Living Proof with Bishop Joseph Castillo

Blood Covenant 2A

Joseph Castillo Season 3 Episode 10

This is the second week into the series on Blood Covenant, we believe this is a critical  subject at this juncture we are in crossing over into 2019. The understanding of our covenant with God will be more important in the days ahead. 

The understanding of Covenant is the foundation for great exploits in these last days. This series was recorded at All Nations main campus in Beijing, China. Stay tunes next week for part b is this message. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to living proof, the Teaching Ministry of Joseph Kiss deals. We encourage you to listen to today's message over and over again so that the word of God will be in your spirit, be a blessing, share it with your friends and we pray that you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We also invite you to visit us

Speaker 2:

preaching the word of God. Amen. Hallelujah. So we're talking about blood covenant and just for review, I want to, I want to remind you a couple of things that we said last week. One of them is that a covenant is when, uh, when two parties exchange, uh, blood. When two parties exchange blood, they make a blood covenant. And we said that it being in covenant means being loyal to the other party is never simply an agreement to perform a duty, but as being loyal to the other party, loyal to death till death do us part. It's a blood covenant. Covenant is a mutual agreement between two or more parties. And this covenant is very powerful and we're going to look at a picture of the Covenant and the Covenant Marriage ceremony. We're going to look at a picture of the Covenant and the Covenant Marriage ceremony and we said that a covenant literally means to cut or to where blood flows. So two parties must put some sacrifice into this. I just can't give my own blood. Some of you guys are in relationships where you're giving your own blood, your own time, your own money, your own sweat, your own tears and it's a one way relationship that's not covenant. Amen. Covenant. Both parties have to sacrifice for it to be a covenant. Hallelujah, and they have to shed blood. We used to have an activity here where it was a lot of hard work and a lot of volunteerism for this particular outreach and I, and we were complaining about it. We said, it's so hard. We've got to volunteer. We got to come several times a week. We got to do all this work, and they said that that's the point. You have to put blood in it yourself for it to be successful and for it to be fruitful, you have to put your own sacrifice, your own time. You got to travel on the bus, you got to spend the money, you got to. We had to do a lot of money and time and traveling just to come to church, just to serve these people and his outreach that we did in our church, I think it was called encounter. And that the point was as you sacrificed, than you would see God move. Cause Covenant is two ways. Amen. So one of the, one of the covenant of pictures, we have his marriage and we'll look at that, but we said that there were several covenants in the Bible. We talked a little bit about some of these covenants we talked about. No a bit. We talked about Adam very briefly and we'll look at that more today. We talked about Abraham's covenant and we'll look at that too a little bit more today before we look at how marriage exemplify. His Covenant Covenant is very important. And we also talked about how Jesus had to cleanse the heavenly temple, how he had the cleanse, the holy of holies, how before he was touched by Thomas. He was almost touched by other disciples. And Jesus said, you cannot touch me cause I had not yet arisen to the father. And we find out why he could not be touched before he had went to heaven and Hebrews because he would tells us that he had to go to heaven and cleanse the holiest of holies. He had the cleanse that which was defiled by Adam's Sim. So we also discussed last week how Adam's sin could contaminate heaven. How was it possible the Adam's sin could contaminate happen? And in that we discussed how man's life is not just three dimensional on this earth, but there is a spiritual connection between the life that we live and another realm. Also, we understand that, that mankind is the highest authority in the universe undergone. And we discussed that last week. And then we discussed how can the blood of goats in bulls, the which were just a type and a shadow of what was to come. How could that cover our sins? It not being perfect, it not being human and not being, uh, you know, being from animals. And we discussed how in the spirit realm, how this was used as a type of a sign, as a type of, of, of, of a, of a, of something to come that was to come, which the, the, it was a shadow when a type, but Jesus blood was the actual thing. And that's why it could have tone. So we discussed several things, but I want to go back this week and I want to look at Genesis Chapter Three Verse 21 and we find in the Bible the very first place where blood was shed.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we all see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system. But when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of in depth Bible teaching and inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing when it's God's timing for a miracle, is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order. And we will throw in a free Usb, some drives for your computer along with your CD side.

Speaker 2:

And if you just read casually, you might not really notice it. But if you look and you meditate upon the word of God, you'll begin to discover there was a shedding of blood here. And Genesis chapter three we see Adam and eve have sinned against gum and we see that they heard the voice of God walking in the cool of the day. And the Bible says that they hid themselves because they knew that they were naked. Now my wife always asks me, why do you want to sleep naked? I see cause I'm redeemed. Hallelujah.

Speaker 4:

Hey Man,

Speaker 2:

as I tell my mother in law, Dapi coming in this bedroom in the morning, time to wake me up, she might get a a full moon. Hallelujah. In the morning time.

Speaker 4:

Amen. Hallelujah. Bless God. Hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

So they took fig leaves and they sewed them together to make aprons for themselves. But we see here that God felt that that was not good enough. And in verse 21 we see what we can look at. Verse 2021 and chapter three it says, an Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living. Hallelujah. I'm to add them. So we see Adam named his wife. God made them both Adam. God made them both Red Earth. He named them both men and Adam named his wife Eve and unto Adam also, and to his wife did the Lord God who, who did it? God. God made coats of skins and clothed them. So for God to make coats of skins, obviously God had to himself. And if you just just think about this as it's really hard to imagine. For some reason it's hard for me to imagine God doing something in the earth like killing an animal, skinning it, and then taking that skin and then making clothes for somebody. I don't know why. It's hard for me to imagine that because I pray, Oh God, heal this person and God blessed. So I expect God to like do things. But I have a hard time imagining that he could make a coat. But we see here in scripture that God himself took and slewed an animal's skin them and, and shed blood. And I believed that there was a type of covenant that took place here. And Theologians call it the Adamic covenant where he took and he shed blood and he sacrifices animals and he took the skins and he clothed them. Now, I always imagined a bear skin rug. You had all some wolf, like you know, some Nice Fox coat or something, but you know what? This might have been a nice snake skin, a nice snake skin covering. Hallelujah. You think God let that snakes live in a way without no judgment. I'm sure God cursed the devil and his skin that snake up. Hallelujah. And we have our first snakeskin boots say, man, Hallelujah. Then we get over to genesis chapter four and we look here at verse eight and we see another account of a shedding of blood and I want us to look at this shedding of blood here and genesis chapter four verse eight if somebody has any snake skin shoes, just say amen. Hallelujah. All Right, nice. Snakeskin walnut. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I should get some snake skin souls under my feet cause the devil's under my feet. Hallelujah. Amen. Oh, we got to snakes. Oh Hey, go. Hallelujah. We are not letting us make it away. Hallelujah. You're wearing it today. Hallelujah. That what the devil meant to hurt you. I'm wearing it in Jesus' name. Hallelujah. Unredeemed Matilda's. Hallelujah. Represent him. Praise the Lord. Genesis chapter four verse eight let's take a look at this. We see the account of Cain shedding the blood of his brother Abel, and it says here that Cain talked with Abel, his brother, and it came to pass. Obviously the conversation did not go well. I've had conversation with my assistant that did not go very well. Hallelujah. Before we hung up the phone, we were trying to kill each other.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we all see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system. But when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous a ma'am.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of in depth Bible teaching and inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order. And we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side.

Speaker 2:

And it came to pass when they were in field that Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him. So we see another shedding of blood here. And it says here that the Lord said to Cain, where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not am I my brother's keeper. And he said, what has done and the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me, say cry. Athan to mean say the voice of his blood. So we're seeing here for the very first time God revealing to us that blood has a Boyce liter off. We'll see that the Bible says that there's life in the blood, but here we're seeing the blood has a voice and the blood cries, blood cries out, and his blood here is crying out to God. And what does his bloody crying out? His blood is crying out. Guilty. Cain is guilty of my blood came did it. His blood is crying out. Guilty. Say guilty. Say his bloods crying out and his blood is crying out. Guilty. Amen. So it says verse 10 that the blood cries out unto me from the ground and now art thou cursed from the earth, which say from the earth, he's curves from the earth, which has opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand. Very interesting. The second time we see the shedding of blood, but this time we see the blood cries out something. We see that the earth receives the blood and we see that the blood is speaks. So I could assume that also when God shed the blood of that animal to cover Adam, that that blood also cried out something and that the earth also received that blood. What it says, what is said, how was it received, and what for? Those are things you can study. Amen. But let's take a look at here. Genesis chapter six we move on to the next place where we see shedding of blood taking place. Genesis chapter six and let's take a look here at verse 17 through 18

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God's speaking about judgments on the earth to Noah. Genesis chapter six verse 17 and behold, I even, I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh where m is the breath of life from under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die. This is the combination of a great blood sacrifice. Every person on the earth and every animal living she'll shed their blood shall die in judgment in verse 18 but with the say, but with the say a thousand may fall at my side say, but 10,000 may fall at my, my other side, but it shall not come nigh me. All the earth shall die. All the earth shall be destroyed, but with thee will I establish my covenant. And the covenant gave Noah what? Protection Covenant gives you protection. The other party. That covenant is swore to protect you. So now God's going to judge the Earth are God did judge the Earth, all the or shall die, but not with Noah and his because he's gonna make a covenant with him. And now shall come into the Ark. Thou and thy sons and thy wife say, my husband is sanctified by me. If you're married, Hallelujah. Say my husband, if you're married and saint defied by me, Hallelujah. You might have a husband that's, you know, serving God, not serving God, sometimes on fire, sometimes not on fire, but don't worry because the Bible tells us that your husband is sanctified by the wife. Hallelujah. And Noah's family was sanctified in covered by Noah's covenant. Amen. Hallelujah. And if you're here serving God, doing what's right, there's an extension of protection that could come to your family back in Africa, back in Philippines, back in America, because you're doing right before the Lord. Hallelujah. And your family can have a covering because of you. So because of my covenant with you, your wife, your sons, their wives, all of them shall be protected. Amen. Now let's look over at Chapter Seven Verse 21 and 22 time goes on. Things come about. You know the story. I believe you should know the story. Most of you. Amen. And we see in verse 21 all flesh died that moved upon the earth both fall. And if cattle and of beast and have every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And every man and all in whose nostrils was the breath of life and all that was in the dry land died. We see the shutting of massive amounts of guilty human blood. Now God begins to reset, reboot the earth using Noah and those in covenant with him. And in chapter eight we see in verse 20 God beginning to speak to Noah and beginning to reveal very powerful principles. I want you to see today as it says here, no upbuilding and alter eight 20 unto the Lord. And he took of every clean beast and of every clean foul and offered burnt offerings unto the Lord. I don't know about you, but if all the chicken and Turkey has been destroyed in the earth, I really don't want to give up anymore. Chars Hallelujah. This is some good barbecue that they could possibly eat. Oh, the other animals are dead. Hallelujah. I'm sure all the vegetation destroyed, but now he has his wife and his kids and their wives and he has only these animals on the Ark. And you know, I'd want to kind of save as much as I possibly can, you know? But he understands that he has to make a covenant with God. And the first thing he does when he comes out as he makes an offering and he takes what he has and he begins a sacrifice and give to the Lord and was 21 says this, the Lord smelled a sweet savor. Hallelujah. And the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake. So the next destruction that's coming to the earth, the last destruction, Armageddon as not for men sake, but it is for the judgment upon Satan and the devil. Amen. But he says, I will not destroy the gun anymore for a man's sake. Why? He says, because I know men are idiots. That's what he says here. Look at it. I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake. For the imagination of Man's heart is evil from the youth.

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If you're a parent, you don't need anyone to tell you that. That's not a revelation. If you're a parent, Hallelujah. Cause you know, kids start lying to you would like one and a half years old.

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my gun, Baba, did you have lunch at school today? No.

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And you know they're lying. They just want to have some chicken nuggets. They start laying before anyone could teach them the lie before they can have any bad influence. Kiss, start lying, conniving,

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And God says, I know that man's heart is evil from his youth. I haven't looked that word up in the Hebrew, but I wouldn't be surprised if that word actually means from your toddler hood. Hallelujah. Amen. You can look it up yourself. Say, ma'am, but from his youth, his hearts are evil. Neither will I against smite anymore. You know, God says I'm not going to curse to earth again for man's sake because men are evil from the youth. In other words, got a sane man is desperately wicked, hopefully wicked. And I understand that. And for this cause I will not destroy the earth again for man's. So God is saying, I understand your state and I'm not going to destroy the earth again because I understand that this is the state of mankind. Amen. But watch this, he's not going to smite the earth again.

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But while the earth remains seed time and harvest a seed time and harvest, so I'm not going to strike the earth anymore, but you have to understand that the earth will still remain seed time and harvest. So I'm not going to strike the earth and caused the earth to be destroyed and calls are meant to be destroyed because of their sins anymore. But you got to remember that the earth still remains seed time and harvest. Cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day shall not cease. So the laws of seed time and harvest, however, will never cease from the earth. Do you understand this? God will not curse the ground again, but seed time and harvest will not cease. And he begins in the very next chapter to explain how seed time and harvest works. Take a look at chapter nine verse one through seven. Do we have it on the screen? Yeah, let's read it together. Hallelujah. Let's start in verse one together. One, two, three. And God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth. And upon every fowl of the air, upon all that Moveth upon the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea into your hand, are they delivered? Every moving thing that liveth Shelby meets for you. Say Amen. Nikos and the green herb. Have I given you all things but flesh with the life thereof, which is the thereof you shall not eat and surely your blood of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast will I require it? And at the hand of man and at the hand of every man's brother, well, I require the life of man who is so sheds. Man's blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God made he man. And you be fruitful and multiply, bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein. Amen.

Speaker 5:


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So we see here,

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a couple of things. One, we see here at the the the third revelation about blood. The earth receives it. One. Number two, it cries out and number three, we see that there's life in the blood. Did you see that here? Did you see that as you read that there's life in the blood and then we find another thing. We find that the laws of seed time and harvest, even though Gosh, is that will not smite the earth for math sake anymore. The laws of seed time and harvest will not cease and whosoever shed with a man's blood,

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Their blood shall be shed by beast by another man's hand or by another man, his brother's hand, but their life shall be.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of in depth Bible teaching and inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When it's God's timing for a miracle, is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order. And we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side

Speaker 2:

side of them if they take a man's life because man is made in the image of God and other words, you shall not escape the laws of seed, time and harvest. And other words, if you take another man's life and their or their Auntie, their uncle, you know, sometimes these dictators, they'll come into power and they'll kill the opposition. And not only were they killed the opposition, but the of go after the cousins and the relatives and the children. Am I right? And the reason they'll kill them all is to stop retaliation. But what they don't understand is it laws of seed time and harvest that as they kill somebody else, even if they wipe out any human that would avenge them, that still even the beast of the field will come and avenge them.

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because they cannot escape the laws of seed time and harvest. They shall not cease. This is why we pray for mercy. That word mercy in its original language actually means to avoid judgment. Somebody say, mercy, how can we live without the mercies of God? David prayed, how can we live without God's mercies? Amen. Because we've all had the bad seeds and it's only the mercy of God that can negate that harvest of judgment that should come for sewing bad seats. Amen. Now, I know there was a time years ago where seedtime and harvest was always preached about as a result of you reap what you sow, you reap what you sow, meaning you're going to reap judgment for your sins. Then the prosperity movement came and we totally forgot that one, and now reap what you sow. Reap. What you sow was about a five so$1 God will bless you with$100

Speaker 6:

praise the Lord. I trust you are blessed and encouraged. We have more on this serious coming to you next week. So tune in next week and catch the broadcast. Make sure you call and send in a donation, sending a seed. Support this ministry. If it's blessed you in any way, if you think it will bless and encourage others, your financial support is very important. If you go to our website,[inaudible] dot com four slash store you could get some of our ministry products, CD's, and we'll be offering the DVDs of all these sermons coming soon. So go visit us online like us on Facebook at our youtube channel. Where are you going to get a bunch of bonus materials? Everything that you don't see on the show, you're going to get that on the youtube channel and have church at Youtube and be blessed and encouraged. We love you. We want to encourage you to read it, how's of our fathers, and also dig new wells from what God's going to do. Our generation.

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