Living Proof with Bishop Joseph Castillo

Blood Brothers pt.1a

Joseph Castillo Season 3 Episode 1

How could a human defile heaven?

How could animal blood be used to cover sins, and to make covenant with God? 

If the old covenant was made my a man (Abraham) and God, who was the second covenant made between? 

What did Jesus do from the time of the resurrection till the final ascension? 

These along with several other mysteries will be dealt with in our latest series by Bishop Joseph Castillo opens layers and layers of revelation concerning the Blood Covenant. 

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Speaker 2:

In church we have something called sacraments. A sacrament is defined as a"Christian rite that is ordained by Christ and that is a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality". One of these means of partaking of divine grace is popularly called sacrement of communion, or what is called the Lords Table. Jesus when creating this sacrement he said"this is my covenant", so I would like us to have a shift in our thinking and how we approach communion. You know, sometimes when you change a translation or you change the terminology, you can strip away meaning. Have you ever noticed noticed that? But when you change a translation or you re-word something you that you were too familiar with, and find new verbiage, you remove the religion off and find the spirit of it. For example, when I heard my Bishop, Chito Sanchez teaching on discipleship, he read Ephesians that says"for the equipping of the saints", I've heard"equipping of the saints" so many times over the last 30 years that it means nothing at all to me.


But when he read it from another version that said to prepare the Christians for"works of service", and it said something totally new to me. I said, wow, it totally shifted my thinking that I'm not supposed to just preach the word to equip the saints. Because I thought, equip, equip, equip means; preach, preach, preach. But the translation"works of service" means that in order to prepare for works of service they need be be sat down with one on one, physically sitting down and talking to people and doing works together with them. So stripping the religion off of a text can bring the truth to light. Religion seeps in when something becomes traditional. When you traditionally hear sayings and biblical terms in Christian expressions of speech, and you hear them all the time in the church community and you read about them, and you hear them, and we use them, they can become traditions, and they begin to lose its impact in our lives.

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So I want to introduce another paradigm shift to help us look at things in a living way. So that the truth can shine brighter in a relevant way. So lets call this the Table of Covenant. And when Jesus sat down with his disciples and he poured the wine and he had the bread, he said, this is my covenant, this is my blood. And they all knew that they were participating in a covenant ceremony. So we're going to study about covenant and our place in God's plan.


So what in the world is a covenant? Covenant means to means to cut. So we understand the covenant is where two parties coming together and there being a cut made by both parties would make a covenant as someone would make and incesion on their body and they would put it together with the other party' cut and they would mix their blood together. Then sometimes they would take that blood and they would mix it in a glass of wine and they would mix that wine together with the blood and would use it come into a blood covenant.

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Im not just talking about heathen tradition for even the children practiced covenant, and even covenant itself was something that was initiated by God. As a matter of fact, the very first covenant with man could be alluded to in the garden of Eden. When you see Adam and Eve sinned, they began to make aprons from leaves and they tried to cover themselves.


But God did not think that was good enough, so we see later on that God himself provided for them, some kind of animal skin covering. God himself came down, and we find this in the book of Genesis where he must have slew an animal to take its skin off the animal and He covered Adam and Eve himself.

Speaker 2:

A covenant can be defined as a mutual agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts. This applies to engagements entered into by and with the Divine being as revealed in scriptures. So we're going to look at some examples of covenant, and one of them is the marriage covenant. And we'll see how the marriage covenant paints the perfect picture of a blood covenant.


The key to covenant is being loyal to the other party. It is never simply an agreement to perform some external duty, but it is being loyal to another party. Interesting enough, when you come into covenant with somebody, one of the common things that you would have to do is list all of your liabilities and list all of your assets. So for example, if I would say in a, say a wedding over coming together as a husband and wife, she takes on my student loans, right? She takes all my credit card debt. If I have a car loan, she takes on every that that I have, every creditor that wants to get me is now also her responsibility. But every asset that I have is also harassed at two. So now she has access to my banks, to my money, to my houses or my cars are. So she gets my, my liabilities as she gets my assets in marriage. Right? But also I get her assets and I get her liabilities. I get her crazy mother-in-law. Well her mother, my mother in law, I get her screwy uncle Louie and oh I, you know, I, I get all of her assets and liabilities to. I also get her rich uncle Wong, you know, so now we need a new car.

Speaker 2:

We call rich uncle, long winded alone, you know, so I get her assets and I get her liabilities. So in a true covenant exchange as an exchange between not only the assets that they have, but also the liabilities. So if you're going to be in covenant relationship with the Church, your time is a token that you are in covenant with the Church. See it's. You could do communion at home, right alone at home, but communion was never intended to be taken alone at home. Communion was this covenant was intended to be taken within community with the saints and that's why you will see in First Corinthians that communion was when we talk about communion or the Lord's table or the Covenant in the Book of Corinthians. It was done in the context of a community not offending your brothers and being gracious to them and forgiving them and forgiving those who have hurt you because the Lord's table covenant was supposed to be done in community. So also the time is as our token of our participation in the community. So it's not just your private type to God and that is your gift to God and God receives it, but it's also your gift to the community. You see that your tie. There's also your gift to the community, so my I have skin in the game. She has skin in the game, he has skin in the game, and we are tithers not only given to God, but it's also given to the community. Just like when we come to the blood covenant, we partake of the blood of the lamb, but us taking the blood of the lamb, us taking the body of the lamb also has everything to do with how I treat you and how I feel about you, so we can't just escape this kind of. I listened to nobody but God type mentality because that's not how the kingdom works. The Bible says, how can you obey and love God who you can't see and you can't love your neighbor who you can see?

Speaker 3:

You see the reason why we all see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 2:

Do you do you understand me? So everything that we do in the Lord is not just like, oh, I'll get my gift to God. I get my tithe to God if I don't die. That's just between me and God. No, it's also against your community too. And that's I went akin rob the ties, the whole community lost the war because it's a sin against the community and because of things like that, it's very serious. Even at an iris is a firearm that Mr appropriately, they're given a light about what they gave to the church. They were killed by the spirit of God in the New Testament, under the blood of Jesus in the church, for lying about what they were doing with their giving to the church, because you have to understand that your time is a token of covenant. That my assets and my liabilities. Look, you bring your liabilities to church. We know it because we got to deal with them every week. Amen. Some of you don't brush your teeth and I mean and we to deal with your liabilities a map, but we also should be able to access your assets to so who's really in covenant in the House of God. I know I know who in the churches. I'm not going to call anyone out, but I know who is in this church that everything they have in their bank is available for God if needed, and for me and my wife, everything we have every penny. We have our for our car. Everything we have is 100 percent available to be used for the church. There's nothing that we hold back from the church. We're in covenant with the Church and I know one to Lucy and some other people are too. We are in covenant with the Church. Whatever asset we have is at the table, and of course we all know you get our liabilities. Hey man, that's a given. Amen. But how many of us come to church and try and become part of a church community, but we're really not in covenant because we don't bring our assets to the church. Chew Covenant isn't. It isn't an exchange of everything that you have to be in relationship with somebody else. How many people are you're covering the brothers. I remember there was a time that we used to say like, this is my covenant brother. Yo Man. What's up my covenant brother? This is my covenant sister. Hallelujah. Can I get$5 for gas? Oh Man. Um, I don't have any money right now. I'm in. Things are tight. How many people in your life is really your covenant brother or your covenant sister? I could say for, you know, I, I don't know. I can't say both ways. I don't know, but I know as far as one way, I have a few people in my life that I at least would give them anything they ask if I have it in. If I don't have it, I would try and get a loan or try and do whatever I can do to help them out. There's a few people that I. I will say that I at least I'm in committed into that type of covenant, but how many people are really your covenant brother and sister that you know if you really needed it, they would fork up the money, empty out their bank account, sell what they have to sell to help you. Dr. somewhere else said if you have one or two covenant friends your whole life, you are wealthy above all men, so you have to really consider who are you really in covenant with WHO's really in covenant with you in Are you really in covenant with the Church and I'm not saying you have to be in covenant with this church, but I have to say this, that there are blessings in being in covenant. Amen. There are blessings to be in covenant. You don't have to be in covenant with anybody. You could just stay single your whole life and you know what? Some people say, I'd be happier if I'm single and maybe so, but according to Yahoo News, unhappily married people are happier than single people. Sweet Jesus. Isn't that something that Pete couples that are fighting all the time can't get along, yelling at each other. They're actually happier than the singles. Hallelujah. That was a survey done. I found that out in North America and I guess that there's a sense of security that you know what, we're always fighting at each other and we hate each other, but at least we know we got each other. Amen. So there's a sense of security there that makes them more happy than those who are single, dangerous statement. So what really is covenant? You know, we, we, we can use this term loosely, but covenant really means that all my assets and all my liabilities are totally surrender and they're at your disposal and yours also mine. Examples of covenant we're going to use is the old testament covenant sacrifice. Of the members ceremony, let's look at some parts of these marriage ceremony here. Number one, there's an agreement on the terms before you get into covenant with somebody, you better make sure there's agreement on the terms. I was with pastor favor last night from the aom and he was telling me how him and his wife before they had kids, they, they, they, they just discussed and agreed on every single point before they had kids. Unfortunately, after the kids came, everything changed, but at least they had an agreement before. May agree on the terms, know what you're getting into. Then there's the swearing an oath. Thirdly, there's the offering of a sacrifice, a sacrifice. That's what our tie. There's a token of that sacrifice in the, in the, in the house of God. Amen. Then there's the witnesses. Then there's the feast, and then there's the giving of gifts. These are different components of the marriage covenant. Now, let's look at first to get announcement of the change to single people entered. One united couple leaves, so to individuals come into a marriage ceremony, but when the ceremony is finished, they walk out as one flesh. Amen. Sharing each other's assets and liabilities. A marriage covenant is the death of our single nature and the new creation as a couple before God. So once you get married, and that's the hardest part, you know, is, is dying into that single nature. You know, I like to leave the toilet seat up. My wife likes me to put it down. I like to leave the lights on when I, when I come out of her room, she likes to turn the lights off and save the money, you know, so, so diane, into that single nature, you know, men, we like to just, when we come home, throw the socks on the window, you know, on the, on the lamp, on the Lampshade, throw our jacket on the, on the Sofa, and you know, kick off her shoes in the middle of the floor and you know, underwear hanging off the light sockets and you know, but when you get married, all of a sudden the, the woman's like, no, no, I did not marry wilbur the pig. Hallelujah. I've married prince charming. I thought, Hallelujah, and you better pick up your own socks. I didn't, I didn't. I didn't get into this marriage to be a nanny. Hallelujah. Pickup your own socks. Wash your own clothes. Amen. So it's the dying of that single, that, that single will. Amen. And it's that single nature dying. That is the difficult part. And I was just counseling. Daniel's getting married very soon and I told them, this is very difficult. You know, because you know sometimes you want to be right and in marriage sometimes you have to know that you're right, but say that you're wrong. Amen. As called death to self. Hallelujah, and then sometimes you find out that you were actually wrong on either. Yeah, but marriage is really about dying to yourself and the reason why people divorce is because somebody refuses to die to themselves. If both parties refused to die to themselves, then there is no way to reconcile that relationship. Somebody has to die. Say Amen in a in a marriage relationship, in, in a covenant relationship, say covenant relationship. Now we're using marriage, but I'm not talking about marriage and yet to understand. Paul talked about marriage and then Paul said, you got to understand, I'm not talking about marriage. Marriage is simply something that God gave us to give us a picture of covenant because the significant thing, the real thing that is dealing with eternity and is dealing with natural and physical and spiritual law is covenant and God gave us marriage to explain to us how covenant works. Because Adam was created for covenant. He was created not so he could just get married and have kids, but he was created so he can have covenant relationship with God and that covenant was lost and God said, I'm going to show you through the marriage how covenant supposed to work. Covenant means sacrificing. Amen. Let's meet our covenant sacrifice teams. Let's take a look here for covenants in the Old Testament. Genesis chapter nine. Let's take a look at genesis chapter nine. If you have a bible and we're going to see the next covenant that took place after the alluded garden of Eden Covenant. Let's take a look here at a very solid expression of covenant in Genesis Chapter Nine, and in your notes, you could just note down one to 17 and you could go home, read it on your own, but it says here in chapter nine verse one, that God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Does that sound familiar to you? Be Fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth. What does that sound familiar? Because that's what God initially intended to do through Adam. He told Adam, be fruitful. Multiply, replenish the earth, but Adam had failed in doing that, so now God is raising up. Noah. Don't think that if you stop ushering or you stopped working the sound and you stop singing, that the Lord is just not going to be able to continue the church. You're so important. God will get his work done anyways. Amen. And Adam failed bone, so he goes, okay, well let's go to noah. Be Fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl of the air and upon all that Moveth upon the earth. I need to teach this to my kids because every time they see a above, they don't understand that the fear of them is upon the bug. Hallelujah. They should not be afraid of the bug. Amen. Can somebody say Amen? We're afraid of snakes, were afraid of spiders. All kinds of things. The fear of you is upon them. Hallelujah. And upon all the fishes of the sea into your hand, are they delivered every morning? Excuse me. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you. Even that's for you brother, right there, nick. Hallelujah. I'm preaching to you back there. Wake up every moving thing liveth shall be meat for you. Amen. Say Amen and Greek. Kalia. Hallelujah. Even as the green herb, okay, there's one for you too. Okay. Even as degree, never have I given you all things, but flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof. You shall not eat and surely your blood of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast. I will require it. So we go on here and God begins to go down to verse 11. God begins to point out to noah how he's going to enter into this relationship. He says here in verse 11, I will establish my covenant with you. Neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of a flood. Neither shall there be any show any more. Be a flood to destroy the earth. And God said, this is the token, so you're tired. I said, is also a token of your covenant relationship with the Church. God says, I'm going to give you a token of the covenant which I made between me and you and every living creature that is with you for a perpetual generation. Do you know what that token was that it gave Noah? Yes. I see somebody doing like this, not washing your windows and the rainbow in the sky. The rainbow was God's token of his covenant that God would not do it again and he put the rainbow is a token that he would not judge the earth and he would not destroy all living by water. Again.

Speaker 4:

This is the next cover. Seek God

Speaker 2:

still moving forward. In looking at,

Speaker 3:

we'll see the miracle power of God. One thing we do is not lined up with the word of God. Genesis Chapter 15, but when we begin to learn about or can we begin to say man, few and not Abraham, I am buying, which included Abraham, God giving me inspiration. Can I go? Interesting. God is beginning to reveal himself to Abraham and Abraham was already. Everyone is an exclusive because it covenant. You should get something that's not say, oh, check your$49. No, because there is a train, there's something that you haven't gone on to something that God gives you and said, what are you going to get me gone, USBC and I go for your computer and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus. Abraham

Speaker 2:

said, behold to me now has given no seed and lo one born in my house is mine. Arab and behold, the word of the Lord came unto him saying, this shall not be vine heir, but he that shall come forth out of my own bowels shall be pine air, and God begins to now make a new covenant with Abraham. Now, this covenant that God made with Abraham is one of the most significant documents ever seen or given in world history.

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