Flow State Business

Testimonials - How my clients sell programs like hotcakes!

Ruby Lee Episode 204

Everything I do in my business is done in flow, from a place of alignment and intuition. But there was always one area of my business that frustrated me and felt clunky, rigid and not flowy at all. Testimonials. They just felt like a drag… until I completely simplified what I was doing.

In this episode, I talk about the drawn out process I used to go through to reach out to my clients for testimonials and why it just wasn’t vibing with me. I do it SO differently now so I share with you exactly how I capture the most beautiful, organic and authentic testimonials from my clients with absolute ease. I use these testimonials everywhere and they really give people a sneak peek into what they could experience within the paid containers.

This topic of testimonials is something I recently shared inside my mastermind and it really resonated with a lot of people so I hope it’s helpful for you too. Time to shake up the old informal way of doing things and get in flow.


Resources Mentioned:

The Simple Approach to Bankable Opt Ins


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