Flow State Business

Optimizing LinkedIn - Top 10 tips to showcase your business

February 10, 2020 • Ruby Lee • Episode 121

In this episode, I share with you my top 10 tips to get optimised on LinkedIn.

If you're excited to elevate your LinkedIn visibility for your business this year, tune right into this podcast.



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Speaker 1:

Hi, my loves. My name is Ruby Lee entrepreneur, digital nomad, croissant obsessed, free spirit and founder of the RNL hustle movement. And this is the earn your hustle podcast. He, uh, you'll be so motivated to start that business. You've always wanted to grow it unapologetically and go all in, earning powerfully with ease and grace. I'm so excited that you're here and listening in and I'm so grateful that you made it. So welcome to the all new hustle way of life, full of freedom, a dose of woo and plenty of random tangent laughs along the way. You know, I started my company working nine to five too. As a recruiter. I was working for a ventures based business in the urban cool city of Melbourne, Australia. And today I'm traveling the world young family and toward working with the most amazing humans ready to build a career in life by design strapping my love. You are about to binge on all of the most incredible guests that I bring onto these podcasts. And guess what? They started their businesses through purpose and calling mostly while still working a day job. Let me also share this. I called my company on your hustle as a reminder for us daily that we get to love our soul at hustle or in our decisions to grow big. Stop playing small, create with joy. Take the risk, say yes to adventure and from time to time be okay with those meltdown moments. These episodes are filled with joy and strategy, spirituality and business, tactical tapes, big picture concepts and musings and of course some of that Ruby colored energy. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started. Hello. Hello everybody. We are back. We're still in ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam. The I made a post the other day. The energy is both boosting and exhausting at the same time. How does that actually happen? So here's what a day to day looks like for me. Like every day I will get up, I'll go for my coffee because the coffee culture here is so good. It is awesome. You literally can't walk like three steps before bumping into a little old lady who's selling ice coffee on the side of the road and she like rides around with her blue stalls on her scooter. And she sets it up on the side of the road. It's so cool. And so Epic, right through to some big coffee chains here. Like Trung Nouwen is a coffee chain he out, which is very locks. It's just you feel like you're in a hotel lobby. So I am getting the vibe guys. Shout out Trung Nouwen also, there is another coffee place here called Highlands. They're very like almost very, you know, Balinese outdoors-y, lots of Tikkun word and Palm trees around. There's my life coffee. I mean it's just so good. Like you wouldn't even go to a Starbucks here because they've got all of their own competing chains here in Vietnam and it's so, so good. Coffee, is it coffee and tea leaf or something? Coffee bean and tea leaf. That's another one that is just so cool. The coffee club here is really locks as well, like marble floors and you know, black, um, black trimmings and everything. It's just every single one I have gone into just has a vibe. They have super fast internet. They don't give a shit that you're sitting there with your laptop for ever and ever. There's people like talking around you everywhere, but I just love that sort of energy. However, I can only do that for like one to two hours and then I need to like come back to my beautiful home environment and tuck back in and just, you know, be all cozied up with the family away from that bustle. And then we get to go out again at night, which is like a whole other vibe. So that's how I've been operating as a nomad here in this city. And every city I go to I have a different vibe, a different routine, which suits me so immensely because I like changing things up and keeping the environment really exciting. And you know what? I just don't do routines, but I have my routine for a little barrier of time. But if it just does the same thing over and over, no like put me to sleep right now. So this is awesome. This is like, I just wanted to share with you like a little day in the life now. Another really cool thing that, Oh my gosh, I have to share. So last episode I was talking to you guys about how I feel that there is someone out there listening who is extremely, you know, spiritually open and I can see your third eye open. I can see your crown chakra open and women to be working together. I had three of you in particular message me out of that podcast episode and just pour your heart out as to just why you know that it was you. And isn't that just so interesting? I could feel your vibration. I could feel Kylie and Sarah and Laina like all three of you just, I dunno, your energy was just open and I could feel that. And each of you have gone on to sign in either to amplify or work with me in an era of power. And all of you have said that you're gunning for working in the higher level owner hustle mastermind later on this year. So this is just so cool. And I wanted to share it with the wider community that all of us have this ability to tap into a vibration around who's listening and who is there. And you know, I could go very deep here around the rituals of how I actually create my content, but also how I know who's around and who's watching and who's listening that so much. So when someone comes to me with a discovery call or an email or a message, it's not a surprise. It's almost like, Oh yeah, I've been expecting you like we in a non creepy Adams family kind of way. Like I've been expecting you. It's really just, ah, okay. My soul recognizes yours and you're here. I'm excited, let's talk. And it's just always such magic. So, Oh my gosh. Anyway, last weekend, out of my very first mastermind kickoff calls, so kicked off the 12 month mastermind container and I woke up to 21 boxes. This is Monday morning, I'm recording this 21 boxes over the weekend from my incredible ladies just talking about launches, talking about streamlining their business processes, talking about hiring and firing, talking about, you know, pulling together a brand new book. And everybody was just in conversation supporting each other and all the ladies have really different niches. So I have one who's in the restaurant business. I have another who's an author, I have another who is a business and life coach. I have another who's like a speaker and a speaking coach. I have another who helps like individuals launch products on Instagram and sell out their products. So these are just all the different industries that we come from. But we all share a real kindred connection with one another around our dreams and our aspirations and elevating each other's focus. I think this is really where there's so much power in that mastermind and ah, my dreams have just been realized and I have to share it with you because you have seen the growth that I've been on through this podcast journey and now I can hand on heart. Say I'm a mastermind Horst. It's just, Oh my gosh, you know, don't give up on your dreams, my love. You know what? I had only hoped for it to be a one day thing. Has this past week become my reality, a high level bad-ass mastermind host. And can I let you in on my next level dreams? And I mean, we've already talked about a part of my dreams, having wanting to manifest what's going on with my dream retreat home. But the reason why I took a deep breath just then, it's because I know every time I share my desires in the real world, including voicing it out here in my room, do a podcast Mike, knowing it's going to go to thousands of listeners and Oh my gosh, we're almost at a hundred K downloads. I'm so excited. So when that happens, we'll definitely celebrate together. But every time we put it out in the real world, the universe conspires to make it all happen with ease. Can we just say this out loud now in our car, whether we're walking the dog, you'll listening to me on the train. The universe conspires to make it all happen with ease. So here we go. As I'm sharing my dreams, my next level dreams really start to bring yours to mind and think about these like moments where you get to grasp and anchor them again. You know, sometimes in our day to day lives it can get really crazy and busy and we get into the step-by-steps and the, you know, the, the routine of why we do certain things and then we forget. So this is a reminder to ground into your next level dreams. So my first one, there are five that I want to share with those of you that are listening today, I want to buy two to three retreat homes around the world. So I talked about this two to three episodes ago and because I'm a specific Manifesta that is my human design. I'm a manifesting generator and when I manifest, I am designed to manifest very specifically. There's also a nonspecific manifest us. So if you want to find that out, go and check out human design. And I've always known I've had to be quite specific with my dreams because I don't necessarily link to just like big picture. Oh one day I'm going to, you know, live an amazing life. I need to be very specific. Whereas some of you might just be able to call that in and it all just falls into place. So I know my three homes are going to be in California, in Bali, and in Sorento,

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Italy. Oh my gosh. Saying that I last skin me goosebumps. Oh, okay.

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A number to continue working with incredible clients. In my two masterminds I have amplify, which is now enrolling. You can check it out in the show notes below and I also have my own your hustle mastermind, which is the 12 month high level container. So I will continue building that out and working with incredible clients in that mastermind space. Number three, I'm creating a million dollar passive income funnel for LinkedIn brand boss. So we're kicking this project off with a team very shortly and are we talking all about funnels very soon? Right now I'm in the midst of building that out and hiring an incredible advisor to help us with this. So watch out. This is like next phase, next level goodness in our business. I am also with the help of my mastermind client, clear colors, hoping to write a book hopefully in the next year or so. If you do remember I started the book writing process before we had left. For the world and you know, were still in Docklands and I was writing the outline of my book and I got so confused with where to next and that just kind of went on the shelf. Pardon the fun. But I'm going to high on my own mastermind client, Claire to be a mentor for me because she's a bad ass at writing books in less than 90 days. And she specifically helps people write nonfiction books on our mastermind called the other day. I was like, um, ladies. Does anyone else here get confused between nonfiction

Speaker 2:

fiction? I think everybody else add, put their hand up saying yes and we were like hang away. Which one's the one where it's like fairy tales and which one's the one that's like self-help. So that seems to be like the two things. So

Speaker 1:

fiction is self-help if we want to call it that or just information type books. And then fiction is like, you know, Peter pan and whatnot. So I definitely need me some of that magic in my life. Clay, I'm coming for ya. And number five, I want to continue growing out. Beautiful memberships. So you've been listening to our last couple of podcasts where I have an incredible promo to come and join the membership.$14 for 14 days. The link is below in the show notes as well and we have just unlocked so much goodness. You are the first to hear about this in the community. Not only do you get monthly classes, monthly live Q and a threads, you have me answering your questions. Live is your coach and the entire community. We have just actually put in so many courses in the membership itself including ignite which is perfect for you if you are starting your coaching business and you're wanting to know where to begin. This is just one of those courses that has ignited, which is why I called it this, so many new coaching practices and also I've put in there launched in which is a really great baseline for you to begin your LinkedIn branding and personal branding journey. Anyway, that is all in the membership. You can come and check it out for$14 that is insane for 14 days. And then it rolls into a$97 membership, which is just so insane for the value that you're getting in there. And my vow to you in that membership is to help you get to your first$5,000 a month and beyond, but also at the same time, helping you really align to what you're building and get really clear on your niche, your customer value proposition, your marketing and social media plan. So it is very strategic. This month we're talking all about selling and sales and how to actually elevate your sales pitches and how to actually start making those first couple of sales. So if that's for you, the membership is just going to be the absolute perfect fit. So I'm sure there's always a ton of things that I want to talk to you about because every time I stopped recording I'm like, Oh, I should've said this and I really wanted to share this with you guys. But the best thing about podcasting is that it's never ending. You know? And if I want to jump on, I will jump on, but today I want to be able to share with you my linked in predictions for 2020 I probably should have recorded this in January, but you know a lot of us are saying that it feels like the year really started when Chinese new year started. It really felt like when the lunar new year started was when all the energy cleared and we were like ready to go all in. Can I get like an amen to that? Yes. As we take a really deep breath, so today I want to go through my top 10 predictions but also what's hot on LinkedIn. So if you're just starting out or maybe you've given LinkedIn a bit of a go, this is going to be a really great episode for you to see how you can change up your strategy to fit 2020 if that makes sense. Or even like fine tune it. Just that little bit because it's like that 1% rule where that story of the team, I think it was like the English team in the tour de France, they had did, they'd done like this 1% change where they checked, they started to sleep on more comfortable pillows at night so all of their riders would get a better sleep. And even just in that one move, that 1% change, they went on to win the tour de France. It's so incredible. I just love that story so much. So this is like the analogy of like let's switch pillows and see what happens and see, you know, if it makes a bigger change in your LinkedIn strategy down the track. Okay. Number one, articles, articles. They have had an awesome revival and since writing articles personally, like we try and post an article at least once a week or at least once a fortnight, which is based off a podcast actually. And it's how a lot of my listens, um, happen organically and people find my podcast this way. But I've had over 10,000 new followers come through since upping our articles game. And it also has created deeper conversations in the DM and lots more shares of my articles as well. So whilst the likes and the comments seem lower off articles, the relationship and the conversation is a lot deeper thanks to articles. So I'm pretty stoked about that. Um, shout out to the latest article on my feed today, which was a guest in our previous podcast episode. Jillian Mulholland is on fire with articles at the moment. So go and check out Jill's LinkedIn profile and you will see her recent articles that she's written about self love and being a badass and you know, just kicking butt with self-worth. So that's a really, really nice person to follow. Individuals who follow on LinkedIn to really lift up your spirits for the day. Shout out Jill, love you so much. Girlfriend. Number two is newsletters. Now I will say that newsletters are currently still in beta testing, much like LinkedIn live. I will get to LinkedIn live shortly. Um, beta testers for newsletters. Uh, I've really experiencing amazing results with connection outside of the LinkedIn platform. So I'm loving seeing these hit my inbox directly. You can actually subscribe through the platform. And it's a really great feature if you don't have your own EDM system or strategy. So EDM, email, direct marketing, I think that's what it stands for. Direct. Yeah, electronic direct marketing. I think it stands for, I don't know. Anyway, one of those, and I currently have mine through Kartra official and I love what Kartra does, so I don't need LinkedIn newsletters, but if you are just starting out, this could actually be a really great option for you. Newsletters are awesome because once someone subscribes off LinkedIn, they actually give you the um, the green light to show up in the inbox. And this is like your Gmail inbox, not your LinkedIn inbox. So whenever I do subscribe to LinkedIn newsletters, I really mean that. I want to see their content. And I'm Quintin alums. If you don't know Quintin, he is a top voice on LinkedIn and he's just such a dude. I believe he's from Milwaukee and I love his articles so much about branding, personal branding in particular. So go and check out Quintin, type him in the search and subscribe to his newsletters. I highly recommend them. Number three, picture posts. Chances are people are stopping to have a read over watching your videos read. Read that again, listen to that again. Chances are people are stopping to have a read of your picture posts, presuming that it's a picture alongside text over watching your videos. So the reason for this is videos can sometimes seem a little hard to stop in on when let's say your at work. So thinking about your LinkedIn demographic, a lot of them are still in their nine to fives. They're not able to plug in and listen to what you're saying. So they might actually have the intention of wanting to watch your videos, but they scroll because they're not able to plug in at that period of time. But if it's a picture with a post, they're likely going to stop and have a quick scan and a quick rate. If it catches their eye, then they're going to want to read what's in the post and you have a lot more clickability as well through a picture posts. Gary Williams, he has a really cool background in startups and entrepreneurship. It's Gary G, a double R Y today posted a really cool gallery post on that showed up on my feed anyway of a startup event that he ran last weekend. And that caught my eye. I flicked through the gallery, I could see a full house, I could see him on the stage, I could see his post about what he was doing in the startup community and it was just awesome. So it made me stop and read and click through and message him eventually and then tag him in into LinkedIn post to say, Gary, awesome dude. I love seeing that more. Please. So consider putting in more picture posts if you're just doing pure video at this point in time. Number four, video posts. Still, can I stress epically important, especially if you are a newbie on LinkedIn. So if you're brand new to LinkedIn, I still favor the video because the algorithm still will push your videos over the top of articles and newsletters at this point in time. So whilst I'm saying all of this, this is really for those of you that maybe have tested the waters with LinkedIn, but if you have never ever, ever posted, or if let's say you posted like six months ago, then you dropped off and you fell off the brand bandwagon, the brand wagon. There you go. There's like a good little, a good little Freudian slip. Maybe I should Tam that. Hmm. I w I'm like, Hm. The brand wagon. I love it. You'll see it show up in like a course soon, I'm sure. Um, but if you have fallen off the brand wagon and you want to restart it, go with video posts and, but what I will say is please keep them really short under three minutes tops, three minutes tops. And if you're going with three minutes, please use subtitles. We'll come to subtitle shortly. The video that I saw on my feed today, it was from my private client, Aaron O'Donoghue. Shout out Aaron from the hive and Aaron and I had a chat last week and I want to one call and wallah Aaron's video and her gorgeous face showed up on my feed. So welcome Aaron. Brand new to LinkedIn. Applause there. Woo. Golf clap. Do you remember that? Golf clap. Okay. Number five, voice DMS. It's such a game changer since it came out and no one is using it except me. I'm sure this is more people, but okay, so you know how you can voice people on Facebook and Instagram? Oh my gosh. She can do it on LinkedIn as well. Did you know this? You can do it on LinkedIn as well. It's free to use. I have no idea why more people aren't using this. Honestly. Every time I do it, we just have the best conversations on LinkedIn. If you're saying to me, Oh, LinkedIn, there just isn't a community there and it's really hard to get to know someone. I bet you 1000% you've never used DM voice message DM, so give that a go. Try it out. The last beautiful person I message was Natasha Curry on there. We had a great chat. So I'm very excited to see more of you or hear more of you. Use voice DMS in reply following from 0.5 if, and I just highly doubt anyone in this community would be doing this, if you are copying and pasting sales messages and just spamming everybody with common messages or worse paying for LinkedIn sales navigator, which is the LinkedIn CRM and just copy and pasting and just changing the fricking first name and doing a mail merge ill mountain mail mergers. Oh, I remember, I studied that in eCommerce when I was at uni in 2007 and I'm like ill, that works. And to this day I still think that no, stop with the cut and paste. Just go in with a voice message if you really want to connect with someone and if you really feel you can serve them, if not in the beautiful words of Ariana Grande. Grandy thank you. Next. Okay, seven excessive tagging is so 2019 Oh and what I mean by this is, Oh, okay. So I got a message this morning and someone said to me, hi Ruby, I've tagged you in my post. It'll be really great if you could show it some support. So I was like, okay, cool, let me have a look. Went to the post and this person had tagged 70 people, 70 people and of course the post had like mega low engagement because it just feels like a group spam box and it was yuck. So it's very 2019 I'm not a fan of tagging. I never have been. And I don't mean this you guys in terms of like quality tagging. Well you actually meaningful, meaningfully tag someone and you go, I am so happy this week cause I got to meet Tom and I had an amazing conversation with Dan, which then led me to meeting Sarah and Sarah introduced me to this CEO of X company. So shout out to you Marian, and just meaningful tags and beautiful. But when you're just slapping it on there, hoping that one person in that tag blah-blah-blah box actually likes your work so that it turns up onto their feed.[inaudible] anyway, I'm not a fan of it and I have never done it. So you know, it's still managed to build a badass community and incredible audience and you know, my business just has been going gangbusters due to LinkedIn from not tagging. Okay. Number eight. I've got 11% on my laptop. Oh, living on the edge. Living on the edge. Okay. Number eight captions. I am a big fan of captions. I was very slow to the game here. Let's admit it. I was slow. I was just like, Oh the captions, I just can't be bothered. Anyway, finally got an actually the first round of LinkedIn brand boss that I did. I didn't do captions and someone said, why don't you do captions? And I'm like, cause I'm lazy. I just listened. They're hiding it. I'm like this, I'm lazy. Like it is a strategy by LinkedIn brand boss round two I was like, okay, I use captions and I'm actually really big fan of add subtitles. So add subtitles is the one I use. Some people don't like it, some people find it clunky, some people can't use it. I don't know what's going on there. I've never had a problem. I use an, I've got, I'm a die hard Apple fan. I know. I'm sorry. I just am. They've sucked me in so big time and I think Aaron O'Donoghue and I had a chat about this. It was really funny actually. Anyway, so add sometimes is really good, but someone who's been on our podcast before Holly Stevens has actually just come up with a new app and it's called[inaudible], which looks amazing. I haven't tried it. So shout out Holly Stevens and I will leave the link below that Holly sent me in. Holly said it'd be really cool if I could shout it out and get more people to use it. So happy to support other entrepreneurs for sure. So check out Sibley and captions are great because coming back to point number four with video posts, if you are doing a three minute video, even like more than a one minute video, just try and use captions because it'll definitely get way more engagement. However, as Aaron says, mercy, shout out to Aaron. I think Erin's just in on my mind today. She posted this thing. I actually said it in our call and then posted it on her Instagram page saying I'm done is better than perfect. So amen to that done is better than perfect. Okay. Number nine, follow over. Connect. It's a thing y'all, it's a thing. So you know the button, when you search somebody and it says connect, you can actually change that to follow. So for those of you that have worked out that LinkedIn is a thousand percent mega, super duper magnetic, creepy land where you get lots of weird marriage proposals and just super mega creepers and stalkers. This has changed a lot for me because I changed my button from connect to follow so people can no longer just directly message me and creep on me. And it's just really such an awful part about LinkedIn. But I choose to overlook that and not focus on that because those people that don't deserve a mention at all. But yeah, so I've definitely had some very intense stalkers on LinkedIn very recently and I've just obviously blogged and they've come back as someone new. And then they've messaged me again and blocked and Oh my gosh, like there's this one person, one guy who keeps applying for my coaching and he does like 10 applications a day. It's disgusting. And the things that he says in there is really disgusting. And you know, I'm like blocking and blocking and blocking, unfortunately type form doesn't block email names and whatnot. So my team's all over that now. I didn't have to even look at them anymore, but it's still like, Oh and I betcha actually I know that, you know, the, the point of which it comes from his LinkedIn. So with all that being said, sometimes, and I just want to generalize, I think a lot of women get it more than men to know. Maybe I'll get like told off for that, but I do hear a lot more of women copying it on LinkedIn. So I just changed my button over from follow to connect and my follow account has also gone up because of that. And lastly, linked in lives. What, why

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Oh, that's so funny. Um, okay. Biggest flop of 2019. I was so excited. You guys know how excited I was to be a beta tester for LinkedIn live. I was like, this is a game changer. The very first LinkedIn live I did was really, really seen and I think we had like 50,000 views on my live stream, which is absolutely amazing. So promising. I don't know what the hell happened. And this happened across the board. I mean at first I was like, Oh my gosh, what if it's just me? But everybody else who was a beta tester experienced these where the engagement just dived, just dived. And you know, I could speculate on why that is and why live streams at the moment aren't fully set up for LinkedIn. So if you are fully invested into a LinkedIn live strategy into 2020 I'm not going to say don't do it because obviously we always want to be at the forefront of it. I'll continue doing them, but just not as often as I thought I was going to be in 2020 but just really think about other ways in which you can leverage the algorithm. But right now if we're talking about exchanging time for attention, it's likely not going to give you the results that you were hoping for. But LinkedIn in general, freaking amazing. I just, it still continues to be my favorite platform and surprising platform for leads and people that go ahead to find me and reach out to me, especially more so on the PR press, speaker level. Um, those that are wanting to collaborate on podcasts, more B2B work, especially those that are, you know, wanting to collaborate at like company level. It's awesome. So there you go. LinkedIn predictions of 2020. As more features come out, continue to tune back into these podcasts because I'm your gal, full LinkedIn, especially if you're a coach, a service based entrepreneur, a side hustler and early stage entrepreneur who's wanting to really try out a different platform outside of Facebook and LinkedIn. Come back here. I talk about it so much. LinkedIn brand boss, we'll be opening up again very, very, very shortly of which I'd take you through the magic of LinkedIn and how to grow your business on there. But let me know what your thoughts are. In the meantime, share this on LinkedIn. Come over to Instagram. My handles are below and let me know just like what are you going to try more of? What are you going to give more of a go and what further questions do you have? And I'm happy to record more episodes about LinkedIn in general because LinkedIn is super sexy to me and I just love shining a light on this particular social media platform. Thank you so much guys for tuning in. How do we get to 31 minutes? I don't know. And we've got 6% left on my, on my little laptop, my little MacBook air, which I'll be upgrading very shortly. So this is like the weirdest end to a podcast, but it's like, okay, you hang up. No, you hang up. I feel like it's one of those. Anyway, I love you guys so much. Go and check out all the good links below membership, amplify all the people that I have shouted out in these podcast episode and I will see you in the next one. Love you guys so much. And remember, you can absolutely own your hustle. Joe.