Flow State Business

Silence Your Inner Critic - CEO Chat with Lauren McGoodwin of Career Contessa

April 18, 2020 Ruby Lee Episode 130

More than 2 million people have turned to Career Contessa each year to help them with their career. However, prior to creating this incredible platform, it took Lauren many years to get to where she is today.

Despite hitting every target on the post-grad roadmap, somehow her expectations had failed her. She saw a consistent theme that women everywhere seemed to have reached the goals they’d set, even exceeded them, only to find themselves exceedingly unhappy. Across the board, the same questions came up that Lauren and millions of others were asking themselves.

So Lauren decided to answer these questions with Career Contessa. From this journey of helping women in their careers, she decided to compile all of her lessons learned into her new book, Power Moves. In Power Moves, Lauren answers those career sabotaging questions and shares her insights and the secret to building a purposeful career. Power Moves will be released May 19, 2020 and is currently available for preorder.

Enjoy the episode!


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