Flow State Business

Travel Influencer Danielle Hu - Being a digital nomad during a global pandemic

Ruby Lee Episode 196

How does one continue to travel during a global pandemic??

I am such a wanderluster... I’m pining to go places and see what the world has to offer but it’s just not possible. Or is it?

My guest on the show today, Danielle Hu, has somehow managed to continue her digital nomadic life, country hopping and running multiple income streams throughout the global pandemic. She is a social media influencer, marketing expert, international business coach, helping others to design a location independent lifestyle through online entrepreneurship.

In this episode, Danielle and I talk about her journey starting out in the corporate world and the phases she went through to end up doing what she does today. We talk about how she pivoted during Covid, how our thinking is formulated by the people around you and the importance of challenging yourself out of comfort zones and limiting beliefs.

Danielle is such a magnetic soul and is doing big things to express her creative voice in the world. My hope is that this episode inspires you and prompts you to ask some questions about the parameters in your life. What may seem impossible is always possible.


Danielle’s Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/thewanderlover/

Danielle’s Website:https://thewanderlover.com/

Danielle’s Podcast:https://thewanderlover.com/podcast/

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