Flow State Business

Nail Your Content - The 4-step process to content marketing with Content Queen's Mariah MacInnes

March 07, 2020 • Ruby Lee • Episode 124

In today's episode I have an inside chat with the founder of Content Queen, Mariah MacInnes.

We talk about how to nail your content marketing copy for your business in four key phases.

If you've been wondering how to best structure your content plan and how to write effective copy then this is the episode to tune into.


Website: https://www.contentqueenmariah.com/
Connect with Mariah here on IG


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spk_1:   0:01
Hi, my loves. My name is Ruby Lee on Japan, a digital nomad. Chris saw obsessed free spirit and founder of the own Your hustle movement. And this is the own your hustle podcast. Here you'll be so motivated to start that business you've always wanted to grow it unapologetically and go all in earning powerfully with ease and grace. I'm so excited that you're here and listening in, and I'm so grateful that you made it so welcome to the only hustle way of life full of freedom. A dose of Wu and plenty of random tangent laughs along the way. You know, I started my company working 9 to 52 is a recruiter. I was working for adventures based business in the urban cool city of Melbourne, Australia. And today I'm travelling the world young family in tow, working with the most amazing humans ready to build a career on life by design Strap in, my love, you are about to binge on all of the most incredible guess that I bring onto this podcast and guess what? There started their businesses through purpose and calling mostly while still working a day job. Let me also share this. I called my company owned your Hustle as a reminder for us daily that we get Tau love our sole lead Hustle are now decisions to grow big. Stop playing small, create with joy Take the risk Say yes to adventure and from time to time be okay with those meltdown moments. These episodes are filled with joy and strategy, spirituality and business, tactical tips, big picture concepts, musings And, of course, some of that ruby coloured energy. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started. Hello, everybody from Melbourne, Australia. I am back on home soil and wow, what a couple of weeks. It's bean. I've taken a few weeks off the podcast. I've been getting a lot of messages like your Ruby. Where is the podcast episode at? And I'm like, yo soon anyway. But okay, it's great. I'm happy I'm back in in front of the podcast. Mike, I'm speaking Tio you wherever you are, you driving? Are you walking? Are you sneakily listening to something at work? Whatever the case is, can you please come on over to Instagram? Let me know that you're tuning in because guess what we are so close to 100,000 downloads. I am so blessed, so excited toe Have so many of you listening in and I don't I think I know all of you. So no more sneaky listening. Come and say hello to me and let me know what this podcast has done for you and how it helps you stay motivated or what big takeaways that you always walk away from. Most times, people will say it's an energy or it's seen almost just a Actually, I had one of my podcast listeners say Every time I listen to you, I just make money in my business, you know, a registration will come in or enrollment will come in. I'm like, That is awesome. Bring it on. It's a little echoey today because I'm sitting in my Airbnb. It is so beautiful here. It's a really open space, and I actually have the house to myself on my gosh, that really, really happens because to kids and all back home in Melbourne, lots of people popping in, you know, it's a very Australian thing. I'm just going to pop in, meaning that I'm just going to randomly show up at your door and have a cup of tea on for me straightaway. It sounds really imposing. Some people don't like it, but I don't mind, especially if it's someone that I haven't seen in a long time. But some other things that have happened. Let's see, I hosted my very first spirituality in business event just this last Thursday. Who, My goodness, I am still writing off the high off it. The attendees. We had 25. In the end, there were few people on the knight who couldn't make it or who just had some things go on personally and just yet just couldn't make the evening. So where's they said we missed you, But we had such an incredible evening. Honestly, I didn't know where it was going to go with these sorts of events. You know, I really do surrender to the universe. And finally enough. That was the topic of the evening, but it was more about just whatever the message needs to be or has to be. I really trusted my guides to have that come through, and it's funny because everybody took something so individual away from it. I had one of my clients who said that he literally had notes and notes full of the evening, but he didn't ask a question at all. He just sat there and just wrote and wrote and wrote. I had another client of mine say she went back home that evening and meditated and had one of the deepest, most powerful meditations of her life on DH. Just felt like the whole universe open up to her. I had another client of mine having epiphany that Oh my gosh, like this is what I was always meant to be doing. And I realise now where I've been holding myself back, others saying that they remembered they had certain spiritual gifts when they were Children, and somewhere along the way it got lost and forgotten about. And they're so excited to reignite their spirituality again. And this is just so encouraging because there was a portion of me or a part of me, a portion of it. There was a part of me that had always been searching for a community that would really bridge that gap between loving all things spiritual and discovering spiritually tools, but able to apply that in a very practical business sense. And this was something that I searched for for a really long time. I mean, obviously there are a lot of entrepreneurs and coaches out there who, you know, our very spiritually, who meditate and journal, who draw cards and who hear messages from their guides. But there's not really anything out there to teach how to be spiritually in a very practical business world. And this is something that I'm just being called Mohr and more and more to I actually started writing out a draught course, a brand new course that I'll be putting out there to the universe very, very shortly. So keep an eye out for that. Some other things that have happened this week, very challenging vibes as well, obviously, with Thekla virus happening right now, I hope everybody is taking care wherever you were listening in the world. I see that I have a huge listenership over in Asia. So and I guess it's not even Asia anymore, is it? I mean, it just seems to be all over the world, so please, wherever you are, I'm sending you a lot of safe and protective vibes and that you're looking after yourself, taking the right precautions. We had obviously just come back from Vietnam, and it was just getting really, really full on there with mask wearing, whether you believe it's effective or not. Handwashing signs going up everywhere, people doing like temperature cheques on you. So it's in heavy, intense energy in this world right now, and it's going tto feel like this for a little while yet, I believe, But let's just hope, you know, we find a cure fast and that for however long this goes for we're able to really support other humans on this journey. But one of the things that affected our business directly was our Bali retreats. So thiss one here was a really big moment for me and my learning and just seeing a lot of internal behaviours show up where I was. Okay, so let me just tell you what it is. So basically, as some of you would know, I had to retreats planned for April and May mid April, I was goingto have a 35 persons standalone retreat in Bali and oh, my gosh, I just know what it looks like. I mean, obviously I'd planned it all out, but in my head, it had already happened, so I had booked out our private luxury villa. The entire villa was ours. Luxury rooms we had private private chef paid basically private staff on site for us experiences like Yoga Morning, Pallotti's photo shoot. Definitely. You know, like a lot of meditations, planned meals and experiences. The restaurant's who were going to go to like the whole thing had Bean planned out book deposits down. And then I had another high level mastermind retreat booked in for my ladies, my high level ladies who are travelling from all over the world. And this is really going to be our first time getting together and seeing each other in person. And the decision came, we postponed it. Everyone received it with such open hearts and open minds, in fact, actually had quite a few say, Oh my God, thank goodness. And doesn't that just go to show that fear projects something which is not riel? Not really. It wasn't rial. I'll tell you what, I was picturing so many of my clients who had booked him for the retreat going Oh, my God, I hate you! How dare you get rid of the retreat? You know, like bla bla ba. Honestly, fear is a projection. Eso anyone is going through that at the moment and you're feeling that just in your own business and you're thinking, Oh my gosh, like, how is this going to be received? Or how is this going to come across in your own personal examples? Just you don't know until you take the action. Okay, So before we jump into today's podcast interview, I have such an incredible guest coming up is going to share with you how to start copyrighting in your business and riding content that actually makes a different that moves the needle that's finally expressing what you want to express out there to your most align clients if you haven't already seen or in your hustle, the membership doors are open, so I am goingto leave the link down below. Our first class happens on Monday, the ninth of March. We're talking all about how to launch. I'm going to take you through my launch cycle. I'm going to take you through the ins and outs and actually have you follow through Ah, live launch that I'm doing in March so that you can eight follow along with your own launch or be make observations, start creating your own launch plans and actually seeing how an entrepreneur does it live so that it's not just a delusion of like, Oh, I'm opening up, of course. And then two weeks later, you hear I made $50,000. How the hell do people do that? Right. Well, I'm going to show you how to do this or you need to do is join only house of the membership with the link below. And you'll not only get access to the live launch master class, but you will have access to the community over 50 hours worth of content. So much good stuff in there. Get stuck into the tribe. I can't wait to meet you on the inside. Let me know as soon as you joins that I can welcome you with open arms. And without further ado, I would love to introduce you to Mariah McInnis. Mariah and I have actually worked together at a private level before, and Maria is also a mastermind client now and we are going to talk all about how tow actually kick start your copyrighting journey. If you are not yet in the position to hire a copywriter. This is the episode toe listen to, because Mariah is going to give you her pro tips on what she does with her clients to help raise their visibility, to be seen and to be heard in a way like never before. So without further ado, let's welcome a riot to the podcast. I have the amazing content queen here with us. Mariah McInnes. Welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much having me. Really? You have no idea. This is being a dream of mine for over 12 1 circa now. So I'm very excited. This is so cool as well. I think it's always awesome when you know, you kind of know each other for some time. Mariah and I've worked together over the last three months, and I just feel so comfortable with you Now. I know where your journeys that. But then it just shows in a podcast in if you like, You know, when you just feel super comfy,

spk_0:   12:34
way have developed such a good relationship since working together. And yes, I think we just we talk a lot of jug and a lot of trash, but way have so much fun, which

spk_1:   12:46
is talking a lot of drinking. We took boys, We talk parents, we took work. It's like, you know, it's basically just like a life. And then business just gets to be the fun part. You know what we're building. So Okay, so for everybody here, how would you describe what you do and your business?

spk_0:   13:09
Okay, So, essentially, what I do now is a lot of content creating content, marketing and content riding. So what I started out was just writing books, articles for people and as my marketing, you have a background in marketing as that's come through Now I help people create content with purpose and strategy. So they're not just they're showing up for the audience to create in the land audience, but they're showing up with meaning. So everything makes sense and everything a lot. And so it's not just creating for the sake of creating, it's creating to attract the people that you want to bring into your business. Oh,

spk_1:   13:43
that is so amazing. And I think also what we'll talk about in your journey anyway is you've really evolved even within content, writing itself as a niche like you've really carved out a space on the Internet and you carved out your perfect clients and who you want to work with. So let's get back a step. Where did this all begin? So, you know, you talked about how you studied marketing university, What's fill in the blanks for us from that to where you are now, where you work full time. I mean, you have to name your employer, but like the type of job that you do full time and your journey into freelancing fill fill in the blanks for us.

spk_0:   14:24
Okay, so I went out while I was at uni. Actually, I started a travel book because one of my first overseas trip and I loved it, and I got the travel bug. And I really wanted Teo kind of do something that you need that was a little bit different. So I started my blawg. And then I got my full time job in PR marketing and internal communications, and I got home from a trip to America, and I just loved riding so much like I was obsessed with it. And I thought maybe, you know, I could do a bit of freelancing, so I jumped on fibre and, you know, here and there got the odd job. But I was doing a lot of press releases, and I had a lot of either no feedback or this isn't what I wanted to kind of feedback. And as a writer and aspiring writer, it's really hard to take criticism. My boss really liked everything I was doing, and I would do pay, like press releases that work. But, you know, the riders on five file wanted more for me than what I was giving for my, like, maybe $15 press releases sometimes maybe even $10.

spk_1:   15:31
Wait, We've got to start somewhere, right? Yes. So

spk_0:   15:36
I I was doing that. And then I thought, No, I can't. My mental health cannot take these negative reviews. So I went out five for a bit, and I just really develop my blawg. I would write weekly, and then everyone at work was like, every weekend, every week. Don't you come in from your weekend? Got so many funny storeys and so many antiques. Maybe you should start a podcast like Okay, so I started my podcast. How do you solve a problem like Maria, which have anyone seen sound of music? They probably know that reference. Maria,

spk_1:   16:09
how do you see over from, like e not just saying that. E O that was That is exactly what e. O sings Jill Jill from Jill Things. Guess what's your was

spk_0:   16:29
amazing. Maybe she should sing that she could. So I started my podcast and I thought I really my dream was to move to New York and I thought, I'll get a job. Then I work in PR and also can my going to get there? I'm not really sure, because as we know it, visa system in America can be difficult, especially if you are taking jobs off. You know, the Americans or people that actually live there permanently. So I thought, I I'll become a travel blogger and I'll have a pod cars and I'll make money from it. And I remember going out one night in Melbourne and I was talking to a guy that buys a mutual friend, and he was asked me what I do and having a chat, and he's like, Oh my God, you should follow. I know this girl called Ruby Lee, and she lives in Melbourne, and she just finished her working. And now she's site of suicide housing. Now she's working full time. And she made 6 65,005 days. She has an awesome podcast. Like she might be out like, give you some inspiration. I was like, OK, so I followed you like

spk_1:   17:35
my God. What was that? Oh, my God. You go. Yes, E My God, I'm still friends with Hugo A Sounds like Listen, Hugo or Josh Fat Josh has been on my podcast, but I knew it was one of those two. That is freaking amazing. See, Do you see listeners like it can come from anywhere? Mariah found me through Hugo at the bar and the bar. There's like Thie Emerson. If you're from Melbourne, you'll know the Emerson Beautiful s. Oh, yeah. I started listening to your

spk_0:   18:10
podcast, and I was in that mindset, you know, I knew had a Facebook group and was like, I'm not going to join it because I'm too. I don't get too overwhelmed. I don't know what this looks like for me. I'm going to monetise my blawg. And you know, I remember your first episode. You're saying, like have a navy business and I'm like, Okay, well, my blocks called it travels antics. So that's when business name and I was like, Yep, adamant. And then it kind of got to Jan last year and I was coming into the new year. I'm going to monetise my blogging, my podcast, and I'm just going to be this huge success. And I was talking to go work about it, and I'm like, I just don't know where the money is going to come from the look. I'm just not sure what that looks like, and he's like, Wake up, you write for a living. Why don't you just try and write for people? And I like E got back on five. I'd already gotten like a couple of jobs, and you know what you like. You always say that you put energy in something and it comes. So I put a lot of energy. I started. I remember listening to your podcast and having a cape. Business and business is business, and I don't know if anyone's watch Broad City. It's like a show about these two girls in New York, and they always say, Yes, Queen and I loved that show so much and I was like, Oh, my God, I missed you, my friend are like thoughts on content queen And she wrote e I just I just binged your podcasts. I watched I wasn t a love them I started joining your group because like now I just gotta join a understand by the bullet during the group see what's in there because, like scared that I was just going to get scared off with too much content. But no, it is exactly what I need to join the group and just put so much energy into it. Built my website and started telling people about it. And it just stem from now. Obviously did a lot on fire fires, you know? But when I started working with you said We're getting off on DH. I can't remember. I think I just got a job on fire for today, actually, which is the first job I've gotten in ages of just all my clients have bean either off Instagram connexions on Facebook or people that know me. So how it all started and I think I put it down. Teo, obviously finding the resource is which you were my resource and putting the energy into it that I needed to like, you know, not just I'll do it when I'm ready or when I think I mentally ready. I just kind of was like, This is what I'm doing I watched Content Queen in June 2019 in

spk_1:   20:38
June 2019 and here we are. OK, the storey does evolve, You guys, it's we're still going with it. But I want to pause there because he said something really important about how I advised Teo move outside of fiver and not fully have your entire platform on there. So I remember why I said that.

spk_0:   20:59
Yeah, well, obviously because 15 I was blocking me from the aligned clients that I needed and that brought in the income that I deserved. And you kind of listening to me talk about the fire from mentality Was my self worth on how I was pricing and how I was drawing in the clients that I needed and also the sustainable clients. I mean, some of the clients I've got now ones that are now working with, you know, on a regular basis, but I think it was the self worth at FIFA gave me was your only as good as a $10 press release. Yes. Why? Why would Why are you charging that much? I can get it for $10 on DH. I could get it done twice as quick on DH. Yeah, I think you know, you could see that I wasn't, you know, pricing or not, even pricing. But it was just like this self worth that I'd gotten from that. And five, it was a great platform. And I love and I love what it brought me. But you could see that my mentality around my business needed to shift because I had that fire far. You're only worth X, Y z. You know, you shouldn't live outside of your means because this is what we are in five. But we are just cheap, quick resource rather than, you know, sustainable clients, aligned clients and long term projects. Yes.

spk_1:   22:20
I mean, I think a lot of what you said absolutely is like what we talked about. And so it's not necessarily like I'll get a five because they're evil and they're horrible. It's such a great place to begin. And that's really like the basis of how you started Teo work with just complete strangers and learning how to pick up a brief and deliver on time and then get paid for it, which is awesome. I had a pretty similar discussion with Camilla grow in who is also a rider, but mostly in Danish. And she was also in the podcast and she was talking about the same thing. But she has done an amazing thing where she's, like, kind of moved her brand through. I think she's on freelancer Teo Really like high end sort of looks. So I think you can absolutely do it. Everyone has a different path. But what I loved about you, Maria, is that you just was like you were so connected to it. As soon as I said that you like. Yeah, that's so true. And it was like, the next week you just went Oh, I'm just going to run everything through my website now and just leave more people through that channel and

spk_0:   23:24

spk_1:   23:24
the door started opening for you. There was so instant. Yeah, it's amazing.

spk_0:   23:30
Yeah, absolutely. Like, I think, you know, I was ready to let go of that platform. And although it was super scary cause, like this is, you know, on DH where my income is and this is where I get a majority of my work from As soon as I did that, I literally got, like, a message from someone back from my hometown because I'm not. I'm originally from Melbourne wanting to get, like, wanted help from me, and they noticed that I had bean posting flat out on Instagram and they just noticed a lot of my work, and it's kind of stemmed from them. I've had a lot of people that have been following since day one that I now like Oh my God, I need you now or you go toe event and they know your name. They know who you are from Instagram. Although I don't have a massive following because I'm still starting out like people like you have seen you on linked in. I definitely need your help in the future or even at work. People going Oh, my God. I've seen you on linked in a ll the time. Like I think I need your help with something. So, you know, it just stems from there on DH letting go of something open like, he said, opens the door to new things, and it's scary to start with. But I think you've just got a mental like believe that you're capable of that. And I think that's kind of what we've worked on. A lot is made having the skills, but just finding that self worth that I probably needed, you know, a long time ago. Yeah,

spk_1:   24:51
so true. And I posted a re posted this quote that I sought through Emily Hirsh on Instagram, and she said, Not everyone will be ready to purchase from

spk_0:   25:01
you, but you

spk_1:   25:02
want to be top of mind when they are. And I think that's so true that even some times for us, it can feel like no one's watching and no one's there. No one's listening, but just like you said, people will be like already, and they're saying this you verbally, which is so powerful when I'm ready, you're the content queen. You're the content rider in the copywriter that I want and you know, I think that is just so encouraging and so amazing. I actually still remember the day we did it pretty quickly. We created like your your $5000 products like the high ticket thing And like what we were looking at for you. And once again, you were like, Oh, yeah, I feel really connected to this. I can put this out there to the world like, Easy. And you've gone from, like, five of mentality to pitching $5000 at the time, like for your product. And I was just like, Look at you go. It's so interesting. Like when you are just fully ready to own your worth, it gets to be instant. It doesn't need to be a sometimes like we can overwork it and go back into in a child work, which sometimes is necessary. But other times you are actually already there. You just need to find the permission to let yourself open up those gates. And I think for you you are already there. It was amazing to

spk_0:   26:19
see. Yeah, I think it was just like I've always been the type of person that you and everyone's like this. Like, you just get need that push or that reassurance. And I know you like exactly what you said with the the quote that you posted. I literally took 12 months to invest in your listen to 12 months before I actually made that first investment on. That's like a perfect example of, you know, you were speaking to me this whole time and you didn't even know I existed. And then bang I pop up and hire you as my private coach like that is just like the types of things that you know if you're adding that value. And that's what I keep telling, my clients just continually add that value because you are speaking to people that you don't even know exists right now on DH. They will hire you when they need you, and it'll be the perfect timing for you on DH. It's just like it's crazy how, when someone gives you that push that you need just opened up to so many avenue is and I think that's what you did for me. It was just like this, like you thought very being picture for me, which I probably didn't. I was starting very small, and you're like, Hey, but what about this Massive like you've got so much out there that you could do and it's like I can't I can't do that when someone gives you that, like that push to do it. And I think it's someone having faith in you. And that's why I think investing in a business coach was the best thing that I ever did was because it gave me It gave someone that had faith in me to push past all that Liming Teo limiting beliefs and that self worth, you know, kind of conflict, that I had to just go. Oh, my God. No, I can do this. Why? Why can't I do this? Like, why can't everyone else do it, but not me? On I read this really amazing book, The Miracle Equation by Hell Road, and he talks about when we're kids. You know, we could be like no one says you can't be. You know, you wanna be a professional basketball, a professional dancer, a professional artist, whatever that looks like. But then something between you're becoming like from a child to an adult gives you that. Oh, no, that would never happen to me. That doesn't happen to people like me. But why? Why? Because you know, you've got the Michael Jordan's in the world and you know, you got all these famous people in the world that has happened to them. So why's what makes you any different? And it's that journey from childhood to being an adult, that something's happened that's given you that doubt. And I think a lot of that was in me, and you kind of helped me bring that out like, But why can't you do it like what's makes you any different? That means you can't get to that point that I'm at or anyone else in business. So I think that's why a business coach was one of the best investments that I ever made because it gave me that push that I needed to go so I can do it, too. I

spk_1:   29:02
love that. That your example of what? How l? Rhodes said, I have Bean recently really obsessing over the supermodel Lily Old Ridge. You know who she is? She's like a Victoria's Secret model. Yeah, she has this YouTube channel, which I love, because it's really empowering. But she was talking about how she's only just five foot eight, and that's not super tall in the modelling world, and she was being told like her entire life, she'd never be on the Victoria's Secret runway should never posed for high fashion. She'd never even be like a catwalk model, maybe commercials at best if she was likely that she had to fix her teeth like all these things. And I was just like, Wow! And she's, like, Smashed that smash, that smash that she's like, I did not let anyone tell me that I couldn't have what I wanted And I just think, you know so much of that comes down to, like, surely, like mindset and programming and confidence, but also at the same time, just such in a belief that it's available for you, like if so on so can do it. I can do it, you know? So she's like, Well, I'm just going to be the 1st 585 foot eight model walking on Victoria's Secret So that's just what's going to happen. I love that so much. I was like, Oh, girl, yes, like breach it. And now she's just, you know, obviously one of the most recognised in the world. But one thing I want to ask you is you have been building this whilst working full time, right? Not part time. I'm full time. So how did you do this? I can you just walk us through what a day to day would look like from when you woke up, Tio Working hours to coming home and actually just like delivering work for your clients who like Maria. I need my press release now. I need my copy now. How did you do that?

spk_0:   30:45
Oh, my gosh. Yes. Great question. I don't know. So, like, I want to take you to what I do now and what I did maybe six months ago. Because what I did six months ago was very unhealthy. So six months ago, I would go to bed at 11 o'clock at night after getting up at 4 30 every day. I would get up at 4 30 I would work on my business for half an hour before even got out of bed on. Then I would either go to the gym or do what I cause a miracle morning. So if any I am Howard obsessed, he has American morning. Everyone should get onto. It'll change. Your life

spk_1:   31:22
is the same as gala darlings. Miracle morning. She does want to where she attention messages. She messages. Someone that she really trusts. And then they have, like a and affirmations is that different? It might be different.

spk_0:   31:36
Different. Well, what he does is he has these five steps. So you meditate. You say affirmations. You visualise your journal, you read and Ugo size before you start your day.

spk_1:   31:47
Oh, I love that. Yes, Simon Hall, who was on my podcast episodes ago. He does something similar, but he has silence in there, so it's very similar. So I think it might be the same practise. Miracle would cause

spk_0:   31:59
it silence. But I just do meditation. Yes. Okay, it would be so. I used to do that and then we'll sneak in a little bit of work before I go to work. Where's my full time job? Working lunch hour? Because I get a full hour for lunch and I take every bit of that hour because I don't get paid for it. So and I

spk_1:   32:18
take it Yes, on

spk_0:   32:21
then after work, I would potentially maybe do another exercise, and then I would work. Until yet, like I said, 11 o'clock at night, sometimes even later Friday night's work Saturday nights probably go out because I said trickle on DH, then Sunday Kind of hungover work. But stay up till really late. And I got to the point in December where I had a lot going on a lot of Christmas parties, everything. And I was very burnt out. I got to the point where I don't know if I could actually do work like I was really passionate, and I really wanted to do the work. But I would sit there and I was like, do a bit And then I need a break. I can't like my brain was completely fried. E

spk_1:   33:09
remember those of those coaching cause you, like, done nothing this week? E

spk_0:   33:13
very burnt out like an e wouldn't listen to my body and I wouldn't allow my body. Teo, you know, rest. And when I was tired, I would just stay up because I had a deadline on DH. Then you said to me we need to create boundaries for you and your business. And that was very early on that He said that and at the same point, I'd also kind of scheduled my day out, which I think really helps. And if you are side hustling, it allows you to block out times that a non negotiables eso when you need toe work, when you need to go to your full time job and when you need to exercise. Because for me, excise is just really important. Just part of my day. It's everything. Yeah, and like mentally, you know, and I do

spk_1:   33:56
a lot of energetically. Yes, it's just like it doesn't make logical sense, but it does like whenever you just go for a run, do weights, resistance, whatever your thing is, I always come back way more energised and way more focused. It's like total non negotiable

spk_0:   34:15
100% and and like and that was just, you know, But I was just running on, like just kept going and going and going. And then I remember I went Teo Sunshine Coast for Knees and one of my really good friends. She is really inter health and fitness, and she said her trainer said the most important thing is sleep, and I said to her like I you know, excess a lot I haven't lost anyway. Not that I wanted to lose weight, but I was like I surely I would have lost something I'd put on weight. I just kept putting on weight, which is fine, like I'm still very happy and comfortable and that's all good. But I was like, Why? Why am I keep putting on wage? That? How much late? Digger, Like five and 1/2 hours? She's like, No, that is not OK. At the same time, I was talking to you about the balance between client work and business development work because obviously being content writer and preaching that you need to have consistent content, I can't then not show up. So I was like, What do I do? Like I'm really struggling to get the balance and you said Weekends for your business week days are full, but why you're working full time? Use your week days to get your client work done. And then when you have that time, where 20 business development. Because that is just the struck trivial business at the moment. So I kind of took that on board. I had my schedule at, and then I realised it. I probably drank a bit too much for being working two full time jobs, pretty much so. I had to think about how much I go out and what I do on the weekends. And now I go to bed at turn screens off at nine o'clock on I journal for half an hour, and then I go to sleep at 9 30 That is a non wow. So that is just for me on, like, some some give. Like if I've gotten event on in the city, I might not get home till nine o'clock, but yeah, that's 9 30 sleep, and I'll get up a five now, Not forthe Ernie and I don't start working on my business until I've done my miracle morning. And it is insane how much more time I've found in my day and I actually get less and it doesn't make sense, but it's because I'm being conscious with my time on a lot of my time was spent gearing up to do what I needed to do. So you're gearing up to do that client work and just, you know, yeah, I need to do that. I need to do that. And then I just like first. I'll just quickly I was shell because and once I've had a shower, I'll be ready to go and then about call but my clothes need to be put away and energies and Washington, I'll just do that person, you know? I mean, I'm just dissed, stalling on procrastinate. So now, because I've got the enough sleep, I want to get up Doom American morning. And then I do a bit of work before I go to work and then obviously are still doing a lot of balancing. And it is still very, you know, it is hard. It's not going to lie. It's not easy, but I do. My lunch times is for my client work. And then after work one after dinner, I'll do some more client work. But I'm also allowing myself for more time with my clients. I'm not saying yes, I'll get that to tomorrow. It's Look, I've got a fair bit of quiet work on at the moment. I could get it. Teo 345 maybe a week like five.

spk_1:   37:28
Yes, and that's their the boundaries right? It's like setting really clear expectations

spk_0:   37:35
because I thought if I don't get it done in time, you know, they might not want me to do the work and they, you know, they might not Jaime again and you said to me this before I went to Europe and I went to Europe, and in the last week I had someone say to me, I need this done in two days and I was at the end of my troops and I was like, ready just to have a bit of a break rather than working as I was travelling. So I said, I can't get it to you in two days. I can get it to you in a week because I knew in a week I would be on the plane in that part of time, travelling back to Australia on I would have at least a couple of hours on the Saturday that I flew in to get it finished. And I said, That's all I can do for you. I'm really sorry, Andi said, Okay, I still want you to do it both, and

spk_1:   38:18
that's when that's when you realised. Yeah, like I have control of my own business. It's like, Oh, my gosh, I have the remote control and I didn't realise the whole time and those moments are so powerful and it happens continuously. There'll be other things in your life in your business. Where? You realise? Oh, there it is again. The remote control moment. I had the button the whole time. But you know, you're letting somebody else just like autoplay Autoplay Order! Play. So, so, so inspiring. Mariah, how did your employer react to you? Side hustling where they obviously they would've been aware Because you weren't going out for the lunches. And you know, you're an open book. You're very transparent. I can never imagine you holding back and not telling them. They would have been like, What is this weirdo doing all the way? Love that. You're a wayto What? What? What did they say? Did you have the conversation with your

spk_0:   39:19
boss? Yes. So you know around May time off, like last year, just before I launch the website are on C. I have I'm very lucky. I have a very good relationship with my boss just because he's been a mentor to me and yes, like Children around my age. So he really empathises with my generation, which is great. I'm very like a key. Andi I member Listen, your podcasts and you know, be be transparent. Cry was like having a panic attack or mark. I've got to tell him on. I kept holding off the website because I just didn't know when was the right time to tell him on DH. I was like set a date. This is the date your website will launch. So you have to tell him before this date. So I held myself accountable because I think accountability. Whether its internal external is critical for business. Especially when your side hustling on DH. I just had a meeting with him. I have a weekly meeting and I just said OK, I just want I want to be open and honest with you because I respect you as my boss. And also, I want to tell you this because I would hate for you to find out. You know, over social media, whatever that looks like. I've actually started picking up a lot of work on fire, fire and freelancing, and I'm turning into a little bit of a side hustle. But I want you to know, obviously doesn't impact my work. When I'm here, I'm here. But at the same time, I think I'm getting a lot of skills out of this that I could bring to the business. I'm learning a lot more about marketing than I ever did before. I'm consistently riding I've never like put like, written so many words in one week like 1000 words Now will come to me if I know what I'm running about. In 40 minutes I could write 1000 words. So I said to him, like my work, like my work ethic and the speed of my work is continually improving because I'm just practising And he said, Teo, really grateful that you told me and that you are honest about this because, you know, I think it's great you're developing our skills and I'm really supportive of you on DH. That helps so much. And I can understand. Obviously not everyone has that. But I think if you go in with an honest open conversation, they don't really have like, a leg to stand on because you're not being secretive. You're actually telling them exactly what you're doing on DH. Yes, I was nervous is how, even though my boss is super supportive, I was still nervous, but his reaction was just great. He took it really well and it did really improve, like my marketing side of the business because I had to market my own business. And, you know, I just continually tried to bring things to the business that I was into the company. I'm working for that. I was learning in my own business to try and show him that. Look, I am learning all these really useful skills because my job and my side has that was so closely aligned. Yes, yes. Oh, yeah,

spk_1:   42:06
That's like a major fear for so many of us listening in going OK, so it's all well and good if you have a side hustle that isn't aligned, do your day job but like mine, like yours, very aligned because it's like our passion which links to our purpose. So it sze actually must have been such a relief to have your manager just go, OK, you can do it like yes, like you know. And they've obviously really senor journey over the last 12 months And what do you grow and really flourish in terms of your own business? So where we at now, Mariah, where we at with your job and your side hustle, give us a little update? Fast forward Teo today so we're recording this in February 2020?

spk_0:   42:54
Yes. So today I set my date that I will be leaving the business. Tio,

spk_1:   43:01
when you told your boss the day.

spk_0:   43:03
Yes. So we worked on a date. So I had already communicated to him in our 2019 review that my plan was to leave the business because I wanted to start turning my side hustle into my full time hustle so that it'll allow me to travel the world.

spk_1:   43:18
I said, I've got a meeting with my boss to set 2020 goals, But I have no goals to say because I won't be there anymore. And I'm like, Whoa, that is amazing.

spk_0:   43:30
Yes. Oh, yeah. We told the team last Monday. Andi, I don't think it comes such a shock because I am always just like doing something very elaborate. Like I'm just always got my mind on something. So Ascension Aires? Yes, my mind is going $100 now, but also because I love to travel. I mean, negative leaf. That is why I e are the business money when I leave. So yeah, they weren't so shocked that I would be quitting because I was planning on travelling for at least three years. And today I said to my boss, like we've been talking about it. I went home last weekend. Stop packing, Andi said, You know, how's it all going? Great. But I really need to set a date because I've got things I need to book. And so we

spk_1:   44:21
like Bali. Yes, like Bali. Bali retreat. So

spk_0:   44:25
excited. Yes. So May 22nd will be my last day at the business. I said it. You know that fire. But it's because I've just got some other person things I needed to tie up. Yeah, but that's it. And then I moved win with my brother for two months. So pray for me on DH. Then I'll be getting off.

spk_1:   44:48
Don't you guys get along?

spk_0:   44:49
Oh yeah, E. But like, you know, brother sister, he's like he is a little bit older than me. So you know what it's like older brother, you know, bit of arrogance. He's not loving, but anyway, we'll probably fight. It's fine. Theun. In July, I'm going to set off to travel solo and do the digital nomad thing and work for myself. Oh

spk_1:   45:16
my God! Holy shit! I'm so excited. This is This is the beginning ofthe just the rest of your life and co creating with the universe. It's This is when it starts to become a lifestyle and not just a job and not just getting by and seeing how you can make ends meet. This's just you living your most authentic life. And for anyone listening, I mean firstly, follow Mariah. I've got all of those links in the show notes because you'll want to follow her journey and she's such a light. And if you need a copywriter, Mariah's your Gal, but also at the same time, I just think I am so privileged Toe watch this evolution happen, you know, in that last Oh gosh, like you would have spoken to me maybe, like five months ago, and then I couldn't start with you for a while. Then we started. We've had our three months together, and they were going to continual the good work. But it's also just I am. I don't even know the word. It's just like re inspired, and I love this's why I love interviewing where individuals are at with their own side hustle journey and then taking it to that next level. It's just it gets to be, really. It doesn't have to just be a little dream or one day thought, you know, like oh, you know, maybe one day I'll get there. If you're listening to this ongoing or maybe Maria's Storey will be mine one day. I guess what really changed for you, Maria, was that you just decided to start taking that action like one step at a time. And it's got you to where you are now. And I just think it's so inspiring. It's so inspiring. So thank you. I wantto askyou some questions specifically around your area of expertise, and that is, of course, copyrighting and what some of us all of us need to learn more about. So in our time, working together, you had this light bulb moment where you realised there was a bit of a formula, almost like a blueprint that people could follow to write and to engage and tio connect more with the audience. Did you want to share that with us today?

spk_0:   47:25
Yes, absolutely. So I thought of this, you know, while I was creating my my podcast because I swept switched from my fun podcast to more of a serious content marketing podcast because I really love educating people because I don't think I necessarily have to write for everyone. I think everyone has the written voice within them. So I thought, you know, people. I was showing up on my instagram and I get my phone out every night and I go, What am I going to post? I don't know. I have no idea. And I just like, find a photo on my phone and just, like, put some words for and just rest and get like no likes and no engagement and you know about God. But if I just keep doing it, maybe one day it will get some blacks. Andi, I thought. OK, so when we shot for our business, we don't want to sell to people because if we're just selling all the time, no one's going to be listening because they're not going to think they're going to think well, they just want me to buy. They don't actually value me as a crime or a customer, whatever that looks like, So I had to think about it, and I know there's a lot around this but I think that there's only four and I call the four content pillars on DH. There is a lot out there, but I think there's just kind of summarise it in four really easy ways. And it's to inform, educate, engage and to have fun. And so, really, if you kind of look at a calendar for your week and the platforms you show up on and you fill them in with these four pillars and you have a theme around these four pillars there, like towards your business, it could be, for instance, this week I am talking about how content marketing sells ALOF. My pillars will form around that theme, and you know, I might have a couple of little fun stuff in there to go with the fun pillar. But essentially it will ensure that all my content aligns, and I know exactly what I'm going to talk about before I even look at my calendar for the week. So inform is to tell people about who you are, who your businesses or what your businesses and what you could provide them. So that's kind of your promotional stuff, but it doesn't always have to be promotional. It can be, you know, maybe a little backstory on your business, whatever that looks like in that week and whatever. Like suits your whole content strategy, and then you have educate, which there you're value added content. So that's your educational pieces around your niche. So that could look like for me, that's, you know, I'm going to give people value on how content marketing cells and what they need to do. So I might do a long form instagram post on the four tips, or which is, actually, I'm going to do that tomorrow. So that'll be the four tips on how content marking cells and that quack, whatever that is for your niche on. Then you've got the engaged, and that's where you ask people for feedback and two way communication. Because I'm a PR background as well. We always get told that two way communication is key for promotion of business because people don't want to be talked out anymore. They want Teo engage with your content so you're engaging pieces are where you ask people to interact with you. Ask them their thoughts on things, you know, Ask them, tio tag someone in this or whatever that looks like. You know you called actions you're engaging part off your posts on, then your fund is just like who you are, what your business is about in terms of behind the scenes kind of stuff, what you do on weekends and and these all kind of come down to whether you are personal, branding your business in terms of the other face behind the business. Or if you're in a business where you might have a team or you're not necessarily the person behind that brand, you just have a brand that you work, too, and and it just depends on where you want to go with that. But I think it's really important to show the faces behind the brand anyway. I don't think you should hide away off work. Hide from yourself from the business with your logo. I think you need Teo show. Even if it's you show your team members on DH. That's huge on linked in if you look at like corporate world. So you bring that down, even if you like. All but my business name doesn't have my actual personal name, innit. However, that looks like I think you should. Still sure he got hero and like what you're about. So these four content pillars with inform, educate, engaged and fun. If you spread that out across your week, then you know each day exactly what you're going to be talking about. Because you know what Pili you're going to dip into and then you use your scene for the week to kind of thread through those pillars, so everything connects. So you might have, like you always talk about Ruby, your core piece of content, which yours is your podcast, might is also my podcasts. And then you have the blow that complements out of whatever that looks like. So that's your call piece to go throughout the week. If you don't have a blood or a podcast on DH, you just have your social media. You could still have a theme for that week, and it's around your niche. And then, instead of just like coasting things every day on different topics around your business, you've got a theme, and then everything talks and it kind of waves through. And then you fill it with your fun stuff. You know, you quote, you like what you did that week. What inspired you? And then and then you're engaging a ll different levels and a ll different pillars. So you know, it's an easy way to put it in your calendar and to show every day where you're showing up and then what kind of content you're talking about. So when you go in on a Sunday or whatever that looks like, you know each day where you're showing up and what that looks like for your business

spk_1:   52:58
Wow. So really, I love very much. I've been, like typing notes out mainly for the podcast show notes. But I'm going on my God E because I am not a very natural copywriter. So this is awesome. So go back with your pens and your notebooks because that was golden. So a couple of questions that have fallen from this so way, just like quickly do a little mini workshop. So shot let's because there's a lot of service based entrepreneurs, mainly coaches that listen to this party passed a cz well, So let's say you're a social media coach and you're wanting Teo, take this formula and put it into play. If they say you Mariah, I want to start learning how to use thiss formula and like, I want to go through these four steps. So if you're a social media coach and you go through the in form stage, you would basically just be saying, Hi, guys. My name so and so. And I run a social media agency. But I also do coaching as part of my offering is Is that like mainly what you would do in the in form

spk_0:   54:04
stage? Yes, yes. So you first. You'd obviously introduced your brand and who you are, but within that you can also talk about you know, your journey where you started, why you started your purpose on DH. Then you might talk about, like that offer for the month. So that's your informed kind of promotional. But obviously, you know, the way we talk in the way we promote now is just very conversational, and everyone will see how you go about it. You're just very Everything's very natural in the way that you write things in the way you speak about it. It's just like a conversation, like you're not saying by this getting Don't miss out. Hurry. You know all those kind of really sells the words. You're just talking about what you love doing and and what you can do to help people and why you like helping them. And then you say, you know, But I've got this offer for this month. You know that if you are a social media coach, it might be like we're going to go through a digital marketing strategy with you and, you know, just like trying to use it as promotional but also informing everyone about what you do at the same time. So informing doesn't just have to be introducing who you are. It could be like talking about you know, your background, your storeys, how you got where you are. And then also what you Khun do in each month to help others. So what you're launching You know what? Your officer, I

spk_1:   55:22
love this. And then this is obviously really great for Instagram if you're doing a written post but other platforms as well linked in and Facebook. So when we go into the educate phase and it's like a longer form post, would that be more like Step one? Step two? Step three like Here are the three tips that I give you like that I could help you with out of my business. So you're really stamping your authority with your expertise?

spk_0:   55:48
Yes, yes. And then it's, you know, those There's a really popular thing at the moment that the carousel. Lt's so you know, if you like your tip 1 to 2 to 3 to 4. Like, for example, if you were a social media coach and might be, what are the best four platforms to engage your business or Teo create more followers? Or how do you get more followers on Instagram? It could be step one, you know, show up consistently or whatever that looks like and then you've got like, yet it wanted to tip 3 to 4. So it's all about like creating that value. So people like you've got those, like all your podcast, create all that value and then putting them on your Social Surrey like breaking them down and using them across your platforms and what you can educate them in that like what someone needs to know about what you actually offer. But instead of promoting it rather like giving them that free value added content, that and the one that what will happen is you might not be saying anything different from anyone else out there, but one. People need to hear something seven times before they actually resonate with them. But you know who that's when you start gaining the really Alliant clients. I wrote a post about this a couple of months back, and because I listen to this podcast, I think is how our own again. He's getting a lot of shout outs on this podcast episode. But he spoke about just because you're saying what everyone else is saying, it doesn't matter. It's a way that you deliver it, that someone will resonate with you. So if you're really passionate about what you're talking about, it doesn't matter if John down the road saying and Mary on Instagram in America, saying it like you will say in the way it resonates with your audience. Yes, never be afraid to talk about what you're passionate about because everyone else is doing it because there is so many people in this world, so you're going to get clients and you can't handle everyone in the world, so there will be a lot of clients that come to you

spk_1:   57:50
literally Babies being born every minute, people. Every concern. Yes.

spk_0:   57:58
So it's all about like you might be like, I've heard this before, but it's the way that you deliver it. And you always you know, the first time you might talk about something and then, you know, as you do it consistently, you're finding things in your business because you're looking for it. Now that I am always looking for posted educational, I like, make stuff up in my head. I'm like those content pillars came to me because I was just trying. Teo, you know, generate content that would help people create content easier. And it just came to me because I'm putting my energy into it. I'm thinking about it. There is so many things you could talk about when it comes to you or the niche. Whatever niece you are writing about, you just haven't thought about him yet. You're not putting energy into it. And

spk_1:   58:38
if you don't know what they hire Mariah, I engage. Now, this is the one that I think a lot of people get undone with on. The main reason is because they're like two way communication. Mariah, I had tried and no one's talking to me. No one's responding. No one's commenting. I feel like a loser. It's literally crickets out there. So how do you move your clients out of that mindset into a stage where they are starting to attract more engagement on their

spk_0:   59:13
posts? Yes, this is a good one because I still get crickets. Two guys. It's fine. May 33 You, you know, And I think now it's all about okay. And I spoke about this in my last podcast, and it's all right, you might. And I know you talked about this a lot, Okay, what if I don't have clients? What if I don't have an audience? That's fine, because what you need to do now is with the engaging post. You create the stuff that people want to hear. So that is whether you asked, um, or whether you don't have an audience at the moment, you generate some topics from, you know, I think you have answered the public is one of your ones that you always recommend. You got Google trends. What are people looking at uber suggest by Neil Patel is also a really good one. Look at what people are searching and then create the content around that. Now just because someone is engaging with it now, you need to be consistent, and it's the energy that you put into it. If you're just posting because you go, I know someone's told me I need a post. You're not going to get the engagement that you want. Like, you know, you have your life videos and no one's going to show up doesn't mean they won't watch the replay, so continue to post that content. If you do a live look at what you could do with it, cut it up and continue to use it. But when it comes to engagement, people are too scared to engage straightaway because they're not sure if they're going to say the wrong thing. I think about it when you're in class and the teacher says to you, you know, I asked you a question and no one puts a hand because there was too scared to get the answer wrong. Just think about your clients. Maybe they're just too scared. Teo Communicate Right now, What I recommend is have conversations with your audience outside off the comment box outside of the poles outside of the question box on instant storeys actually message people and have conversations with them. When I first started my podcast, I remember having conversations with some people in your group Ruby and I just said to him, like What? Do you wanna listen to you on the podcast? Like one of the kinds of things? And she came in a long list of content ideas. And now she'll just like comment on my stuff because I've actually, like created engagement by talking with it off fly like where no one else can see that because they know she'll go. Okay, well, memorise really engaging with me. So I'll reply. Tow her feed or whatever that looks like. Don't be afraid to continue to be consistent because of Penny will drop one day and you'll get always engagement, and you're not sure where it came from. It's because you're putting energy into it, and I understand posting when you don't get any feedback out. Any comments is really like you feel like a little bit stuck, or maybe a little bit of a loser, because no one's replying Teo, but you're not because you're adding value, and eventually you build those relationships with your clients where they will just continually feed from you and reply to you. And it does. Just because they don't reply to you in the feed doesn't mean they're not connecting with you on messenger and no. One. No, everyone has to see that everyone has to save comments flowing in. If you're having those really engaging conversations in messenger in the damn, that should mean more to you than getting the comments actually physically on the page because they want to talk to you off site off the actual feed off Instagram. That would have conversations with you in the messages. And that's how you have more aligned conversations, more in depth conversations and no open up more to you because they're not know everyone concede that conversation happening. So I

spk_1:   1:2:38
remember. I remember when I first started and I had zero comments like Zero by I had these discussions with my business best is, or even just like best friends at work, who would say, Oh, I saw your post and that was interesting and then they would raise something so they wouldn't have commented. But they raised in person or coffees or networking events, whatever the case is. And I took that as engagement, and I would then put that back up online so that it's like that was super encouraging. But that is so true. And I think you've just butt kicked a lot of people who have been like wallowing in their sorrow of not having any engagement whatsoever. The last one have fun and the behind the scenes. This is something that, for me it comes naturally. And I did. It does a lot more of like the have fun part than educate, engaging in form, that's for sure. And then everybody. I spoke to one of my early on coaches and that she's like, Okay, so, like, what do you actually do? And I was like, Oh, way more on the other side. But I also know there's a lot of people who forget this step and, oh, it's not just like, you know, beings, like sometimes we can be like, super focused on being very valuable that we forget. The value comes from the lifestyle and the joy behind it and why we do what we do. So don't forget that you guys it is so important. People love to see a good mime and a good like desk chair dance like what Sophie does and you know, like a good boogie like it happens and it's wonderful and it brings a smile to people's faces. So, yes, I think that is just so cool that you've got that in there. I think

spk_0:   1:4:29
that's like the cloud that's it's over, because I think on DH like how I see it is if you're work, if you're concerned you're getting any engagement post a couple of pics of you travelling and you will get people commenting, I could get it to you on. Then they'll build those relationships and I'll start commenting on your other stuff. Things are dirty. Underestimate the fun because that's where you become super relatable and you become human and people love having their is really like fun conversations that aren't always business. So they create that they come in the funnel at the very top. So if you look at your business funnel there at the top of that awareness, but with your fun and you'll slowly start, they might progress a lot slower than someone that might come in with your engaged with your educational pieces. But never underestimate the fun side of your business because it's makes who you who you are. And that's how you become like you start showing the rial you in your business, and that's how you attract your aligned clients. The Penis very like minded to you. Oh

spk_1:   1:5:35
my gosh, I could not agree more. And, you know, as we wrap up this podcast episode, I'm so sad because I think we need to do another one because we can keep going and talking more about the power copyrighting Mariah's got at such incredible products there for you on a website which is linked below, and it's like we've designed it, so I know what it looks like. So there's all these different levels that you can start engaging with Mariah and certainly with someone who if you have thought about copyrighting and you're not sure how to even start where to begin, I would just encourage you to just connect with Mariah on DH. It's honestly like it is not as crazy like an investment as you think. Like I know sometimes people like I can't invest and I'm just starting out sometimes the written piece and like how What you said, Maria, like unlocking the written voice within you is often what you need to start drawing in Mohr clients and being more magnetic and being able to translate like what's going on in your head? What's going on? You're soul into the written form, its powerful. So Mariah, Thank you so much for being on the podcast and for sharing all of your amazing wisdom and fun and energy. How can we find you and stalk you? What are the ways in which we can get in touch?

spk_0:   1:7:01
So I am on instagram at Content Queen Underscore, Mariah. I'm on linked in which is Mariah, which is Maria with hate, in case you want a puppet on mechanism may see, but I'm sure we will have those in the WOR in blow on DH. I am on Facebook, but just very rarely so probably. It's fine if you don't follow me on that, and I have a podcast called Life is a freelance writer on by Post Weekly On That, and there's a lot on content strategy which will help you guys get set up for writing your own content. I think it's really key to have a strategy in place for before you start. Even if you are really fresh, it doesn't have to be super complicated. Just remember, a strategy is just a fancy word for a plan. So you just get that started and it'll just all flow. And you have amazing content on. We'll just be listening and reading really, really great content as opposed to stuff that you do. Like me. When I said his post very sporadically and I'm going purse tonight. Let's talk about flowers for some reason s Oh, yes,

spk_1:   1:8:07
amazing. That is so true. I think we've all been there. We've all been there on my gosh, Mariah. Thank you again. And I hope everybody connects with Mariah having amazing when you guys and we'll catch you in the next episode. Bye bye. Oh, my goodness. How incredible is Mariah? Her knowledge is just so deep. She has got such expertise on how to write. She writes for a living. She now has the business to help entrepreneurs with their copy writing skills or even a done for you service. So if you were interested, make sure you cheque out the show notes below Send us some love If you have listened the whole way through, which of course you have. Make sure you screenshot and share it so that more people can hear Maria's incredible message and talent with the world. I hope to see more of you in only hustle the membership. You will meet incredible souls like Mariah on the inside. And in the meantime, haven't amazing day. And remember, you can absolutely own your hustle. Oh, P s Don't forget to write and review the podcast. Definitely. Go and do that right now if you haven't already, and I shall love you.