Living Proof with Bishop Joseph Castillo

A Voice in the Wilderness

July 20, 2020 Bishop Joseph Castillo Season 4 Episode 13

In this powerful prophetic message we invite you to not only listen but read the actual test below from the Passion Translation.

Matthew 3:1

    "It was at this time that John the Baptizer[a] began to preach in the desert of Judah.[b] His message was this: 2 “The realm of heaven’s kingdom[c] is about to appear—so you’d better keep turning away from evil and turn back to God!”[d]

3 Isaiah was referring to John when he prophesied:

A thunderous voice! One will be crying out in the wilderness,
    “Prepare yourself for the Lord’s coming
    and level a straight path inside your hearts for him.”[e]

4 Now, John wore clothing made from camel’s hair, tied at his waist with a leather strap, and his food consisted of dried locusts[f] and wild honey. 5 A steady stream of people from Jerusalem, all the surrounding countryside,[g] and the region near the Jordan came out to the wilderness to be baptized by him. 6 And while they were publicly confessing their sins, he would immerse them in the Jordan River.

7 But when he saw many coming from among the wealthy elite of Jewish society[h] and many of the religious leaders known as Pharisees[i] coming to witness the baptism, he began to denounce them, saying, “You offspring of vipers! Who warned you to slither away like snakes from the fire of God’s judgment?[j]8 You must prove your repentance by a changed life. 9 And don’t presume you can get away with merely saying to yourselves, ‘But we’re Abraham’s descendants!’ For I tell you, God can awaken these stones to become sons of Abraham![k]10 The axe[l] is now ready to cut down the trees at their very roots. Every fruitless, rotten tree will be chopped down and thrown into the fire."

Bishop Castillo has been revisiting the NT starting from Matthew in his devotion and meditation and as he got into this 3rd chapter of Matthew God began to show him a blue print of a 5 fold ministry whose calling and sphere is the impact the nations. There is a stark warning and trap that has come to everyone of Gods servants.

Now join us for a fresh word from God by our The River Tulsa very own Dr. Joseph Castillo

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