Oh my gosh, how do I book in? I would love this. I've been waiting for you to talk about it. Is there a discovery call? What's the price and investment? Where do I go to find out more information? And I knew that there was this surge of energy backing this offer. Do you guys know what I mean? If you've ever done offers before or maybe multiple offers, you might be into your second or third round launch, there is sometimes this magical deep energy that backs a launch that is something unseen, unplanned. You can't call on it instantly. It just is there. It's ready. It's almost like the seeds that you had planted all of those weeks and months ago is finally here and it's seen full fruition. So I made a couple of Instagram tiles and I talked about the program, what you're going to get in 12 weeks working with me and how I was going to show up for it, what my past clients had also experienced in working with me, what my intention was for the 12 weeks of private coaching. Also talking about the investment and my full belief that I'm going to be that coach to get you to that first 10 K month because I have done it before. It's something that a lot of my clients go on to tell me that a lot of my coaching and practices and what I put into play in their businesses has helped them achieve their first$10,000 a month. And I shared that from a really hot driven place just to say if you're ready and if you want to play bigger and if you've been looking for a private coach and you want to get to your 10 K month and you know you need more strategy and more steps and more process and more clarity, more focus as well as the mindset and the spirituality than I'm your girl. I started to see DMS saying, yes, send me the link. Yes, send me the link now. The link I decided was going to be a discovery call. This is something that I haven't typically done before. I tried it out many, many, many months ago and I actually really hated the process. I didn't like that I had to jump on calls. Sometimes people didn't show up. Sometimes people that did show up would say, yes, yes, yes on the call and then be super flaky and just never respond to any of my messages. After that point. Sometimes I would do calls and they would be price objections. Other times I would show up and their energy wasn't there, but mine was there and it was a real kind of, you know, I don't know. I wasn't doing discovery calls right now that I look back. There were a few things that I just didn't have in play to ensure that once we were on the call it was less about coaching and it was more just about answering any informative questions about the program. This is where I think a lot of us fall over at the beginning where you know discovery calls can often lead to it being a coaching call. You spend way too much time on the call, then you really need to then in that call itself, you just start to ramble and you feel nervous and you can't say the investment, you can't say the price and then you just just totally like you know, wag out of the situation and you just tell them that you're going to email them the cost and it just drags out. Is anybody else in that particular stage at the moment when it comes to discovery calls, because that was me less than nine months ago. That was me and I actually decided that I was not going to do any more discovery calls for some time because I was uncomfortable with it. I definitely was, wasn't uncomfortable with selling. You guys know I sell every single day without a doubt. I am always selling. I always have something for sale. If you're walking into my digital shop, my online, my website, my online shop, there's always something on offer, so that wasn't the thing. It was just the discovery call process itself for me wasn't yet refined. It didn't feel aligned and I decided to park it as something that I wasn't going to reach for at that point in time. So one-to-one coaching was always booked out, but it was booked out either through the DM, just texting and voice messaging or it was booked out just because people knew they wanted to work with me and I just had emails coming through saying, where do I sign up? I just know I need you and I need to sign up, which is so rad, right? Like dream coaching, um, process of signing up private one-to-one clients. And that was awesome. But coming back to present day, I wanted to set up the discovery call, one because I could see how many people were interested and I knew it was time to actually really put on my lens of whether I wanted to work with the other person on the other side of the call. Not to say that I, you know, didn't want to work with everybody, but really I knew my ideal client. I really now know after being in my business full time for 16 months, I know what the exact ideal client looks like, what she or he is saying to me, what their energy is like when they're plugging into a discovery call. That hunger, that ambition, that drive, that sense of urgency, I can feel that. And I was wanting to actually experience that through a 15 minute discovery call. That's all it was. One of my clients asked me yesterday, how is it that you can convert in 15 minutes? The reality is is I'm not converting in 15 minutes. I've actually already converted the sale before they've jumped on the discovery call. I do this through making sure my message is as sharp as a knife. I know exactly the outcomes I'm providing my clients. I know the messaging, how I write my social media posts, how I'm showing up on stories and my live streams. The language that I'm using is attracting my ideal person. The other thing I did in the discovery call process is before you got to book in with me, I asked three questions, so for those of you that came through that process, this will sound familiar to you. One, the first question was, why are you seeking a one to one coach? Second question was, why do you believe I am that one to one coach to help you achieve those goals? And three, I asked them, tell me a little bit more about your vision for the next six months. That was it. Three questions and off the messages that I sent out, I got 90% response rate. The 10% that didn't come back. They might've just decided a too hard. So in my mind, if a person can't answer three questions whilst they're wanting to get on a discovery call, then they're not ready. So I'm all cool. I don't chase them. I don't ask them to go ahead and, you know, fill in the thing. It's up to them. This is where the accountability and the responsibility is really put on that person wanting to seek help before even me on the other side can help, if that makes sense. So of the 90% of people that responded, I mean, the responses were long. They were so, so soulful. They were just from a place where I could see into their missions and I could see into their intentions and where they really truly needed help, guidance, accountability, coaching, mentoring someone to shine a spotlight onto a path that they had not yet seen. And from that point, I wrote back voice message back, videoed back, whatever I felt at the time was, you know, in whatever mood I was in. And I just said, Oh, awesome. Okay, this sounds incredible. It sounds like you know me as a coach, I'm getting to know you a little bit more through your Insta page and through these answers that you're giving me. Let's jump on a call. So I sent them the Calendly link for 15 minutes and in the Calendly link you can obviously go ahead, choose your time and answer a couple more questions. First name, email, address the time that you want. And also what I popped in there was the investment itself to work with me and I said to work with me for 12 weeks, the investment is X amount of dollars. Is this within your budget and are you able to invest? Yes. Or are you able to invest? Yes. Comma, would love to find out more about a payment plan. That was it. There was no, no option. So once again, when people got to the discovery call page where they were locking themselves in, I had 90% of those people go ahead and book in and they chose yes or yes with a payment plan of the 10% that didn't book in. Obviously they weren't able to make the investment. At the time or the investment amount might have completely petrified them, which is normal if you haven't yet ever invested in a coach and that was fine. Once again, I didn't necessarily follow up hardcore. I might've just gone back to them saying, you know, Hey girl, like did you get the discovery call link? Are you still booking in with me because I'm closing off calls in just a couple of days. I don't want you to miss out on a time that might be suitable if I didn't hear back from them. I just would stop right there if I heard back from them and it was like, uh, maybe next time I'd be like, cool, I'll open up spots again in 2020 and I went ahead and started taking these calls. They were all done via zoom so we could see each other's faces and we had 15 minutes. The calls were incredible. They were mostly calls to ask questions about the 12 week program deeper than what I might've put on the sales page or the info page and it was really just, you know, other calls recorded. What if I can't make the times? What, uh, what selection of times do you have, given that you're moving so much and traveling so much, what is your coaching style? Like? All the questions that you'd love to ask a coach. More so into the practical and less about what can you achieve for me? Needing to, you know, really have you sell on this call. All the selling has already been done. It's been done because I've shown up every single day for the last 16 months I've launched my podcast, gone live, many Instagram posts, many LinkedIn posts, many Facebook posts. I have, you know, really cultivated my private Facebook groups. So you guys know me, you already know me, and this is the thing, if you were just starting out at it as a coach, how are you helping your ideal audience really get to know you? So honestly, by the time we got to my calls, these, these discovery calls, most of the calls were, Oh my gosh, Ruby, I can't believe I'm speaking with you. I'm so excited to start working with you. I just wanted to jump on the call to fan girl and I can't believe I get private time with you and I'm signing up. Tell me how I sign up. How do I book in a time? I'm so ready to go. And we started talking about which months I was available. I was starting to book out all of July. Suddenly all of August was booked, payments were coming in straight after the calls. I would see, you know, the commitments coming in, the payments coming in August was booked out, September was booked out, October was booked out, November was booked out. Oh my goodness. So in one week I spent a whole week doing discovery calls by the way, and I had a 90% conversion rate once again. So 10% of people just couldn't make that payment. Even with the payment plan, I had one person right after the call, just never come back to me. That was really strange and I just want to let you guys know that happens. You might have the most connected and just feel so aligned and you just don't know what's happening on the other side. It's not you, it's probably out of their control as well. Whatever is happened, I choose to release it. I don't get angry or cut or annoyed or anxious. I don't get super needy and you know, cling onto the fact that they haven't come back and I'm chasing them up. I just choose to believe that when the timing's right, it'll be right. So that does happen in the discovery call process just because my conversion rate was at 90% you know it's because I did a lot of the foundation laying. I did a lot of it in the last 12 months. And if you think about it from that respect, 12 months isn't that long. You guys, if you start today, by this time next year, you could be saying the exact same thing. In one week I booked a hundred thousand dollars worth of sales and I did this because I started 12 months ago. It's as easy as that when you just start showing up and just committing to your own business and committing to your own message and committing to showing up to an audience of people that just cannot wait to hear from you. And they know that you're that person to help them take them to that next level and be their accountability and be their mentor and their guide and that person that's really going to help them see their full potential. So in all of this, the lessons that I've learned is things that you may have parked or hung up in your, you know, in your tool shed where you said, you know what, I don't want to use that tool for some time. For me it was the discovery call. It doesn't mean that it's completely redundant. So go back and have a look at your tool shed. What have you hung up and decided it wasn't right for you back then, but it is right for you now. Maybe it's the discovery call process. Maybe it's meeting up for coffees again with potential clients. Maybe it's showing up more on YouTube when you decided that back then YouTube wasn't for you. Whatever it is, go back and just take a bit of a look, you know, have a look at what skills you already have, what you have sharpened, what you have put down, you know, six months ago that you've decided now is going to be the right time to start using that again. I'm so happy that I decided to use the discovery core process again. I know that's the reason why I was able to convert so quickly. Really connect with my future. Private clients really get to understand me better as a coach. Being on those calls also really helped me understand how much I've grown and how much more stronger I am at knowing when someone was right for me versus someone who wasn't right for me. And you know of the, by the way, of the 10% that I didn't take through after the discovery call process, another contingent where people that just weren't the right fit and I just told them on the call itself, there was no awkwardness. It was very, you know, straight from the soul, very kind and respectful, but there was one client in particular or potential client in particular whereby I just said to her, I just don't think you're ready babe. I really don't feel that by investing in 12 weeks with me. It's going to get you to where you want to get to. It just might be that I'm not the right coach for you at this point in time. It seems like your anxiety around investing is really going to overlay and throw a heaviness over our coaching relationship. There's a lot of dependency on the outcomes and sometimes when you're in that space and you're not releasing the process and trusting the process, you're in effect putting a big fat roadblock in play between the way that I show up and the way that you know your expectations are of this coaching period together. I also said, you know, I'm showing up at 110% it might feel to me right now that your energy is at 50% or less because you're so worried about whether this is going to work and if the focus is on that versus just, you know, yes, I'm ready, I'm ready for feedback and change and I'm ready to pivot then it's not the right time. And I'll just say that now. And it doesn't come from a place where you know, it's of judgment. It's comes from a place where I fully just love this person so much that I want them to come into a space working with me one-to-one when they're ready. Like fuck yes. Hell yes. Ready. And that's what I, that's what I witnessed of the 90% that came through. I mean I got messages, video messages that was being shared all over the internet. I've hired Ruby as a coach, this is amazing. And then I would write back to the, we do all of our interaction through Voxer and I just had my entire Voxer light up with messages from my new private clients. Just saying, Oh my gosh, I just can't believe you're my coach. This is awesome. And you know what? This is what I called in when I was journaling all those months ago, six months, 12 months ago, that my clients would be so excited to work with me. That investing in coaching wasn't just paying money to me. It was investing into themselves and into their future and into their higher purpose and their higher message, but also that they were so happy. My clients were happy to pay me, my clients just shouted my name from their own network rooftops and were continuously recommending me. And that's my reality nowadays because I shifted the lens and I allowed myself to accept the abundance that was already there. So I hope this episode was useful and that you picked up some lessons, some reminders, some tips, some practical ways in which that you can apply into your own business. Come on over to Instagram and let me know if this episode was helpful. Screenshot this right now and tag me at underscore Ruby Lee underscore. And for those of you that are interested to private coach with me, I will be opening up spots again for 2020 for my new program. I am so, so, so excited to also be crafting a new one-to-one high level mastermind coaching offer, which at this stage I'm planning to launch in November, so I keep an eye out on all of my social media platforms. I will be going super, super big with this one and this is going to be at a mastermind level 12 months with me to take your business. I mean, gosh into that six figure realm, ongoing recurring, multi five figure months, all that good stuff that I've personally experienced and I'm ready to coach you on that. So November baby, we're going to make that happen. But do let me know how this episode has helped you, how it's maybe given you some thought or maybe even you know, some things that you can suggest to others. I'm really happy to reshare your posts on my Instagram page as well, which woo. I hit five and a half thousand Instagram followers this week. I mean it's been super organic. The growth has been. Um, just wonderful to see and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you that listen in on this podcast as well. If this podcast has been a big part of your business journey, I would so appreciate if you could leave me a review on Apple or on Castbox or review goes a long way and helps my podcast be seen on the charts. I'm also, you know, someone who is less about the vanity metrics, but it just helps my message be heard and seen by those that have not yet found me. So any shares of my podcast is so highly, highly appreciated. I love you all. Have an amazing week ahead and remember that you can absolutely earn your hustle. Bye guys.