Flow State Business

Discovery Calls - How I structure my high ticket, high conversion calls (and close them with ease)

Ruby Lee Episode 123

In this episode, I walk you through my *EXACT* high ticket Discovery Call (DC) process and how I close with ease.

If you’re an online service-based entrepreneur this is a cornerstone episode to listen to and reach to every time you’re launching a high ticket service.  

I'll be covering:

1) When to offer DCs? - these are not sales calls, they are deciphering calls

2) When not to offer DCs?

3) Before you book in DC’s - application forms in the calendar system

4) When you book in DC’s

5) Inside a DC - script or no script/ length/ close

6) After a DC


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Speaker 1:

Hi, my loves. My name is Ruby Lee entrepreneur, digital nomad, croissant obsessed, free spirit and founder of the RNL hustle movement. And this is the earn your hustle podcast. He, uh, you'll be so motivated to start that business. You've always wanted to grow it unapologetically and go all in, earning powerfully with ease and grace. I'm so excited that you're here and listening in and I'm so grateful that you made it. So welcome to the all new hustle way of life, full of freedom, a dose of woo and plenty of random tangent laughs along the way. You know, I started my company working nine to five too. As a recruiter. I was working for a ventures based business in the urban cool city of Melbourne, Australia. And today I'm traveling the world young family and[inaudible] working with the most amazing humans ready to build a career in life by design strapping my love. You are about to binge on all of the most incredible guests that I bring onto these podcasts. And guess what? They started their businesses through purpose and calling mostly while still working a day job. Let me also share this. I called my company on your hustle as a reminder for us daily that we get to love our soul at hustle or in our decisions to grow big, stop playing small, create with joy, take the risk, say yes to adventure, and from time to time be okay with those meltdown moments. These episodes are filled with joy and strategy, spirituality and business, tactical tapes, big picture concepts and musings and of course some of that Ruby colored energy. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started. How are you guys, this is our last episode from hoti Minh city, Vietnam because your girl is about sick. Go home. Well, home is really where Michael is. Aw. But I am going back to Melbourne, Australia in about two days from today. So I am very, very much preparing myself for home soil and yeah, I think it's going to be great. In all honesty, there's a lot that we're going to do and we're back. So a lot of personal administrations, things that we're doing with, you know, lining stuff up with our attorney because the business has grown so much that we have to restructure the trust that's happening right now. We're going to our accountant, I'm going to get my teeth done, I'm going to get my eyes done, I'm going to get my hair done. You get the picture. But as well as that, seeing family again is going to be so fun and quite honestly really good to just have like Mike and I time again. Cause you know, living with a toddler full time in ho Chi Minh city is just like, Oh it gets to a boiling point sometimes. But luckily we're both very patient. What I mean by this is it's not a kid friendly sit. Hey, if you have a toddler and you're considering Holcim in city, it is a very, very kid unfriendly. Is that the term? So, you know, local parks and whatnot don't have playgrounds and they have a ton of rules that you can't play on the grass. And then there's like scooters just like scooting down a footpath. Like you think, Oh yeah, I'm safe from the scooters and the footpath. No you're not. They scoot down and fast. So there's been like definitely a couple of close shaves with Teddy, which makes me so angry. I'm like, why are you riding on the footpath? But you know, it's their country, their rules, not mine. And it makes sense to me to not scoot on the footpath. But to them it is normal. So you know, this is it. This is all part of taking in the culture and what feels sometimes really graining on like some of our own beliefs and other things. It teaches us like lessons to just chill out a bit and rules are meant to be broken. Right. But yeah, I think in all of this there's definitely been like a real sort of cloud, a big cloud because you know, right now we're going through the Corona virus epidemic, if we can call it that. And I think a lot of what's happening in Vietnam right now is, you know, very cautious, lots of face masks on. There's still a lot of tourists around, which is sort of comforting to see, but you know, I think I'm just happy to be heading back to Australia and just knowing that we're quite a way away. Although at one point there were more cases in Australia than in Asia, so with all of that being said, wow, Melbourne is looking like a big, a big deal for the owner hustle tribes. I shout out Melbourne and we have sold out the Melbourne meetup event on the 5th of March. I am so excited to meet so many of you. Oh my gosh, I'm pumped. And then we also have five red carpet days booked in Melbourne. If you don't know what red carpet days are, wherever I am in the world, I open up full day strategy days with me as your business coach and I roll out the red carpet, hence the name. We always hang out in the most beautiful, luxurious locations. We go out for a five star lunch. Of course we have drinks, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, whatever your preference is. And most of all we roll out the red carpet for your business. We give it all the VIP treatment, we really nurture it. We look at it under the microscope for an entire day so that you're walking away with just such a beautiful set of tools and strategies that you can apply over the next 12 months. So bring it on. Girls, Melbourne girls. Let's put on the show now. The other thing I will say is we have almost closed the doors for my 12 week private coaching mastermind. Now this mastermind is really based off my private coaching container. So for any one of you that have done 12 weeks of private coaching with me, I've basically lifted your program and I've put it into a mastermind environment and some of you have done private coaching with me and we'll be like, no, that's what we wanted. Because a lot of my private clients were saying, Oh, can we actually interact with each other? Or who are your other private clients? I'd end up connecting all of you anyway, but this is just such a beautiful evolution of my three month program. I'm no longer offering my three month program. It now sits within the mastermind. So over 12 weeks we will be going through some of the most transformative strategies for your early stage business. We always start off with your product suite. This is where we get super clear about what is on your shelves. Now, if you were to walk into a physical store and you saw that their shelves were not stocked but the door was marked or open, you would be like, what is going on in here? Why is there nothing for sale? Now so many of you actually fall into that category without realizing it because a lot of your products and your services are in your head and also you think you've marketed it, you think, you think you've talked about it but ain't no one knows about it out there. Right? Right, and I know this to be true because I was one of them. I was one of you for the last, actually I side hustled for five years, so I was that person for five years. Talk about procrastinator. That was me. Anyway, product suite is one of the first things we talk about. Then we go into your personal brand and we talk about how to market it both authentically and organically as well as very actively meaning that we look at both paid and organic channels and how that works well for your business. The other thing that I absolutely love teaching my clients to do is how to sell and how to do it with such ease and grace. The most common feedback I get about my selling feel and strategy is at the end of it when I teach my clients the way that I do it, they feel free and excited to share more and more and more and they actually get addicted to selling. Now this is maybe for some of you going, Oh my gosh, I'm so far away from that. I hear the word sales and it freaks me out and I want to outsource it. Okay, this is it. In amplify, I will be teaching you how to sell from a place of ease and grace, but always converting. I have not had someone that stand me out for a discovery call for a very long time. Over a year. I have had 98% conversion rate on all of my discovery calls. If I have discovery calls for that particular program, if it's just courses and whatnot, I've now definitely you know well and truly been in that realm of smashing through six figure launches and having so many people from all over the sign up with ease. That is what I will say about amplify. There is so much more info that I would love for you to go and check out in the show notes below and if this is calling to you, if you are excited, then come and join us. We start on the 29th of February. We conclude on the 31st of May. We are going to have the most incredible three months together. Close your eyes, see where you will be in may. After we finish our time together on your business, you will not recognize it. It is like biggest loser transformation level. Yes. Can I get an amen to that? Okay. Let's get stuck into today's episode. Today, I actually want to talk about discovery calls. So this is a real, almost like a revisit to one Oh one when it comes to coaching. Now I know a lot of you that listen in on my podcast are coaches or aspiring coaches. So this is one that you definitely want to choon into as you were looking to launch your one-to-one programs or your next level course. So there are six things I really want to focus on today when to offer a discovery call, when not to offer a discovery call before you book in a discovery call. When you book it in inside the call and after the call, take a shot. Every time I say discovery call in today's episode, Oh my God, don't do that. All right, so let's jump straight into it. When to offer a discovery call. Now, for the purpose of this side, I don't have to keep saying it. I'm going to say DCS. So when to offer DCS. Now, one of the philosophies that I stand by, and this is something I learnt super early on in my coaching journey, was that DCS are not sales calls. They just aren't. I think that's a very old school way of looking at it. When you have to jump on a discovery call to actually convince the caller or the person calling in to buy the program from you. Now a lot of us still actually do this and the results and the overall conversion seems to be slower or at least energetically way more frustrating. So if you're there, let's think about how we can reframe DCS to now look at it from a point of view of it's a decipher ING call. It's a discussion, it's a relationship. It's building a relationship, I should say. It is just really tuning in to what this other person sees in your program and whether your program is the best fit. Now at this point, which I'm going to talk about soon, you already know certain things about this color, so you're not going in blind. It's not cold. You already know so much about them. So this is why I believe that you do not need to enter into a really salesy conversation on a DC if you actually have the right tools in place beforehand. So when to offer it, I would say for your high level programs, anything that is high ticket in your product suite where you are going to exchange direct time energy with this other person where let's say you're a coach and you're going to be helping them on their business or their fitness or their relationship, you're going to want to jump on a call with them first to see if there's a resonance there with both of your energies. I would never sign a private client or mastermind client in any form without first speaking to them unless I already know them from the past or very rare cases when not to offer a discovery call. I once again, we'll talk about this, about how we filter out the best clients to jump on a call with you because remember your time is everything. You know, it's about protecting your energy. So I would not offer discovery calls to people who seem very casual about just, Oh maybe we can just chat and see what's going to work. I would want them to read about a certain program or an offer that I have for them before they actually jump on the call. I don't want to be spending a ton of time explaining every single one of my services and once again going back into a cell or convincing them that this is the best one for them. I want them almost to self select which one they feel is best for them because 99.9% of the time that is the one that is best for them. I also wouldn't offer a DC to someone who just doesn't have the investment the means to actually go in and invest in the service. So this does actually drive some things that we do pre DC, pre DC. This is what I would say. I would get very clear on what your perfect DC client would look like and what your not so perfect DC client would look like. And sometimes just looking at it in the form of a conversation really helps. And this is, you know, think about like your body language. If I'm saying to you, are you ready to jump on a 30 minute discovery call where you do need to do the work, you need to sell your program, talk about it in detail, go through a SlideShare, you know, give them all the insight into it and you know, it'll go for about 30 40 minutes. What is your body language doing right now? Are you just like, Oh that just feels like, ah, so contracted. Right. Well that's definitely like how I should have seen my, I was like clenching my fist in talking about that. If I were to say to you, you're jumping on a call, it's a breezy and fun and open conversation where you sit down with a client, a potential client and you can see that you're already on the same wavelength. You already know that. You can definitely get along with this person but also kick their butt at times, especially for a coach or direct them through in a very loving way. Whatever your style is, but knowing that your client or the potential client on the call is saying to you, I have no real questions. I just want to work with you. I want to sign up with you. I know you are my coach. This was just really something I booked in because I knew you wanted to speak to me. So that gets to happen and guess what? It happens to me all the time. 99% of my calls are like that these days and the 1% it might be because they haven't known me as long, they haven't seen as much of my content, but I can almost guarantee that in six months time or in 12 months time they'll come back and they'll say, Oh, now we've spent the last six months really diving into your podcast or your LinkedIn content and back then we just weren't ready. That was on us, not on you. And now we're fully ready. It happens all the time. So a few of my private clients who have worked with me also in the mastermind, I mean it's amazing. If I could record some of those conversations in error, I mean it would just blow your mind that there are DCS like this out there. But my DC's a magical because they're literally like, okay, so we know each other sort of kind of, we've never spoken before, but there is fireworks here, so let's make magic happen. He is what I do. Here's what you do. It seems like a great match. Here's their investment. You already knew the investment because of the pre-work that we did and so here it is. Here's the date, here's when we start in 15 minutes, the DC closes and I have a signed contract and a payment. The third thing I want to talk about is before you book in a discovery call. Now this is where I will say your boundaries are clear and they are set. So this is very much in the, in the form of an application form or something that runs through your calendar system. So if you use acuity or if you use Calendly, I use Kartra. There will be a series of questions which you can attach to any calendar management system. And if you want, you can also use forms like Google forms for example, to do this. So when someone says they would like to apply for a program or work with you, the very first step is you take them through a click through form. Now, if they can't even be asked filling in a form and they just insist on emailing you or deeming you through various social media channels, that would immediately throw up a red flag for me. Because if they can't invest into what it takes to actually speak to their desired coach, then it throws up a really, really big warning sign. So immediately I go, Hmm, if this person's just refusing to fill in a form, is this person actually going to do the work and stay accountable to what I would be guiding them through? The form itself or the questions will be very short. And my questions are very simple. So if any of you have gone through the amplify my mini mastermind application form, you will know that it's very easy to answer. I do it actually all through type form myself. So the first question's always going to be what's your first name, what's your email address? I mean very standard. We need to know those things. I also like to know what part of the world my potential client is from, just so that I can look at time zones and whatnot when I'm arranging the call. And then I asked them this as a business coach, I ask them, how much income per month in USD do you currently make on average? And I have options, so zero to five K five K to 10 K 10 K to 2020 K plus. The reason why I ask this is because I have my customer funnels set up in this way and I have different programs and different services that cater to each of these income levels. Because whilst if money is money, of course you will be able to see the differences. And if you're a fitness coach, you know whether you work out none to once a day, once a day to three times a day, like in your industry it will be relative. But finding a question like that, you'll be able to segment your customers a lot better and see where they're at from a mindset perspective, a discipline perspective, maybe even like a tools point of view, like what they would need. So what my 20 K plus clients would need would be very different to what my brand new starter earning three K months would need. Right? So that's just a way of getting very prepared before a discovery call. The fifth question I have is what type of business do you have? Tell me a little bit about your niche, and I always ask this, this is super, super important. Do you have an Instagram handle, a LinkedIn profile, a Facebook page, et cetera that I can check out? Please provide all the links below. And the reason why I do this is because it's once again a really good way for me to research. Everyone will have their own deciphering system, but for example, if someone doesn't give me an Instagram handle or LinkedIn profile and it could be genuinely, they haven't set any social media profiles up yet, I would be looking at it from a different perspective that if someone's applying for a high level mastermind and they have no social media presence, then we're going to have to take a step back and I'd be able to chat to them about it. The second last question I have is, are you ready to invest? So I would then at this point share the investment. It's very clear on the form. There is no hiding, it is fully transparent. So it is saying, are you ready to invest this deposit and then three monthly payments of this amount as part of this 12 week mastermind. And the answer is yes, a or B, yes, I can pay in full. So this is also really nice a driving question because then I know in the discovery call if they're successful for through the application, I can talk to them about the payment plans or what a painful bonus would look like. A painful fast action bonus would look like. I then go into, thank you so much for your questions. What is the number one achievement for answering the questions? Sorry, and then I'd say, what is the number one achievement you would like to bring to life during this mastermind and it's free type there. It's really great to be able to see what people's hopes and dreams and vision is and you know, I don't typically like go into this place where I'm like, Oh, someone's written a one word answer, which is just like visibility versus someone who has written like five paragraphs to saying, Oh my gosh, this is why I would love to have you in my life. But there is an energy exchange there, right? Like you can tell straight away when someone is like fully invested and they are pouring their heart into an application form versus a one word answer. It just gives you a little bit more of an alignment to how you might want to position the discovery call. I would then go in with please tick which statement is applicable for you and you can choose as many as you like. And then I have a to F with different statements there. So things about like where they're at from a mindset perspective and where they need help. Then I always throw in a funny little question, which is a bit of an inside joke between Michael and I. The question is done that are done. Do you believe that pineapple should be on pizza? Yes or no? My husband and I debate this continuously, so I need to know which camp you sit in, team Michael or team Ruby. So you guys will need to guess which team we are both on pineapple or no pineapple. Come to Instagram and let me know because that would be hilarious if you got it right. And I'm very staunch with my belief here. So if you know me really well, you will know my belief here because this is just it. I've talked about it a lot. Okay, so that's a really in depth example of what is in my DC now. Now that you've set out your boundaries, you've gotten an energetic alignment, you have your application form, all of that good stuff. You can now jump in to the actual booking in process. So this is nice and quick. Make sure that you've acknowledged their questions, their answers, and you go in with a couple of times or offer them your calendar. This is why I like to do it in type form first and then I give them the calendar link rather than just being through Calendly. Because if you're offering them a calendar management system link, then regardless of their answers, they've already got a calendar booking with you, right? So I like the form process first. So it would be like, Hey Sarah, thank you so much for your answers. I loved them. I can see absolutely where we would resonate. I love where you're at with your business. You're currently making 5k months, which is awesome, and I see your number one achievement is to leave your nine to five job and to do this with consistent 10 came months. I can also see that you're ready to be supported and encouraged and that you're striving forward and committing to yourself and your business. So let's do this. Let's book in a call. Here is some times available or click through to the link and pick your time zone. I can't wait to jump on a discovery call with you. So this is already establishing so much of the relationship upfront that by the time you're inside a D C so this is point number five. Inside a discovery call, you don't really need a script, okay? So if you are feeling totally panicky about discovery calls, and this goes back to my very first point that this is not meant to be a sales call. You do not need a script. You already know so much about Sarah, you already know so much about your program back to front. And if you don't, we need to have a discussion. I've seen too many of you not even knowing your program, how long it goes for, what goes in week by week, how much it actually is and what the payment plan is. If you can't say that like this, I can't do this, but you know what I mean? Then we need to have a chat and there'll be some serious butt kicking their script or no script. I always vote no script. I always vote a shorter length of time. I only take 15 minutes to sign 10 K clients. I only take 15 minutes to sign at 25 K clients. That's just my life right now because I set up my boundaries. I've put myself out there, I know exactly who my ideal client is and I only offer DCS to those that feel really aligned and they answer the type form and they do it in a way that feels incredible. There's already an equal energy exchange there. So when you're closing a DC, there are a couple of ways you can do this. I would always go back in with a clarity of what the investment is. So after we've talked about the vision, what's inside the program, any questions that they might have for me and any questions that I might have for them. Most times they ask me maybe like two to three questions and I would ask them two to three questions and it would be anything that I am unsure of in which there, if I feel like they're not for whatever reason, ready, I would close off the call to say, well, would you like to have a think about it? Come back. I'll come back to you in 24 hours and check back in and I won't do the formal close. It's almost like I know you're not ready yet. You know? And you know, even if someone is just completely not the right fit, I would just say it on the call. I don't think this program's the best fit for you, babe. And this is why. And most times they kind of go, Oh, okay, well I respect that. So be bold. Stand true to your program and who you want to serve. But for the people that are amazing, they get an invitation. So I at that point would say, Sarah, I would love to invite you into the mastermind. I would love to serve you and help your business grow. I want to be in your corner. I want to work extremely closely with you. I see it, I feel it. I'm here and at this point I would say I'm going to send you through a contract. The contract is a standard agreement over our time together. It will have the investment, the time that we start at the time that we finish and what is included in this coaching package. So if this feels really good, sign it today. There will be a fast action bonus to sign and then I will send you through a link to complete the payment done. If you have any questions or let me know, but I've enjoyed speaking with you. All of this is done in 15 minutes, so that's it done. Then after the DC, so this is point number six. I would then go in, send the contract, my team would send the contract, my team will look after the payment links and what not. And typically the turnaround for a signed contract and a payment is less than 12 hours. It's very instant in my business because my clients just know. They know, they know that they want to work with me. So actually most times it's within the hour. They hang up the call, we get the contract out in the next 10 minutes and it's signed within half an hour and within that final half an hour, it's paid. It's amazing. I'm so grateful. I love what the universe is always giving to the business. And you can have this too, right? It gets to be fast. It gets to be easy. It gets to feel aligned. It's energetic, your time is everything. So here are my final thoughts. Protect your energy, set clear boundaries, and if you know this client would be perfect for you, then let's believe that it is done. Okay. It is done. I hope you enjoyed this episode in uh, looking into the discovery call process in the world of own your hustle if you were being so called to work with me in amplify my 12 week private coaching mastermind. This is just like a tiny, tiny, tiny tip of the iceberg of the strategies that I'll be teaching you on the inside. And it transforms my client's businesses so fast. You'll be signing clients so quickly. You'll be showing up with so much ease. You'll have so much more confidence and energy behind your products that you can't help but share it with the world. So check out the link below for amplify. I cannot wait to meet more of you potentially on the discovery call, and I shall see you very, very shortly. Have an amazing week ahead and remember, you can absolutely own your hustle. I love you. I love you. I love you.