10x Your Team with Cam & Otis

Ep 130 Bottom Up P&L with Brian Will CEO of WRIG, LLC

December 16, 2021 Episode 130

Brian has created or co-created six very successful companies in four different industries over the last thirty-five years. His first foray into owning his own business was a 10-year stint in the landscaping industry that he started when he was twenty years old. This was followed by three online internet companies in the health insurance and lead generation fields, during the dot.com boom of the late nineties and early 2000s.

These were followed by several years of consulting projects for both private and public companies in the field of sales and management training.

Today Brian owns a growing chain of restaurants in the Atlanta area while he splits his time between the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, and Clearwater Beach, Florida.

As always this show is brought to you by Tribe and Purpose.  You’ve put the work in but you’re not sure how to reap the rewards. It’s time to focus on the success you have planned for yourself and your team.
The Tribe + Purpose team can guide you to build on that success to have even more.
Learn more at www.tribe-purpose.com
You can email brian@wrig1.com
or connect with him on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-will-07823b6