Flow State Business

Human Centred Design - The Future of Co-Working with Erin O'Donoghue

May 20, 2020 • Ruby Lee • Episode 135

Have you considered co-working or have co-worked in the past? You know, way back in the yonder years when we could do that?

In recent times I've personally wondered how that will look moving forward and how our behaviours will change as a result of all that's been going on in the world of late.

In this episode, I sit down with my guest and private client Erin O'Donoghue to discuss this. Erin is the founder of The Hive Collective a business that helps make change through Human Centred Design. Erin is also the co-owner of a collaborative working space in Melbourne called The Space.

Tune in as we chat about all things future of work, how we'll be working together ongoing (pulling out the crystal ball) and talking about how the magic of Human Centred Design plays into all of this.


Follow Erin here on Insta
The Space Co Work Insta


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