Flow State Business

Making $100k Months + Manifesting A New Home

• Ruby Lee • Episode 139

Hi amazing soul!

I'm so excited to share the full break down of my $100k months (in sales) and the journey to get here.

It's been a while since I've recorded a money episode and if you're interested in discovering:

- Monthly recurring revenue strategy
- How I diversified my revenue streams
- The mindset behind building up income in your business

This is the episode for you!

Also, I manifested a new home and I can't wait to share how exactly I did this.


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Speaker 1:

Hi, my loves. My name is Ruby Lee, entrepreneur, digital nomad, croissant, obsessed, free spirit and founder of the earn your hustle movement. And this is the earn your hustle podcast here. You'll be so motivated to start that business. You've always wanted to grow it unapologetically and go all in earning powerfully with ease and grace. I'm so excited that you're here and listening in, and I'm so grateful that you made it so welcome to the own, your hustle way of life, full of freedom, a dose of woo and plenty of random tangent laughs. Along the way, you know, I started my company working nine to five, too. As a recruiter, I was working for a ventures based business in the urban cool city of Melbourne Australia. And today I'm traveling the world, young family and toe working with the most amazing humans, ready to build a career in life by design strapping. My love you are about to binge on all of the most incredible guests that I bring onto these podcasts, and guess what? They started their businesses through purpose and calling mostly while still working a day job. Let me also share this. I called my company own your hustle. As a reminder for us daily, that we get to love our soul led hustle or now decisions to grow big, stop playing small, create with joy, take the risk, say yes to adventure and from time to time be okay with those meltdown moments. These episodes are filled with joy and strategy, spirituality and business, tactical tapes, big picture concepts, musings. And of course some of that Ruby colored energy. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Let's get started. Hello. Welcome back to another episode of the own, your hustle podcast today. I'm going into the crux of it. We're talking strategy, we're talking operations, we're talking money creation and income streams. And in particular, I want to share with you my journey in making a hundred K months today, the reflection comes from the different income sources that I've drawn from, the different things that I've tried along the way and the exponential growth that I've experienced in my let's, let's dive into it. And I know a lot of you are going at Holy crap. You have been a busy Bay. When did this happen? And I also have to shout out my mastermind client, Claire wood. Who's like ribs. You share it with us in the mastermind. Why don't you talk about it more, you know, out there. And you know, there's just been so much that's been going on in the business going on with personal lifestyle. That it's one of those things that I think, Oh yeah, I'll get to it. I'll get to it. And then before, you know, it I'm like, Oh my gosh, like I've been making a hundred K months and I want to specifically stay. I'm talking about a hundred K in sales every month before I do. I want to fill you in a little bit as well on what's been happening on the personal life front. A lot of you have been asking me, what am I going to do when it comes to traveling? And, you know, settling back into Melbourne is at long term. So we actually made decision last week after traveling for almost 12 months, that it's time to make a call. And we've decided to stay put in Melbourne up until 2021. Now for the last couple of months, I've been hanging onto the news around being able to travel again sometime soon, but really without anything concrete, especially with Australia and border closures happening, even interstate the weight of our next move was really starting to fog up a lot around my decision making process, you know, from a practical sense, I really wasn't able to plan clearly launches formulating private client capacity and even accepting things like collaborations. And this is where I get to say to myself, Ruby, you tell your clients all the time to make a damn plan and stick to it. But there was definitely, you know, a lot of ungroundedness is that a word going on in my head, in my personal life? And you know, I kept thinking, you know what, like maybe we'll be on the road again by next month or let's hold off on launching that program just in case we're able to pack our bags and go back to Huntington beach. You know what enough is enough? I told myself this hanging in the balance was driving my decision making process. Absolutely crazy. So on Tuesday last week, I decided to actually start looking for a new dream space, a place where the family could really settle for at least a six month period of time. And like I've done before. If you've listened to past episodes of me manifesting properties, I am really, really good at manifesting two things, properties and money. They're like my specializations. And also actually my like dream man, love your Mike. But these two things come up over and over again. Hopefully I only need to manifest a dream man. Once. Although in my case, I had to manifest a few times before I actually got to Mike, but anyway, for another day, so my manifestation list went a little, something like this. I wanted something that was fully furnished. I want to move in somewhere where literally it's my suitcases and that's it. I don't want to buy colory. I don't want to buy bedsheets. I want it to be professionally cleaned. Uh, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two car spaces, views of the water extremely important when it comes to energy, work in my business, close to public transport because who could be fucked driving in a city in Melbourne. No thank you. GM pool, close to schools, close to cafes and restaurants. I wanted something high end luxury. Your girl loves a good luxury, fit out an accommodation that just oozes glam. And there's something about it where I want the little like mini luxuries now, which make all the difference. So I said to Mike, I'd love like a button that I can push that just like closes all the blinds in the apartment. And he just looked at me like, okay, what is she going on about anyway? And the other thing was, if you've ever dealt with leasing agents who, you know, are like at that high end, like luxury range, it's super annoying when they don't understand entrepreneurship. So I wanted to work with an agent who understood entrepreneurship. This definitely helps a lot when it comes to applying for properties because of the way that we structure our financials. It's very different to the way you would structure it. If you were just working a nine to five job. So like, what I mean by that is for some entrepreneurs, you may be actually paying yourself a really low salary, but obviously a lot of it goes back into business savings and your net worth is like reflected differently on a financial statement. So when an agent understands that, and they're not just purely reliant on a payslip, things are different, right? Like it puts you in a different, um, negotiation place. So all of this happened by Wednesday. I was scrolling through real estate.com and I had found a pretty close to perfect home. So I called them up and I said, Hey, by the way, we can be at this house pretty much as soon as you're ready to have us. And he said, yeah, come around in a couple of hours. And we're like, yep. Jumped in the car and viewed it guys. Oh my gosh, everything on that list was there, including the fricking button to close the blinds. I'm not even kidding, just like her on earth, like only me, but I think it's because I am a specific manifester and I really liked to even visualize the tiny little details. And that is correct for my design. So for any of you who are specific manifestors and human design chart, try that out, go even more specific than you think you need to go. Because in my case, it's really been so helpful to have that perfect place come my way. So by Thursday, less than 48 hours later, we had signed the lease. It is so beautiful. I am so happy and I feel extremely grounded again, like we're not even moving in for another month and a half something else that's really abundant is actually, we've got our current property here, which were Airbnb right by the beach. And then we've got our new property, which is going to be available in about a month and a half time. But we had actually booked this one by the beach for way longer up until August. So, you know, like one thing I've noticed is back in, I suppose, like a year ago, back in 2019, I would have done everything to speak to heavy and B get a refund, find a way to sublease and make back the money because we've got double rent, but I realized I'm like, I didn't even think about that once. It honestly was just a cool, we've got two homes, I've got a beach home and we've got a city pad. So it just feels so abundant to have both homes for a period of time and to be able to switch between the city and the urban cool life of Melbourne and come by the beach and experience like that. Beautiful, cool winter breeze whenever it's sunny here. So that's a little life update and I know it's, you know, I think for, for many of you who are wanting to manifest and I've gotten so many questions about manifestation lately and how I do it and how I apply it in a very practical sense. I know sometimes when you hear stories like this, you think, Oh yeah, but like, you know, just sounds really wishy washy and fluffy, or I just wish I could manifest correctly and do it the right way. A lot of this is like a manifestation muscle, you know, it's taken years and years for me to truly believe in my manifestations that also I'm worthy of it. And it's just become easier, easier, easier, and more instant. So if you're currently in your manifestation practice and you're really trying to, you know, create that sense of, yes, it's done releasing the, how not thinking about the process, all the things that amazing manifestation gurus tell you to do, keep pressing on, okay, you will get there and it will become a much easier and flowy process as soon as you let go of it. So for me, I instantly wanted to manifest a house and everything within my being my cells was just like, I'm impatient. I don't want to have to fucking look for a house for a whole month and go to several different properties to work out, which one I want. I want to find one property with everything on my list and I want it to happen now. And sure enough, within 48 hours duct did it all. We got it. So it does definitely come with time, but I thought I would share that as a piece of inspiration, if you are on that beautiful journey of strengthening your manifestation muscles. Now let's talk about making money, money, money, money, money, and I want to talk to you about a hundred K months. This is like so exciting. I don't think I've done like a money topic for a little while here. And I know a lot of you just love this. Like you just love the hearing about the journey and how coaches, especially coaches have done it. And it's just kind of take me to a bit of a moment here where, when I started my business two years ago and I was full time, first time, full time into it, cause it took me five years to leave my side hustle. Oh my gosh. I remember just studying these incredible entrepreneurs and namely Melissa Griffin was one of, one of them, Katrina, Ruth is another. And I would just look at like how they made, made it in business and you know, very, very different models of course. But you know, there was like one way which was strategy and having all the operational stuff in place and a team and outsourcing and all the things that I definitely teach my clients to do and to have in place. But suddenly I saw that there was also the other side of calling in so much abundance and revenue income in their businesses. And that was just this, you know, almost like, uh, a being like being a magnet to the money and having a presence around wealth and worthiness. And I knew that I had a way to go, but at the same time I was really willing to do the work. So, you know, in previous episodes I talked to you about the journey of doing the work of finding my own self worth of the actual, like inner game that I had to reprogram go back into my subconscious, find the moments where people told me I wasn't worthy or where I picked up, you know, really unhealthy money beliefs, all of that had been done. And I'm not to say, Oh yeah, like once it's done, it's done. Of course not at every level you go through, there's always going to be something which comes up to challenge your way of thinking. So my evolution from going from 15[inaudible] 20 K months in revenue, right up through to now hundred K months and, you know, beyond really working my next goal is working towards 100 K net profit months. That's really the big one that I'm aiming for next. You know, it really was a switch into just being who I am trusting that you all will find me, see me. And actually just, almost just gravitate towards the body of work that I do in this world and the energy that I bring into our coaching calls. So here's exactly how my income is drawn. So the channels in which I was able to start, I'm still at the very start of my hundred K months, by the way. So, you know, this is like the third month that we're generating a hundred K month revenue. So it goes like this private coaching launches, memberships, masterminds, passive income courses, or opt-ins, or downloadables that are usually at like a tripwire price, like a lower price with a bump. And then the bump goes into a low end offer and also affiliate payments, which is very low. But let's say I am, you know, I'm promoting my, my tech services. Um, what am I saying? My platform services like Kartra we do get a cashback for that. My attorney has an amazing affiliate program, so we get cash back for them. So these are just some ways in which that I'm making my hundred K months. Now, if I really break it down to how do you even know where to start? A lot of the time, I'll say to my clients go with what feels most aligned and what that means is what makes you feel really happy. So if let's say a, um, a private coaching opportunity comes your way and you're just like, Hmm. Yeah, I don't really want to have that responsibility in that longterm arrangement. It just feels like a really heavy commitment to coach one person, you know, from that point of view that potentially private coaching, isn't the most exciting Avenue for you right now. So at this point you might be looking at masterclasses, something that's off short term and you begin there. So if I think about my journey back in 2018, when the business really first began, I was that person who wanted to just do masterclasses. So I created my first couple of master classes that made me money. So this is once I started to monetize, um, they were a massive hit. I mean, I would get like 50 to 100 registrations depending on the masterclass topic at the prices range between$49 to$99. And I played around with the pricing. I really tested the market. I got used to talking about myself and being the expert, being the leader in my field and the things that I really shared on with things that I was super confident in, especially namely being LinkedIn and also things like how to start an online business, especially as a side hustler, because that was, that was what I did for five years. So from this place, because my masterclasses did so well, I thought I would create a membership. So the membership was meant to be sort of a, instead of you having to pay for one off masterclasses, you could pay a one month fee and get ongoing masterclasses plus Q and a support. Plus the ability to work with me in hot seat coaching. And, you know, it just made a lot of sense. So the membership began, it started off as it was called license to hustle. It was a little bit of a James Bond reference there, but it was$49 a month. No two horse. I feel like, I feel like I started off$29 a month. That's right. And then it went up to$33 a month and then it went up to 49 and now it's up to$97 a month. So the membership itself, the name has changed a couple of times, but effectively now we have over 120 members within the membership. They are just so amazing. And there is just so much goodness happening in this community, but at the same time, it is also monthly recurring revenue. So monthly recurring revenue is, you know, something that we built into our business about 12 months ago, we started to became, become really conscious of the need for MRR if we were to continue to scale with ease. So I certainly didn't want to continue being super reliant on big, heavy, exhausting launches. And I didn't want to always be looking for my next big private client to come my way in order for me to hit income goals and to feel like super pressurized in order to like sign a new client every month. Is that you at the moment, do you feel the same way as you nodding away driving in your car or going on a walk going, yes, Ruby that's me and I just, you know, you want to bring some flora and some fun and some freedom into your business. So definitely look into your monthly recurring revenue and what you're building in. Now, a lot of what I'll be speaking to today is about building up the MRR. A lot of my private clients also hire me because I am really good at building up monthly recurring revenue so much. So now we project, we can project our cash out through to March, 2021. And I think maybe even now into early April. So it's pretty freaking amazing, like when you're able to actually have that freedom around, not just hitting desired monthly goals, but knowing that there's always money coming in, um, months ahead of time without you feeling like you have to start from zero. So the membership was a really, really great place for us to really dip our toes into MRR. And you know, it's not for everybody. Memberships are like a lot of work. I think some people think, Oh, easy. I'll just like Chuck, a Mim masterclass in every now and again. And you know, like open the doors and it's so cheap and it's so easy. There is a different frequency that comes with launching memberships. That's for sure. So yeah, I think that is something that you can definitely write down, discover step into that and see whether that's right for you now from the membership, of course, I had private coaching. That was something that I have always adored and loved that one to one, you know, longterm commitment between coach and business owner, growing business owner, where I'm able to really deep dive into all things operations in your business, but also the inner work. But when I started, it was a confidence game for me. I would always second guess my pricing and what the value was that someone would get from working with me. And then off the back of that, I would switch out, you know, model pricing models and payment plans. And I know that some of you are going through that right now. And it's so energetically draining, right, where you're just constantly asking yourself, am I worthy of this? Am I worthy of this? Or would someone actually pre pay this money for me, like pay this money to work with me, right? So this is where the inner game is the whole shebang. And you get to decide, yes, am I actually going to step up to the price point that, you know, the number like for many of us, we know the number that feels really solid in our mind. Now, when I started, I think I started at a thousand dollars for four weeks to work with me. And that was when I was pricing purely out of what was driven in the market. It wasn't driven out of transformation. It wasn't driven out of my energy. It wasn't driven out of what I wanted my soul clients to exchange in terms of that energetic, um, change over in a coaching call and whatnot. So I went from a thousand dollars for four weeks and I slowly but surely turned up the income dial. So this means like, let's start with a thousand dollars. Let's start from there. Turn it up to 5,000 from 5,000 with turning it up to 10,000. What does it look like to work with you at$25,000? What does it look like to work with you at$50,000? Are you getting a bit hot under the collar now? What does it look like to work with you at a hundred thousand dollars? Now, the first time I heard that a coach, I followed charge a hundred thousand dollars for their coaching. I literally was like jaws to the floor. Like what, Oh my God, that, that is the perfect example of an expander. So someone who shows you that they've already done it and that they're doing it. And it gives you this idea of this possibility that you can do it too. It just comes down to your own self worth journey. And for me, I tell you what, that just turned me on, like straight away. I'm like, Holy crap, I'm going to work towards that number. I just know it. One of my mastermind clients, she said to me, Ruby, I want to charge Tony Robbins rates. I want to be the Tony Robbins of the female coaching world and charge a million dollars for my coaching services. Shout out Clearwood hell yeah. But you know what? I, there was like, I didn't even bat an eyelid. I was like, okay, cool. Let's work towards that because everybody has a different energetic match to money. And nowadays I think about a hundred K coaching for the whole year. I'm like, Oh yeah, of course someone's gonna pay me that. You know, like when I open up my private coaching and I put that product out there, which I haven't yet, it will just feel really good. Do you know why this is how I matched to it? I thought to myself, when I was working as a recruiter, I was earning$150,000 a year plus bonuses. And it was like, almost, it's not the right word, but like, it felt like a birthright or like, you know, Oh yeah, I've done my Rite of passage. I've studied my masters in HR. I've had 10 years in recruitment. I have a little black book of contacts of contacts. The industry knows that I'm one of the most sought out, you know, recruiters in the tech space. So why couldn't I ask for that? The same goes for coaching in the online and the online world. And I think now to myself, if I were to hire a coach for a hundred thousand dollars and I'm earning, you know, 500 K to a million dollars a year and I'm able to scale that out even more well, that's just no brainer. So it just comes down to different clients, sets your, you know, your ideal niche and things like that. Of course. But I think it's just really interesting check into when you're making hundred K months, you're working towards that and now a hundred K for your coaching. Even if we scale it right back to$5,000 for your coaching, like you might be listening, going, I don't even think I can charge 5k. That's so much who would pay that. And if that's you let's just take out your journal, pause the podcast and ask yourself why wouldn't I be worth$5,000. So have a look at what are those limiting beliefs that are coming up? What are the stories that you're telling yourself? And then write a list on the other side of the column. So make two columns. The other side of the column is all the reasons why someone would pay me$5,000 for some of you here, you are essentially selling time. So you're helping someone actually collapse time and to do the thing that they want to do a lot faster. So it's scaling a business, making more money, hiring, buying a house fitness, getting a six pack, like whatever it is, your collapsing time for them now is$5,000 worth that time collapse for others of you, you're selling happiness. You're selling, finding yourself again, you're selling something to do with like an emotional connection back into this world where they're able to see a brighter future. And up to this point, some of your clients may have been paying therapists thousands of dollars and spending thousands more on medications and things that they just really do not want to do anymore. Obviously under the strict medical guidelines, but at the same time you're showing them like, Hey, there is another way to find happiness from the inside out. Is it worth the$5,000? This is something I always bring my clients back to around. What is it that you're actually selling? So on my way to charging, you know, the thousands of dollars that I do now for private coaching. So to work with me privately it's$4,000 a month or$40,000 for the whole year. And to get into that space for me to be a match, I thought, well, if someone's going to pay me$4,000 a month, ideally, or typically you would have a client who's already earning, let's say minimum$10,000 a month, 1520 K. So the investment makes a lot of sense because I'm going to show you how to scale to 30, 40, 50 K months and paying four K a month is just like an absolute, no brainer. So for me, I aligned energetically to that. Now the next thing I started to really, you know, find some mastery on was launching. And this is really, I had this sort of love, hate relationship with launching because I actually hated selling. I sold pretty much all my life, you know, started off as like a let's sell brownies and chocolates and do fundraisers and then did door to door sales and then fell into accountancy where I had to bill for my time and basically, you know, sell more hours than I fell into recruitment, which was, you know, retainer based fees. And I got his point in entrepreneurship where I even flirted with the idea of outsourcing sales. It was so scary to me because I didn't know how I would be really received online. And I, all I knew at the time was like the oily sleazy, you know, like online salesman who had all the NLP tricks to get your mind to a place where you were ready to say yes to the buy. Yes I am in, I don't know what this voice is, but you know what I mean? Like that real classic, like by now. And I just thought to myself, Oh man, I, so not me. I'm going to get somebody else to do this for me. And I remember Michael giving me like this look and just saying, it's so not about that. Like, people will just listen to you and they will, you, you just gained so much trust. You're so authentic. You're so real. Why wouldn't someone just want to buy from you? And I'm like, this is true. Oops. That's my crystals. I actually just went to pick up my smoky quartz and I'm like, Oh, there it is. And then it just went anyway. So what was I talking about launching? Okay. Actually like Dory, I feel like I'm like Dory off, like finding Neymar. I'm like, dude, what's your name again? Okay. Launching. So I started to really deep dive into launch strategies. I learned from my mentors, my coaches, how they did it really, you know, test it out, different launch strategies and methodologies that I liked. And what I saw was really successful online and then applied it to my business. If it even felt a tiny bit out of alignment, I would be like, cool, I've tried that. I'm going to write that off. I'm going to try that. I'm going to write that off. And then what I'm left with are bits of launch strategies that I really loved. And it became my way of selling. It became my way of launching, which by the way, is always, you know, sort of like going through a form of evolution. So I've actually just done a web class series. I'm doing a series I've done the first web class. I've got two more classes to go. And in this web class itself, it's a very structured sort of Canva presentation view where I'm sharing some stories. And then at the end, I go in with a pitch, like a bad ass pitch of the bundle that you would get when you buy on the webinar itself. So it had like a countdown timer, um, what the internet marketers call like a deadline funnel. And it was exhilarating. I honestly didn't think I would love it as much as I did. And we had so many sales come off the back of that webinar pitch. I was incredibly happy. I walked out of that webinar thinking to myself, wow, like that feels like the new normal, like I was able to easily make five figures in less than one hour. And it was just like, bang. Like there you go, a half an hour presentation, five figures, baby, which ended up being, you know, kept ticking over into multiple fives. So this is something that I will continue to really look at the evolution of my sales funnel, my sales process, the things that I want to experiment with. And this is the challenge right now is where is it that you feel so stuck and so stale in your selling process? That could absolutely be a big part of the issue right now where you're plateauing, when it comes to selling, you're telling yourself that there has to be one way of selling and that's the only way of selling. And you get to the point where you're so bloody exhausted with the same boring way of selling that you just don't want to show up anymore. And this is very, very true for some of my clients who have said to me, Oh, Ruby, like I did the launch and I've come out of the launch and I'm so burnt out. I need to take four weeks off my business. And for that four weeks, because I don't have any MRR or passive income sources or a membership or anything like that, it means that I'm not going to be making any money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that'd be

Speaker 1:

that's right. Like no one wants to fall into that place where it's almost like the non-income burnout, cave, launch stress, major anxiety of having to start again and not really sure how to get off that hamster wheel because that's the only way you can make income. I'm talking about this because I was that gal. So trust me, I've been there and it's not fun. And this is like exactly why I wanted to share a podcast episode like this as well. So the launches, my piece of advice here for you is study them like really, really master this process for you. There are several different launch strategies that can work, go live launches, private launches, email lists, launches, webinar, funnel launches. There are so many different ways to do this. There's not a one size fits all. Especially once we start overlaying it with things like human design and working in accordance with what feels correct in your design as well, which we can definitely go into, I'm actually going to get my human design reader, Ashley, to come on the podcast very soon. It was so excited to finally have someone that I just really love as well. Like her energy's incredible. And I'm excited for her to explain human design to you. So let's keep going. So, so far we've talked about masterclasses into membership, into private coaching, into really launching. And I add now my launches are six figures. So every time I launch, it's like no doubt, a six figure launch. It's pretty special that I'm able to say that now. And I have no doubt in my mind that whenever I launch, I'm going to make six figures in revenue. Of course. And what that means is that when I have a sale, that's made some people might take up payment plans. So whilst it's not like cash that comes in that month, I know that that particular launch, that hundred K will be spread out throughout the course of the year, whether it's a three month payment plan, a six month payment plan, this is where I'm able to continuously project the income that's coming through. Let's talk about masterminds. So masterminds came into play in my product suite in January, 2020. So as of this recording, I have been a mastermind host for six months. I feel like have come out of probation and Oh my God, see this whole other level of getting your fucking limiting belief shit in order. Because when I launched the mastermind back in November, 2019, and I gave myself a two month runway to fill my masterminds, there was so much fluctuation in what's the biggest ramification. If I were to sign up mastermind clients and literally like right up until the mastermind kicked off and started, I was w I was like, Googling how I can, like, you know, take back the mastermind contract and just tell everyone here's your refund. I've just decided I'm not going to run it anymore. Oops. Sorry about that. I didn't actually, you know, really think it through seriously, that happened in hikes. Just like once again, he's just like, are you kidding me? Like, look how easy it was for you to fill your masterminds. It was so easy. It was, people were just like, where do I sign up? And why do we have to have a discovery call? Like, do I qualify? And it was amazing. So the, the launch in the fill enrollment process for the masterminds were just so, so flowy and abundant and amazing. So it's funny when that happens, right? It's like your energy is still catching up with your highest self who already knows that the mastermind is going to be so killer. So my masterminds are premium off my masterminds itself. At the moment I have$26,000 in MRR coming in every single month. So once again, adding to that tally of I'm pretty much starting every single month now, knowing that we're going to have between 40 to$60,000, if I choose not to launch that's the money that's coming in and adding the mastermind suite on top. So the mastermind product on top of my product suite was really like that beautiful, luxurious icing on the cake. And it's been wonderful. Like I have freaking love doing masterminds. It's just been such a joy in my business. I know it will be a continuing part of my product suite and I'll be doing more. So I'll leave the links to my masterminds in the show notes below. I will just say this, the pricing for my masterminds will go up in the next six weeks. And within the next two months, I'm going to reopen the doors to my high level mastermind. And I'll explain more about that when it's ready, but if you're interested to find out more, if you want to jump on a call, please do fill in an application form and I'll come right back to you with, you know, how we move forward from there, jump on a call, have a chat. And I can definitely go a little bit as to whether the mastermind is a good fit for you and where your business is at. Lastly, I want to talk about passive income and affiliate payments. So passive income is a brand new entry into the world of owning your hustle in the sense of it being run by my Facebook ads team. So I hired my Facebook ads team a month ago, and I really want to have them on the podcast to talk about exactly how they've been like just kicking butt online with ads. It's been amazing. So I'm currently running Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Instagram story ads. Um, yeah, I think they're the three and it's been one of the best investments I've made in my business hand on heart. So good. We've seen, you know, email is grow by like thousands of spam, like, wow, that's incredible. We've seen the sales come through of small, like$7 bumps or$17 tripwire type products. But at the same time, it's not necessarily about the moneymaking from a passive income point of view. It's generating customers and email subscribers who are immediately buying products. So I know some of you are frustrated with the fact that you've got an email list. I was speaking to one of my mastermind clients about this yesterday, and she said, I've got about 2000 people on my email list, but I just don't think they're super aligned. And also I'm not really nurturing them. And I'm not quite sure the beauty about getting to this point with acquiring leads through Facebook and they're buying either like, you know, like your, your bumps and whatnot is that they're immediately becoming paid customers. And they're already in the frame of mind of saying, okay, I see the value. And I'm now in the value chain process and I want to continue. So it's been so wonderful to see that, you know, like we get roughly about like 15 sales a day, 20 sales a day, which averages maybe like 500 bucks a day in passive income like that. Ain't so bad. And we're really just at the very start of the journey. Um, LinkedIn brand boss opened this week and we've already seen, I think like six, seven come through, have registrations come through the Facebook ads itself. So, you know, that's been just so wonderful where we're not necessarily needing to like launch and I've not even really announced to anywhere on socials that LBB Academy is open. You can check it out in the show notes. If you're looking for a LinkedIn premium membership may just for coaches, but just off the back of those Facebook ads sales, we made$6,000. Passively says pretty nice. And, you know, I use the term passive very, very loosely because there was a shit load of work that needed to be done in the background. Mike has been so busy and deep in connecting the funnels together, doing the landing pages, the sales pages, I've been busy putting together the training, presenting the webinar live, which will now become an evergreen webinar, doing the sales behind that as well. And you know, all of this, like that's not passive, but longer term, like in six months we can do a check in. This is going to be like my 500 K sales funnel. You know? So it's about the long game here and affiliate payments. I mentioned earlier on in our episode, you know, having people that you love working with, you use their products and they have a program that they can offer you or where you're able to offer your clients. And there's, you know, some sort of like financial kickback. I'm a bit of a thank you. And that's really nice. I've also, you know, been an affiliate for some of my friends courses that I really believe in that I've personally gone through and there could be, you know, a affiliate payment that comes in that way as well. So there it is the journey towards 100 K months it's been so fantastic. So fun, extremely frustrating at times, lots of tears, lots of tantrums. I'm not going to paint the rosy picture here of like, you know, bippity, boppity, boop. You know, it's like, I've done it well, no, and there definitely has been a lot of those ups and downs, you know, throughout that process. But I just want to encourage all of you, like for some of you, as you're hearing me like share these numbers or you're thinking, Oh my gosh, there's so much more I need to do in my business. It definitely comes with time patience, um, investment. So, you know, still, always focusing on generating revenue in your business so that you can reinvest back into it with what feels most aligned most appropriate as your next step. So if you were to tell me two years ago that I had to hire a Facebook ads team and start a funnel straight away, I think I would have definitely gone into major overwhelm. And I would have been stuck at procrastination station for sure. Like the train would not have left that station for a long time, but starting with masterminds where I was able to monetize at$49, each felt like a good place to me to begin. Okay. So let's run the numbers one last time in terms of my income streams at the moment, my membership brings in$8,000 a month. Private coaching is$11,000 a month. Masterminds is$25,000 a month. Passive income and affiliates is$9,000 a month. And courses is$7,000 a month. Now this is projected up until December, 2020, and then it starts to taper off from 2021. Now all of this does not include launches that I do on top of monthly recurring revenue as well. And any new subsequent products that will come up during this time. So my goal is that we'll keep topping up MRR along the way, and we'll keep being able to project to 12 months in advance. I hope that was useful. Did you enjoy having a full transparent look into how things are running in the business at the moment? It's been a little while since I've done the money manifestation topics. So if you did love it, take a screenshot right here and right now and share it all over the socials. I would so appreciate it. If you haven't yet left a podcast review, I would so appreciate it if you did. And here is the big announcement. Um, whoop, did you like that? That was my little drum roll for anyone that leaves me a review between the 18th of June through to the 31st of July, you will go into the competition to win a ticket into LBB Academy, which is worth$997. Make sure you leave me a review and screenshot it. Let me know that you've done this so that I definitely have your entry and I will be drawing the winner on the 1st of August, 2020. Thank you so much. You guys for jumping in on this episode, stick around to learn more about LinkedIn. There's a couple of really cool episodes coming out all about how you can start to really optimize and drive home results from LinkedIn. Just like I have an, a big part of how I created these financial results in my business is thanks to LinkedIn. All right. I'll see you guys in the next episode as always. I'm so grateful for you listening in right to the very end here's to an amazing day ahead and remember, you can absolutely earn your hustle. Ma love you guys.