Living Proof with Bishop Joseph Castillo

Blood Covenant 2B

January 14, 2019 Joseph Castillo Season 3 Episode 11

This is the second week into the series on Blood Covenant, we believe this is a critical  subject at this juncture we are in crossing over into 2019. The understanding of our covenant with God will be more important in the days ahead. 

The understanding of Covenant is the foundation for great exploits in these last days. This series was recorded at All Nations main campus in Beijing, China. Stay tunes next week for part C is this message. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to living proof the Teaching Ministry of Joseph Deals. We encourage you to listen to today's message over and over again, so that the word of God will be in your spirit, be a blessing, share it with your friends, and we pray that you'll be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We also invite you to visit us

Speaker 2:

Amen. And then that has been preached for 20 years. So much so that we have forgotten that if you sow corruption, you'll reap corruption. Because we focus so much on is so in positive things, you'll read positive things, and that's true. And we don't throw that baby out with the bath water, but we also don't throw away the original, uh, emphasis that was on during the holiness movement, which was that if you sow corruption, you'll reap corruption. Amen. So God says, I'm not going to strike the earth anymore and destroy all Mac guy because I know that they're crazy from a young child. But he said the laws of seed time and harvest will still remain and will not cease. Hallelujah. Let's take a look here. The original mandate we see come in again to Noah, verse seven be fruitful, multiply, bring forth abundantly fill the earth was the original mandate that God gave Adam that God now is giving to Noah. Isn't that interesting? Now we look at the next covenant, Genesis Chapter 15 and we are building a picture of covenant from the very first book of the Bible. I have to believe that the very last book of the Bible has some very important things, but I also believe that very first book of the Bible has some very important things and it's so interesting that the very first book of the histories of all the universe and the history that will unfold them all creation and all humanity, that God is painting a picture from genesis one all the way through of covenant, Covenant, Covenant, Covenant, Covenant. Because everything that God is doing in this earth is based upon a covenant parts of a marriage, covenant agreement on the terms, swearing an oath and offered up a sacrifice, witnesses a feast and the giving of gifts. So there has to be terms, agreements. Oh sworn. Then the has to be sacrifice and in a blood covenant there's a sacrifice of blood that takes place. So we see and Genesis Chapter 15 God himself comes down just like he did with Abraham, excuse me, with Adam himself came down and participated and a shedding of blood here. God comes down to, let's take a look at it in verse 19 through 18 these eight verses, Genesis 15 God tells him now that he's sworn the oaths given the exchange of vows, he says this, he says unto him, take me a half of three years old. And as she goat of three years old and a ram of three years old and a turtle dove and a young pigeon, and he took unto him all these and he divided them in the mists and lead each piece one against another. But the, the birds, he divided not so here, God tells him, go get these animals. We should cut them in half. Now I'm from Chicago and all of our meat comes in the grocery store, prepackaged without bones, without eyeballs in cute little clean looking packages. But when I was in Hawaii with with uh, Kim and Kim, they had us to kill a chicken. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life because in Chicago we don't really see much blood and everything's prepackaged, blood drained, you know your fish, your fish comes breaded, they come a little sticks with a breading around them in a box and you just take that out and you bake it for like 10 minutes and you have fish sticks. That's how we eat fish in Chicago. Amen. Here they come with tails and eyeballs. The first time I ate with an African was in France. I was with some Congoli and they had a whole fish fins and eyeballs and tails and they, I said, what is is? What is this? It looked like a burnt offering. Like they just took it out of the, out of the ocean is burned for the Lord is a burnt offering and be honest with you, I was like, where's Mcdonald's at? Hallelujah. I couldn't wait to go to Mcdonald's, but now actually

Speaker 3:

you see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system. But when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of in depth Bible teaching and inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When it's God's timing for a miracle, is it God's will to heal? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order. And we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side

Speaker 2:

like fish. And I don't mind the eyes and the tails off. I'm a bit more traveling that way, ma'am.

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but here he has to cut these up and we in Hawaii, they taught us how to pluck a chicken, right? They told us, you know, it knows you city focuses, it'll be interesting for you. They took this chicken and then they put it in this hot hot boiling water and it smelled like chicken soup actually. And the reason why they put it in the hot boiling waters, cause it's easier to take the feathers off. So you put it in this hot boiling water and then the Fed has come right off real easy. And then you kind of wash it off and then these cut the chicken's head off. No first in that it was cut his head off. Yeah first and it was cut its head off and that was disgusting. But I wanted to get some pitches. I had my camera, I was taking a video of it because you know, being a city slicker, we've never seen nothing like this before. So they could look like a Buddhist ceremony or something, you know, they cut the chicken's head off and, and the dip it in hot water and plucking the chicken. It was just really gruesome. No wonder you're not, you're a vegetarian. Hallelujah. After that I didn't want to eat it either. Hey Ma, I was so, give me a salad for dinner and Hallelujah. But they, they, they cut this animal and it's a bloody thing. It's, it's kind of a bloody thing. And, and he in here, he has to take all these animals, a halfer and a goat. And he has this slice, these big animals apart and, and the blood everywhere and, and, and, and put them side by side. And this is a bloody, it doesn't look like a worship service.

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Really, it doesn't look like a worship service, but you have to understand that this is bloody amen. Our sin is bloody. And his sacrifice was bloody. Hallelujah. In verse 11 and when the files came down upon the carcasses, Abraham drove them away. Hallelujah. And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon him. And Lo, a whore of great darkness fell upon him. And he said unto Abraham, know of a surety that I see the shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs. And they show serve them and they shot a flick them for 400 years. So it's very interesting that God is telling Abraham, I'm making this covenant with you and I'm going to do all these blessings, but your children are going to go to slavery for 400 years.

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and also that nation whom they shall serve, will I judge? That's Egypt and afterward shall they come out with great substance. So you're chill, you're your c is going to go through some things, but I'm good. Deliver them with abundance. Hallelujah. And I'll, she'll go to die fathers in peace and thou shall be buried in a good old age. Somebody say Amen. That's part of your covenant to be buried at a good old age. You know, Janice, Galatians chapter three verse 29 says, if you're a Christ, then you're Abraham's seed and heirs according to his promise. So I'm not expecting to die early. I'm expecting the die at a good old age. Hallelujah. That's your covenant. A promise right there. Circle that. If you're getting old, how they do. Yeah,

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But in the fourth generation, they should come hither again for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. And it came to pass that when the sun went down and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace and a burning lamp passed between those pieces.

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The presence of God himself came and walked in that blood.

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and in that same day, the Lord made a covenant with Abraham saying unto thy seed, have I given you this land from the Great River of Egypt unto the Great River of the Euphrates? God made a covenant that day with Abraham all throughout the old testament and even throughout the entire New Testament, you hear about the Covenant of Abraham that that Covenant of Abraham is now also,

Speaker 3:

you see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours in depth Bible teaching, inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone. This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order. And we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side,

Speaker 2:

our covenant. But this God did not have to have someone take the blood of animals. But this time God took the blood that was actually required for him to come into a real covenant. Because remember of covenant blood has to be shed by both parties. Man has to shed his blood and God also has to shed his blood. And in Jesus we have fully God and we have fully man. And this has been debated about for many years. It was Jesus. You know, all God, all man, it was his spear, was he half? Man, you know, and this has been debated about, but the truth is he is fully God and fully man. So Jesus representing mankind as your elder brother, he was able to represent your part of the covenant just like Abraham was able to, to represent the man's part of the covenant. But what was missing was the blood of God himself. So Jesus being both fully God and boastfully man was able to to to shed his blood on the cross, making a covenant that should be because the covenant of Abraham. See and understand that, that the covenant that God made with Abraham was going to be broken and it was broken, continually, continually broken. So we see when when Moses comes along and they come into the Wilderness, God has to begin to institute some ceremonial coverings. The covenant was made already. They weren't, they weren't going into the temple and sacrificing animals and putting blood on the mercy seat to make new covenants. The covenant has already been made. When God himself walked in the blood, what they were doing was they were doing a ceremony to try him. A chignon meant the covenant that they broke by their sins because in the covenant they were supposed to Walk Upright, to be perfect and to be right before the Lord. And God knew that mankind with this sin nature that was passed down from Adam, had no ability to fulfill their side of the covenants and got, also knew that he was going to have to come himself and shed his sinless blood and on behalf of God's sacrifice. And it come as a man on behalf of mass sacrifice. And he knew that that would come to, you know, thousands of years later. So in the meantime, he had the use a ceremony of a sacrifice to cover the sentence. Do you hear me? But when Jesus came and was no longer a covering, but it was an atonement, it was a remission. So these words, atonement and these words, remission are new testament words. They're words that we don't really, we didn't have an understanding of in the Old Testament, under the old covenant, because was not a southern. They could give us through the blood of bulls and goats and and in, in halfers. And so forth. But now in the New Testament, the blood of Jesus is able to not just give us a covering, but and the Toman atoma means a payment for meaning. Your sins are paid in full. Hallelujah. Your sins are paid in full, and that's good news. Hallelujah. Now, as we make mistakes and as we have struggles and as we fall, we break fellowship with God, but the Bible assures us in First John Chapter one take a look at that. And first John one the Bible assures us in First John one that there is a remedy to restore the fellowship because sin still separates from God. So, but you're assuming separate from your fellowship with God. Amen. But your sins have already been paid for. So in order to restore your fellowship with God, you need to not be saved again, not be born again. Again. Some people as some churches, they come to the altar call every week. Every time there's an altar call for salvation, the same people come up again and again and again because they think they need to be saved all over again. You don't need to be saved all over again. If you sinned, you simply broken your fellowship and the remedy for breaking your fellowship with God is to confess your sin. It says here in First John Chapter One let's take a look at this. Let's look at verse seven eight and nine. If we walk in the light as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another. How many know when you have a brother, his sisters living in secret sin? Sometimes they start to disappear. They don't call you up anymore. You don't see him on Wednesday night prayers. All of a sudden they start kind of disappearing from the fellowship because they're hiding something. But if you walk in might as we are in the night, we have good fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son cleanses us from all sin. Hallelujah. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. Isn't that interesting? You say you don't have any sin. You're a liar, you and you've lied to yourself first and the true thing in you. But if we confess our sins, you don't have to get saved again. But it says, if you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all on righteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in us. My little children, these things I write to you that you sit, not, he didn't write these things. You could just keep on sinning and just keep confessing his do it again. You know, like I'm a bank robber and I, Oh, you know, I just robbed a bank and then I just confessed to the lord and I go hit the next bank and I confess to the Lord, I just go hit the next big Hallelujah. I'm getting rich off this confession business. Hallelujah. Hey Man, don't get rich off the confession business. He says that, I said this so that you sin not and other words because you can make it right with God by just being honest and open. It could fasten fastener with him. You can have your fellowship restored with him, but the purpose of restoring your fellowship as Nice, you could hit up another bank. Hallelujah. No, I've never robbed a bank. Hallelujah. Out of a lot of the things I have done, I've never robbed a bank. Amen. I'm not going to get into what I have done though, cause that's under the blood.

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But you have to see,

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if you remember your sins,

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you make God a liar. Even if you remember the says that you did last night.

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after you confessed, you make God a liar because either he's right or your right, either he is right or the devil's writes and he says that if you can a fast your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. You see the old covenant that blood of animals could just cover but the blood of Jesus doesn't cover it. Remits. It had tones, it, it cleanses, it sends away just like you've never done anything wrong. So until you get this revelation, you're never going to be able to walk in your full sun ship until you get this revelation. Until you can walk before God and go to God in prayer with the sense of complete holiness and righteousness just like Jesus, you'll never be able to fulfill your potential.

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The reason why somebody can go to prayer and receive answer prayers like nothing is because they have a revelation of their righteousness that their righteousness is not based upon whether they have sinned or not, but the righteous says based upon their faith in God's word that he has a tone there. Since that's why it says we could come boldly to the throne room of grace. We can come boldly to God in prayer, believing in competence and matter of fact, every place where we see the word whatsoever, you ask in my name, if you ask in my name, I'll do it. That word ask is actually in the Greek meaning more to demand. And you've got to understand you're not demanding from God because you don't demand nothing from God, but you're demanding that the natural ground line up with what God said. Hallelujah. So if you're praying for a sick body, you're demanding that that sick body line up with the fact that Jesus took sickness and it is illegal and you demanded to line up.

Speaker 5:

Praise the Lord. I trust you were blessed. Ending courage. We have more on this series coming to you next week. So tune in next week and catch the broadcast. Make sure you call and send in a donation, sending a seed, support this ministry if it's blessed you in any way, if you think it will bless and encourage others, your financial support is very important. If you go to our website and if four slash store you could get some of our ministry products, CD's and we'll be offering the DVDs of all these sermons coming soon. So go visit us online like us on Facebook at our youtube channel. Where are you going to get a bunch of bonus materials? Everything that you don't see on the show, you're going to get that on the youtube channel and have church at Youtube and be blessed and encouraged. We love you. We want to encourage you to read how's of our fathers and also dig new wells for what God's going to do. Our generation.

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