The Mental Manager

#12 We are all messed up: A podcast episode with Marcus Cauchi, Channel Hypergrowth Expert, Leadership Coach and Podcast Host

Silke Ahrens, Martin Baehrenz & Marcus Cauchi Season 1 Episode 11

In welcoming our second guest to the Mental Manager podcast we are pleased to have the legend that is Marcus Cauchi join us for a frank conversation in this episode. 

Marcus has been coaching leadership and sellers in high pressure environments for the past 16 years, he is co-author of the highly recommended "Making Channel Sales Work" and with "The Inquisitor" and "#Scaleups and #Hypergrowth Podcast" is the host of two successful podcast formats in which he regularly dissects the habits of top performing, visionary leaders. 

Our truly wide ranging conversation starts off with nerfguns and pacifism, covers the human condition, how getting fired a day before Christmas turned out to be a good thing, being a slave to habits, dives into self-sabotage and into the 4 essential functions of a manager and we finish with acts of courage and how a good breakfast and diary blocking are a base for a great day. 

If you would like to find out more about Marcus or get in touch:

Marcus Cauchi on LinkedIn:

#Scaleups and #Hypergrowth podcast: Podbean:


Making Channel Sales Work (includes a free chapter):